My Super Estate

Question 2442

Chapter 2345

The god of wars is destined!

Everyone will believe that this prestigious King of Wars won't last long.In the same way, the prince of the Quartet is even more ruthless and never merciless.


"Who dares to kill me the God of War?"

Suddenly, the sound of thunder sounded, and a figure flew out of the valley quickly.

This is an old man. At least, he looked very old. Although his vitality was extremely strong, his old appearance would not be fake.

However, such an old man, like an arrow, quickly came to the entrance of the valley.


With a big sleeve, Wang Yang's chemical field was naturally destroyed.


A large mouth of blood spewed out, and then the blood turned into arrows, launching a deadly attack on itself.

The earth has been transformed into souls, waving big hands, and attacking themselves. Space also has spiritual wisdom. Then, it turns into a creature, slashing in dimensions, and storms in space, attacking itself...

The air, the tabard, the sword, the stones, the trees, and even all other substances, at this moment, all turned into a respected creature, all kinds of magical powers, all greeted.

Even if the will is not firm, it is your own skin, your arms, your legs and feet, all turned into a terrible creature, attacking yourself.

too frightening.

For the first time, the God of Wars felt that this world was so dangerous.

"Great elder!!"

Looking at the suddenly appearing old man, the God of War, he almost did not cry.

The God of War never ignored the God of War, but just stared at Wang Yang with a cold eye and said, "Are you the Sifang Lord of the Sifang Star District?"

The Quartet Star Zone, in the universe, is very famous, and is named after the birth of geniuses in batches.

The Sifang Kingdom Lord is even more famous, because, according to legend, the most overlord of the Demon Race has already talked to him about it.

However, he is still alive and kicking, but this is enough to show that his is not ordinary.

"Dare not, you can call me the lord of the Quartet.

You can also call me Lord Shenshui Zhuang, but, I don’t know, who are you, can you talk about it?Sorry, the eyes are very raw."

"Old Man of God of War."

"What, God of War One?

According to legend, the last time the rooftop was born, the brilliant God of War One?

How can you still be alive??"

Even if it is the sovereign of the universe, Shou Yuan, it is not endless, otherwise, there will not be so many people pursuing immortality.

In this world, only immortals and no gods can live forever.

Looking at this God of War I, the Golden Lion King was a little shocked.

How could this world be so dangerous?What time was the last time the rooftop appeared?

The last era?

When is it still?

The God of War turned gently to look at the Golden Lion King and said, "It turns out to be a descendant of the Lion King family.

The original Golden Lion King was extraordinary."

"You, do you know my ancestor?"

According to legend, the golden lion king, that was the last era, competed for the strongest main force of the fairy road.

No one knows whether it is a fairy or not, but the name is huge, especially among the lion kings.

The God of War I nodded affirmatively. Then, instead of ignoring the Golden Lion King, he looked at Wang Yang. The coldness was more obvious in his eyes.

"These people, you killed?"

"People who want to kill people will always kill them.

Now that you have decided to take our own human race as a step and go further, then you have to think that you may be killed by our own people directly."

"Very well, since that is the case, then you will die."

As the character who survived the present era from the last era, the absolute top lord, photographed with a palm, the entire void is completely fixed, even if Wang Yang's chemical field is naturally collapsed.

The earthy earth spirit is directly collapsed, and the faint void spirit is also dissipated, and the colorless air spirit seems to never appear.

The battle sword that turned into a peerless swordsman quickly turned into the original battle sword.

Everything is restored, only Wang Yang seems to be under the huge palm.

Wang Yang raised his head and looked at the sky.

He can clearly feel that his luck is falling rapidly. If, before that, his luck is one hundred, then, after he slaughtered all the people of the Clan of Wars, the luck has fallen. To just ten or even nine.

When his luck value dropped the lowest, in this legend, old antiques that had died for countless years had already flown out of the valley.

"This, this is the luck of luck?"

Wang Yang didn't care about the attack of the God of War One, but this change in luck made Wang anode pay attention.

Luck is not strong, and all kinds of unlucky things are one after another.

When his luck fell to the lowest, I just wanted to kill the King of Warriors. This God of Warriors 1 has already appeared.

If you decide to kill this king of wars, what will happen?

Looking at the mid-air, faintly, Wang Yang can see that a thread of thunder is constantly converging, and even, it is a side of the world that is naturally pulled apart.

"You think you can save him?"

Wang Yang couldn't move, but his tone was very confident.

Now that the King of Gods of War is to be beheaded, it is absolutely forbidden to give up halfway.

"Da Sheng, if I don't shoot again, I will die!!"

This God of War One is extremely terrifying. Wang Yang is not an opponent, but he is not an opponent, and someone will always be his opponent.

Wang Yang shouted loudly and could not move, but some small movements were not difficult, for example, speaking loudly.

"Take my great grandson!"

Sure enough, Wang Yang was not disappointed. From the valley, an invincible golden hoop flew out, and it was hit hard against the God of War.

"This is the time."

Wang Yang's eyes lit up, and a purple micro-sword in his hand, with a hint of magical purple light, was slashed toward the King of Gods of War.

With the strength of the God of Hundred Wars, in the face of Wang Yang's blow, there can be no resistance.

However, his injury was too great, his strength had dropped by more than 70%, and it was even more impossible to think that once the God of War has appeared, he dared to shoot.

Without any precautions, the King of Wars was killed by Wang Yang with a sword.


In the void, there is only a long scream, which seems to prove that here, there is a top cosmic overlord who has been beheaded.

Similarly, the terrifying thunder breath is getting stronger and stronger.

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