My Super Estate

Question 2455

Chapter 2358 kills...

"Do not……"

Only the last scream of Jiulong Xingjun remained, lingering in the void, back and forth, for a long time, his whole person had already dissipated, and no longer left any traces.

"Sovereign Lord!!!"

Zisha looked at Jiao Didi like Wang, but the sound was not small at all, like the thunder sounded, and it seemed like the roar of the king of beasts.

The sound of thunder did not dissipate for a long time, as if this sound had been successfully imprinted in the void.

The purple yarn dragon king was seriously injured, staring at the dragon and lion and other three with a hateful glance.

Compared with Wang Yang, the lord of the Quartet, she hates these three pigs and dogs inferiorly.

Now that he has shot, it is endless, what is the trick, even holding it and refusing to use it, it is really a hundred percent bastard.

Then, he laid down his life and attacked Wang Yang.

Even if these three guys are not successful enough, they will kill the bastard. Jiulong Xingjun's status is not ordinary, if you don't give an explanation.She could not explain.


There are endless sounds of dragon Yin, there are endless dragon shadows in the void, and finally, all the dragon shadows are attributed to the body of the purple yarn dragon king, just a beautiful posture, the body of the purple yarn dragon exudes noble spirit at all times, In an instant, it turned into the purple Thunder Dragon.

"Burn the blood, turn into the strongest blow?"

Wang Yang laughed and said, "Well, in the legend, our Chinese people are descendants of the dragon.

Now let's take a look. How is it different from the dragon?"

He said, holding a Ziwei Excalibur in his hand and raising his hand was a sword.

Out of the mix, always have to pay back.

Since you dare to shoot me, then I can send you back to heaven.

What luck day penalty?

Beheaded and said.


In the Sword Valley, the Blessing of the Avenue of Swords has greatly improved the power. The Avenue of the Swords is his strongest card.

Dragon tail swing!

Thunder Dragon has a beautiful purple scale armor, a tail swing, it is an overbearing purple thunder, constantly flashing, turning into a purple thunderbolt, slashing towards Wang Yang.

"No wonder they can safely pass the luck of luck. It turns out that they have the blood of Thunder Dragon and they are naturally dominating Thunder."

Wang Yang personally experienced the terrible punishment of Qi Yuntian punishment, believing how difficult it is to resist.

Zisha Dragon King is no stronger than herself, and her defense is far inferior to her. She was able to survive the punishment of luck and luck, and the reason for it has been puzzled. Now, she has a glimpse of the mystery.

Thunderstorm, raging back and forth in the spiritual world, stirring up his own spiritual world, turned upside down, the earth sinks, the sky dome cracks, the sun breaks down, the stars break.

The spiritual world is the projection of the universe, the spiritual world is generally unable to support it, and the universe will face a situation of collapse.


Faced with the attack of the purple yarn dragon king, Wang Yang calmly took the initiative to defend instead of attack and attack.

The lines were flying, reorganized quickly, and finally, turned into ten majestic mountains to suppress everything.

The majestic mountain is not only providing Wang Yang with a very powerful attacking force, but also defending his spiritual world for him.

I saw that the towering Shenshan each fell on one side and calmed the other side. Ten from the Shenshan was located. Suddenly, the whole spiritual world, calm and calm, the earth returned to calm, the sky returned to the beginning, the sun, the stars and so on, all recovered to the beginning, and there was no more. movement.

What thunderstorms, all disappear.


The battle between the highways, the battle between the soul, is the most dangerous.

The thunderstorm was suppressed, towering the god mountain, traversed, and fell into the spiritual world of the purple yarn dragon king.


This is a sea of ​​thunder. In the sea of ​​thunder, there are stars, a side star field, and a universe.

This is the universe star zone of the purple yarn dragon king, and it is her fundamental place.

Suddenly, the ten majestic mountain fell, what thunder sea, what thunder world, what stars, what star field, what cosmic country, all collapsed under the crush of ten majestic mountain.

In the end, in the whole spiritual world, all people became a chaos, and only ten towering god mountains suppressed it.

I saw Jianguang chopped down, and the Purple Sacred Dragon King was like a fool. He didn't know how to escape or hide, but just froze to welcome him.


The Epee is not sharp, it is just one heavy one.

With a sword in the face, the Purple Dragon King was not cut on the spot by the waist, just hit the ground heavily.

The mountains cracked, and the earth sank, stretching for thousands of miles.


Suddenly, there were countless cracks on the purple yarn dragon king, which appeared spontaneously, a terrifying sword gas, spontaneously burst out, purple blood, and thunder and lightning raged.

The whole earth seemed to turn into a piece of Leize.

"This, is this dead? Or is it?"

Everyone can see the overbearing of the purple yarn dragon king. Who can think of such a domineering, dare to resist the punishment of the sky, the purple yarn dragon king will end up so like this?

"Now, it's your turn?"

Is the purple yarn dragon king dead or alive?

In Wang Yang's eyes, it doesn't matter, right or left, but nothing more than a loser.

The ten majestic mountain can not be eliminated, even if it is not dead, it is impossible to recover, no matter how many magic medicines, there will be no effect.

This is the road injury.

There are no major enemies, and perhaps there are still some thoughts to kill them all, but the enemy is at the front, but they are completely unable to care.

Ziwei Excalibur pointed away and shouted, "Come to die!"

The dragon and lion were stagnant. The violent sword and the towering sword mountain were like heavy hammers, and they fell on their own souls.

That violent force has already scared his courage.

"Two, what now?"

In addition to the outbreak of taboo, otherwise, it is impossible to be his opponent.

It's just that, the technique of taboo, there is no life, no one dares to use it easily?

"Are there any escape routes for us?"

"Maybe, can we do this?"

The two old men, Long Lion and Xuan Ming, quickly communicated with each other, thinking about the countermeasures.

The strength of Wang Yang, the lord of the Quartet, was really beyond their expectation. No one had thought that this person was young and his strength was so strong.

"Okay, then..."

Can live, no one wants to die.

Scattering and fleeing is an excellent way, but once it is caught up by someone, it is really mortal. No one dares to give it a try.

That being the case...

His eyes quickly swept across the crowd watching in the distance.


Between the three, it seemed as if they had a good heart, and quickly fled towards the watching crowd.

"Want to escape with the power of the crowd?"

Wang Yang sneered, how can you make you wish?

"Everyone, get away, otherwise, don't blame the casualties!"

Want to use the power of the crowd?It's simply delusion.

Said, a sword cut out, is like a long river of swords, vast and mighty, cut across.

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