My Super Estate

Question 2441 impossible

Chapter two hundred and forty-four choice?impossible.

At this time, Wang Yang faced a difficult choice.

This King of Wars comes from the Clan of Gods of War, legendary, the strong race of the universe.

It has a very close relationship with the Dragon people.

The God of Hundred Wars attacked himself and lost. It is very likely that he will be killed by these kings.

However, if you win, what should you do?

This is a very serious question.

In front of me, these bastards were already confused because of the appearance of the rooftop.

Human races cannot be civilized, they have been treated as farts.If you let him go, this bastard is very likely to not be grateful. In this era of flurry of demons, will it directly collude with the demons in secret and start working on their own Quartet?

In ordinary times, there is no such idea at all, because, under the human race, no one dares to be so arrogant?

Even if it is obviously an enemy, under the surveillance of the human race, it will secretly shoot at most, and it will be obvious, even if it is done directly, it is impossible. No one has the guts.

Obviously, before, the purple yarn dragon king had broken this restricted area, and she was the first to take action against the human race herself.

So, if you kill the King of Wars, will you also face the attack and revenge of the Gods of Wars?

"Think of Mao!

Everyone has come to the door so arrogantly, Lao Tzu is still here to choose this one?

Have you paid off?"

Soon, Wang Yang was so cursed in his heart.

I have always been a good baby, and I never dared to do something illegal.

However, this time, I really have to give it a try, what kind of scene it is to kill this king of war.

Also give those guys a warning, I will kill.

In Wang Yang's eyes, there was a flash of coldness.

As for killing people, they will face the punishment of luck.At this time, it was not remembered by Wang Yang.

Fortune punishment is always a bottom line.

It's just that, by contrast, people, in many cases, are even more bottomless.

Without a bottom line, how could it be possible to remember the so-called bottom line?

"Since it is already planned to kill the King of Wars, then there is no need for these Gods of Wars."

Wang Yang does not have to slaughter others for luck, but he cannot let others threaten himself.

Whether you are a human or a devil, you just want the enemy, then you are the damn person.

Now that you have broken the bottom line, you should not blame others for getting started.

I don't know when a black lotus blooms naturally, and then it turns into hundreds of phantoms, and naturally falls towards those gods of war.

"This Daoist!!"

Seeing that the black lotus was about to fall on the head of a goddess of the Hundred-War God Clan, and all the goddesses around, one by one, suddenly became nervous.

This black lotus flower looks shiny black. However, no one doubts that this black lotus flower will really be harmless to humans and animals.

However, for most people, at this time, there is only endless joy in their hearts.

The former Purple Sacred Dragon King is vividly remembered, and no one present will face another fierce character like Purple Sacred Dragon King.

Hundred-War God Clan wants to be the second of the Dragon Clan, and now someone jumps out and wants to shoot them to death, no one will have any opinions. On the contrary, one by one, they all even want them now. To die.

Seeing that the black lotus was about to fall, the voice of the purple yarn dragon king suddenly sounded.

"Why, you want to plead for them?

Or, do you want to get ahead of them??"

Zisha Dragon King is a big beauty, and this has never been opposed.

However, for Wang Yang, all of this is useless.The most indispensable thing in this world is all kinds of beauties. In every era, there are always one or two. However, for the martial arts strongmen who have hundreds of thousands of years of life, these are nothing but clouds.

Want to make people look at you differently because you are a beauty?

Don't think too much.

"They are the gods of war."

"so what?

In this world, it is difficult to be a person, it is difficult to be a person, it is difficult to be a person.

Demon races are rampant and there is no way to kill.

Our human race is always in deep water, and all kinds of cosmic storms can take away the lives of countless people at any time.

However, you have slaughtered the top strong of my human race because of your own desires?

Since that is the case, then it is better to kill you all."


The purple yarn dragon king did not speak, but Jiulong Xingjun jumped out, pointing at Wang Yang, his face full of anger.

Seeing that look, it seemed that he wished to swallow Wang Yang.

"In this world, no one is more noble than anyone else.

When you want to take action against others, you must first think about whether others will take action against you."

Wang Yang's voice fell, and the same fell, and those black lotus.


In the end, they are the God of War, and at the last moment of life, they are all soberly natural.

It's just that at this moment, when they were sober again, they had no effect anymore. I saw that the black lotus bloomed naturally, and then, all the Clan of Wars were engulfed by the blossoming black lotus, and then, In the void, a little black magic fire sounded.

However, at one and a half moments, only one hundred gods of war was left in the entire camp of the gods of war.


It seems that there is some induction, even in a special field, when all the people of the Clan of Gods of War are really dead, the King of Wars of God suddenly spit out blood.

However, this is a special field of creation, and blood has already been impacted by the will of the field, and then it can be quickly released from the control of the God of War.

"Beat bad guys, beat bad guys..."

The blood suddenly shouted loudly, and then it turned into a blood arrow and shot quickly towards the King of Gods of War.


Even the King of Gods of War is extremely high, and such a sudden blow is still beaten.

For a time, the blood of the God of War was even more bloody on the body. The whole person seemed to have become a brush, and various injuries suddenly broke out.


An extremely terrifying will, which turned into a wave, directly centered on the God of War of the Hundred, and struck in all directions.


This eruption of will was so terrible that even Wang Yang's chemical field was shocked for a moment.

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