My Super Estate

The 2461st chapter hundred mountains thousand ghost

Chapter Two Three Hundred and Sixty-Four Thousand Heavy Mountains


This is the Great Sword of Wang Yang's cultivation, or the Great Sword that he derived from the Dahua Avenue.

The Avenue of Swords has various derivative routes such as the fast sword and the epee, but generally speaking, a person rarely goes on two different routes at the same time.

Therefore, in different ways, there will be a master, master, who controls the entire avenue, the most powerful is the real, invincible.

It can be said that Wang Yang is now using the road of fortune to derive the road of the Epee. This is in the way of self-derivation, no wonder the strength has risen so much.

Shizhong Mountain, the original Wang Yang, faced with a total of four cosmic overlords, such as Zisha Dragon King, Dragon Lion, Xuanming Erlao, etc., could have the absolute upper hand, and beat them to the head. Up to now, they are all in Thunder Prison, and are not allowed to show up. The other three, even earlier, have already become dead, and the bones do not know whether they are still there?

Now, when he meets a strong enemy again, his shot is actually Shieyama, and the importance he attaches to it is even more surprising.

"Come well!"

The Road of the Epee, this is the Avenue of Swords, the most important branch. It is not regarded as a path of creation, but as a continuation of the path of others.

It's just that different people, the Epee Way, naturally have different styles.

Ten heavy mountains, a sword cut out, naturally in the spiritual world, there are ten major mountains, naturally suppressed, Daoxing is to suppress the spiritual world, the power of the mind is not strong, the will is strong, can not break through the suppression of the ten heavy mountains It is still difficult to mobilize half of the soul's power.

Mana is the soldier, the physical carrier, the will is the absolute emperor, and the power of the soul is the marshal of the army and the horse.

No matter how powerful the body is, and how much mana it is, without the scheduling of the power of the mind, you can't exert half the force.

If the will is not strong enough, it will even be directly destroyed by people, thus becoming a dead body.

These ten heavy mountains directly suppress the spiritual world, and they can be described as beheading actions along the way.


Three human races, four demon races, one by one, one counts one, the strength is shocking, there is no weak.

Wang Yang actually wanted a sword to suppress them all, it was simply a delusion.

"Boy Zhang, damn it!"

Guangning Zhenjun even shouted loudly, and Guangning's eight methods were brought to a limit by him. The first one broke free from Shizhong Mountain's repression, and he was the first to launch a counterattack.

The other six, one by one, are all a bit too powerful. None of Wang Yang’s swordsmanship can be suppressed. One by one, they all quickly break away from sluggishness, a kind of devastating great magical power, toward Wang Yang was bombarded.

A junior kid who dares to shoot towards himself at the same time can never be forgiven.

"Hey, it has some strength."

With one-to-seven, and it is still an existence from the ancient era, self-proclaimed to this era, strength, naturally, will not be simple.

Suppressing all with one sword is a beautiful dream, but to make it come true, you must have that kind of strength.

"These seven guys, Guangning Zhenjun has the strongest strength, and the rest are counted as the Destructive Demon King.

However, these guys, one by one, are all traitors, and it cannot be ruled out that they have no chance of hiding one or two.

In this case, then, I will try to kill the demon king and see if he is the weakest one."

The information of these guys, Wang Yang has obtained detailed information from Sun Dasheng, and now, after some trial and error, they already know more about their strength.

Since this is the case, it is natural to clean up their time.


Faced with the seven supernatural powers that came from the attack, Wang Yang directly chose to attack instead of attack.

With a single cut, it is the ten-fold God Mountain, which is vast and mighty, and it is directly crushed.

It turned out to be one-on-seven, not wanting to be weak.

Sword power can suppress the spiritual world, and sword power can even kill powerful enemies.

Sure enough, the seven great magical powers, powerful and invincible, all have an atmosphere of overwhelming everything, but such seven great magical powers are directly cut by Wang Yang with a sword.

Even the weakest seven-killing devil even took a step back, and blood spewed out of his mouth.

"Come again!"

One sword breaks the seven supernatural powers. Since it is so, then, it is simply to count all of you to death!

"Straight heavy mountain!!"

It was another sword, slashing directly towards the seven men.

The whole person seemed like a fool, knowing that he couldn't overwhelm seven people with a sword, he was still pressing desperately.


Guangning Zhijun is the least impatient. Seeing Wang Yang is such a trick, thinking that he is already poor.Immediately, he shot decisively towards Wang Yang and patted a big hand covering the sky.

As long as this palm has been confirmed, I am afraid that it is a general cosmic overlord, and there is no possibility of life.

This is Fang Ning Zhenjun's most powerful kind of magical power. It is the Zhentian Avenue he created. He entered the third step and cultivated a great magical power.

In the past, such a great magic power made him face the strong man on the third step of the avenue, and he was not afraid of it. He even used this great magic power to suppress a powerful human race universe overlord and plundered his spirit. Luck.

"Baizhong Mountain!"

A Guangning true monarch, with great strength, was able to get rid of the repression of Shizhongshan in the first time. However, Wang Yang has also shot again.

With one shot, it is his true supernatural power at the bottom of the tank.

Around the body, a dozen or so artificial patterns, flying quickly and reorganizing naturally, and then derived on their own, in a blink of an eye, it is a hundred times, a thousand times, then, it is transformed into a hundred towering gods, fiercely, It was suppressed.


Guangning Zhenjun, the most powerful person, had no resistance at all, and was just crushed.

There is no bone.

But those demons who seem to be weaker in strength, especially those who look at it, are the weakest seven-killing demon kings, but there is no truth at all, one by one, in the face of Wang Yang's fierce shot, it even broke Frightening power.

It’s hard to believe, "You, you..."

Yundan Zhenjun, and Dadao Shenjun, two, naturally cling together, looking at the four demon kings in horror.

"Your strength is so powerful?"

Wang Yang's first shot was clearly the strength of Guangning Zhenjun, the most powerful.

However, in this second shot, the first person who died was Guangning Zhenjun?

"One another, the two of you, the strength is not trivial."

The two human races are still alive, and there are some surprises in the hearts of the four demon kings.

Their original idea was to lead Wang Yang to slay and kill the human race, and the luck and punishment were lowered.

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