My Super Estate

Chapter 2451 PK Purple Gauze Dragon King

Chapter two thousand three hundred and fifty-four PK purple yarn dragon king

"Take the king as a chicken?"

The entire Purple Dragon King is stunned: is this King not killing enough, or is this King's strength too weak?

Zishalongwang stared at Wang Yang, she wanted to see, what is the luck of this little young man in front of her eyes, so dare not to put herself in the eye like this?

"Dragon King!"

Jiulong Xingjun is the most angry, if it is not blocked by the Purple Dragon King, I am afraid that he has already rushed up.

His own dragon family, heweiwei name, was so threatened?

It's just eating bear heart leopard gall.

"It doesn't matter, since someone wants to treat us as a chicken, then today, we will stage a big play of chicken and fool."


Jiulong Xingjun grinned wide, he looked at Wang Yang's gaze, full of provocation, and even, in front of Wang Yang, made a throat cut.

Wang Yang dropped his pen, and his backhand was a sword. The sword was fiercely slashed. This sword simply didn't leave any hands at all, and went straight to take his Jiulong Xingjun's debt.

What is most surprising is that in that valley, there is a faint sound of sword roar in the faint, as if in that valley, there is a peerless sword fairy who exercises the fairy road with a sword to control the entire universe .

For a time, Wang Yang's sword was greatly improved, even if he was a cosmic sovereign, he had to retreat again and again.

Even many people have already left the valley. They feel that this place is no longer a place where they can stay.

However, in comparison, more powerful people come from the outside. There are more powerful people around, hidden and hidden. No one knows how many powerful people gather.

However, no matter how many strong men, under the horrible sword, they have to retreat again and again.

They felt that if they did not retreat, perhaps they would really die.


The sword is too strong, just like in the heavens and the earth, all the power is controlled by the sword, and it is crushed towards the Jiulong Star King.

In the center of sword power, Jiulong Xingjun was horrified to find that he had already promoted the action he should have.


There is a big mountain in the spiritual world. The mountain always keeps him pressed. He wants to act. Similarly, he wants to shoot and want to fight back. However, his will cannot mobilize his spiritual power and cannot control himself. His flesh can only be opened, looking at the sword, slashing towards himself fiercely.

Under this sword, the void is still, it seems that even the void, even time, is under such a sword, and it is naturally suppressed.

Jiulong Xingjun is desperate.

He knows clearly that the four princes really want to kill themselves. At this moment, even the Purple Dragon King, I am afraid that they will not be able to save themselves.

This kind of sword, most people can't bear it, because the distance between them and the battlefield is already far enough to retreat and then retreat, but under this sword, it is still involuntarily retreating.

However, there is a person who did not retreat. On the contrary, she was facing the sword, and the brave was attacking the past.


The loud Long Yin made a terrible ripple appear in this space.

This terrible ripple, and no other power manifested, but a sound of Long Yin seemed like a signal, Long Yin sounded in the body of Jiulong Xingjun.

Then, just now, in any case, Jiulong Xingjun, who could not move, could move.

This is a miracle.


It seemed to be the purple sword shadow of the sword of destruction, fiercely cleaved.

Zisha Dragon King, I don't know when it has appeared under the sword shadow.Jiulong Xingjun is down, Zisha Dragon King is up, Wang Yang shot, and failed again.

"Okay, Purple Silk Dragon King, Noda's reputation, today, let's take a good look. How powerful is your Purple Silk Dragon King?"

After the financial failure, Wang Yang was not angry. On the contrary, he was more happy.

If you want to respect the monkey, you must have a chicken with only a certain amount of weight. The purple yarn warrior king, barely, is enough for me.


With a loud shout, there was an endless pattern of manifestations behind him, which naturally condensed into a huge god mountain.

That's a chemical pattern.

Use the way of creation to control the way of the sword.

In the past, Wang Yang had never tried it. He always felt that there was something missing, always thinking that he could not succeed.

Nowadays, Wang Yang is finally used successfully. Daoxing has not improved much, but his strength has improved a lot.

How proud is the Purple Dragon King, 2 How can he be afraid of people?

At the moment, it was a face of arrogance, gritted his teeth, hated and said: "I am afraid you will not succeed?"

Squeezing a fist of Fan Xiu, facing the Jiangang like a mountain, he smashed it hard.


Good guy, worthy of the name is the Purple Dragon King, and his strength is really strong.

However, Wang Yang was even more excited, because, in his ears, there was a non-existent Dao sound ringing, guiding his ascension of kendo.


Several special dimples are spontaneously derived, and the whole seems to be endless.

In normal times, Wang Yang will definitely not have such a means, but now, under the guidance of Dao Tong, it is natural to show it.

Those few patterns are the Dahua Avenue that he created, and there are more than 30 patterns on it. It's just that Wang Yang never thought about how to derive and how to reorganize.

But now, under the guidance of such Dao Yin, he naturally understands.

"See if you can take it!!"

With strong self-confidence in Wang Yang's heart, he believed that no one would dare to resist under his sword.


Zisha Dragon King is worthy of being sturdy and famous. Facing the powerful Wang Yang and facing Wang Yang's powerful swordsmanship, he always chose to be strong against strong and never wanted to retreat.

I wouldn't even think about hitting it from the side.

Finally, there was a fierce collision between the two.


Once again, Zisha Dragon King is already using her strongest trick, she is confident, but she is more convinced that her opponent is more terrible.

She used her most powerful means, both to her own opponent's own life, but also to her own life.

Unfortunately, the most powerful move is still failure.

The powerful sword energy, raging in the body, with his own strength, could not be suppressed by force. Finally, Zhong felt his chest area, a burst of depression, even breathing, was extremely difficult.

Finally, it could no longer be suppressed, with a big mouthful of blood and a mouthful.

"Dragon King!"

Jiulong Xingjun was shocked in his heart. In his heart, the Purple Dragon King was the most powerful and unmatched.

However, after two strokes, it was already seriously injured.

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