My Super Estate

Question 2443

Chapter 2334 The luck of the day is coming

Heaven, it is always so fair, no matter what you want to do, but as long as you have not done it, there will not be any reduction in your luck.

Under the surveillance of the human race heaven and heaven, under the surveillance of the human race heaven and heaven, all the people of the Clan of Wars, even if they have planned in their hearts, want to kill the human race, even if they are already in an action, However, at least they haven't done it yet. He still hasn't slaughtered the strong human race and corrupted the human race.

Therefore, they are still part of the human race Heavenly Path, and their luck is still so prosperous.

Therefore, when Wang Yang chopped off frugally, and the King of Gods of the Hundred Wars died, his luck really entered the deficit, which was a lot of zeros after a negative.


This is a more exaggerated luck punishment than the former purple yarn dragon king, because Lei Yun is too vast and has a boundless feeling.

That Thunder, I don’t know if it’s one hundred thousand, or one million.


Such a vast thunder cloud, such a dense thunder, even if it has just experienced a purple yarn dragon king, at this time, it also completely changed his face.

"Dragon King, how can this scale be bigger than you?"

Jiuling Xingjun was a little ecstatic, and likewise, there was some panic.

He was proud of the feat of the Purple Dragon King, and he secretly vowed that he also improved his strength so quickly.

Facing the powerful Devil alone, he does not have that strength nor that confidence. However, if, at a certain time, he is a hundred times more confident when facing some people whose strength is weaker than himself.

Because, behind him, relying on a powerful dragon family, even if it is to retaliate, no one dares to come to the door.

But what is going on now?

How could it be so scary?

Some of the confidence I just had was beaten.

"Do you think the punishment of luck is a reward for you? Or a test for you?"

Jiu Xingjun's heart trembled.

Luck punishment is a punishment, not a reward, nor a test, but a real death.Unless it is a special period, absolutely no one dares to be arrogant.

It is now such a time when the rooftop is in this world, the real world and the unreal universe are bordered, the rules are hedged, and the punishment for luck is slightly lowered. Only then will anyone dare to take a risk, otherwise, there will be no death.

All kinds of information about the punishment of Qi Yun naturally appeared in my mind, and Jiu Xingjun's heart was trembling.

He felt that he was a little bloated.

No, it should be swollen, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for me to be so bold and dare to try it.

What about the outside world, at this time, it has nothing to do with Wang Yang, even if it has already appeared and wants to revenge for the clan of the Clan of Gods of War, at this time, it must also retreat and dare not move forward.

However, Wang Yang raised his head at this time, but clearly saw that a supreme heavenly prestige naturally fell on his own head.

That kind of coercion is so terrible, it seems to be a million-foot male mountain, pressing on itself.

Fortune punishment is here.


Thunder rolled, and then, you can see that a hundred thunders quickly merged together. Then, it turned into a sword that splits the sky, and it was a fierce split towards Wang Yang.

Wang Yang is a monster that can't be tolerated.

At this moment, Wang Yang's most obvious feeling is that in his own spiritual world, it is directly transformed into an iron plate. Even if his own will is strong and the spiritual power wants to mobilize, it is still extremely difficult.

Spiritual force is soldier, and will is handsome.

No matter how powerful the marshal is, there are no soldiers in his hand, and it is also difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. No matter how powerful your will is, there is no role other than that tall identity.

"Thunder's power is already so strong, coupled with strong mental pressure, I can't wait for luck and punishment, so hard!"

The power of the Thunder is already extremely powerful, at least one level of strength with his own cosmic sovereign. Even, even if he cultivates himself into a chemical avenue, it is still very difficult to want him to explode more powerful than it.

"Jin Chuan is not bad!"

At this time, Wang Yang could only use his own avenue of fortune as the foundation to support his own admirable magical power, such as his golden bell refining body.

Daoxing is fundamental and magical power is the means.

Smart means, the same power, can erupt into more terrible power.

I saw a golden bell buckled on Wang Yang's head.

In the past, this was Wang Yang's greatest means, which was called invincible defense.

However, such a method, after stepping into the ranks of the universe, has been seldom used. What kind of power he has, he does not know.


Thunder was like a sword, slashing hard above the golden bell.


Admiralty exercise has always been a great magical skill of Wang Yang.

This has always been an invincible defense, and no one can break it.

It is a pity that such a myth is finally broken.

Under Thunder Sky's punishment, even the admirable body of the Admiralty that he was once proud of, was destroyed in one blow.


Thunder hit hard on Wang Yang.


For a long time, Wang Yang seems to be omnipotent, and he is calm and unhurried in the face of the Hundred-War God Race, even the Hundred-War God King.

When it is time to shoot, you will never be soft.The impression left on others is extremely profound.

However, at this moment, he was the stupid stupid pile. Under Thunder Sky's punishment, there was no response. Then, he was severely split on the top of his head.

A powerful thunder, like a ubiquitous knife, cuts back and forth on his body, making him invincible, and suddenly, he gushed blood and ran out.


Some injuries that had just been suppressed were pulled out again, and the injuries were a bit heavier.


"He blocked, he blocked..."

I don’t know when Wang Yang’s popularity was so good. Just blocking the first wave of thunder punishment, there was a lot of cheers.


The cheers of others seemed like sharp blades, and they were firmly on the heart of the God of War.

Those who died in battle are all absolutely elite of their hundred war gods, but just now, all of them were directly killed by this damn quartet sovereign.

Now, these damn guys dare to cheer and laugh like this, and the God of War is full of anger.


The strength of Hundred Gods of War is indeed amazing, but with a sneer, it directly shocked most people present.

However, his voice mainly spreads in the direction of Wang Yang.

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