My Super Estate

Chapter 2462 second thousand three hundred and sixty-five thousand heavy mountains

Two thousand three hundred and sixty-five thousand mountains

"Everyone, this is a avenue derived from avenues, everyone has any means to use it!

Otherwise, Guangning Zhenjun is afraid that it will be our end."

It is very magical that the two human races and the four demon races were not killed or killed. They were so harmonious. At this time, they faced the same enemy together.

A human race.

The most important thing is that this human race, even just now, just returned a sword and killed a powerful human race.

"Master Demon God gave Daotu a picture, what means do you have, let it come out!"

The nether true monarch spoke, saying so.I don't even know when to start in my hand. A road map appeared. I saw that there was a great bank on the road that seemed lawless.

Such an existence, even if he is just standing on a picture, seems to show an invincible temperament.

As if it were, he represented an invincible kind.

A sense of perfection.

"Road map?"

There was a burst of exclamation, one by one, so incredible.

A road map, they are too clear what it means.

Why do you have great strength when you are practicing peerless supernatural powers and cultivating supernatural powers?

The so-called magical avatar is not because it can die on your behalf, but because this avatar represents a avatar of the founder of Dadao, which is Dadao.

Blessed by the avenue of Doppelganger, its strength has been improved hundreds and thousands of times.

However, when a strong man walks out of nothing, he creates a avenue by himself, which means that from then on it is always accompanied by avenues, and strength is certainly not comparable to those of avenue avatars.

It's just that there are highs and lows in the avenue.

A hundred steps, the higher the line, the stronger the strength, of course, the gap between each other is certainly thousands of times.

Daotu is a top strong man with a perfect avenue, cut out with a trace of his own ideas.

The idea is the composition of the will, the special substance that grows up with the power of the soul as the nutrients.

Seeing that the Hundred-Heavy Mountain of God, they had to be crushed, and the demon-killing demon also dared not hide it, directly revealing all his abilities.

It turned out to be a magic sword.

"Humph, killing the magic sword?"

Ghost Demon raised his eyebrows and said in surprise.

I saw that the magic sword had just appeared. The temperature around it naturally fell. There was a layer of blood rain around it. In the void, there seemed to be a trace of wailing sounds, just like, Heaven and Earth Avenue, in There was a trace of fear in front of such a magic sword.

This is simply an incredible magic soldier.

As soon as the demon soldier came out, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Even Wang Yang's "Hundred Heavy Mountains" sword naturally felt a trace of terrifying resistance.

It was as if the air suddenly turned into water. Although it was still chopped down firmly, the resistance was much greater.

"Adults in your family, it is worth it, not afraid of the magic sword being taken away?"

Killing the Demon Sword, killing the Devil God's natal Divine Soldier.

Creating a avenue is not only a blessing of the power of the avenue, but also the improvement of its strength. It can also use the power of the avenue to self-refine, improve the quality of mana, enhance the physical body, and consume its own ideas to find cosmic gods. , To create a life-saving weapon.

The killing magic sword is the carrier of the killing avenue.

It is even more similar to Daotu, even more amazing.

"Haha, it's hard to say, the adults behind you have made extraordinary shots. The adults in my family also have a lot of rewards. Today, let's try, how great is this human race."

The road map unfolds, and the existence of an incomparably great shore naturally stands behind the ghost demon king, facing the sword of the "Baizhong Mountain" cut by Wang Yang and resisting with all his strength.

The killing demon king held the killing demon sword and attacked Wang Yang with a desperate blow.

It's just that Wang Yang's'Hundred Heavy Mountain' sword is really terrible, even with the resistance of Daotu and the attack of the magic sword, the momentum of repression is still so strong, although the difficulty has increased a lot However, Baizhongshen Mountain is still shining brightly. Baizhongshen Mountain is Baizhongshenguang, which naturally merges into a pattern.

Such a Wang Yang, a prince of the Quartet, and a derived sword path are simply unexpected.

His "Hundred Heavy Mountain" sword is not only a powerful epiphany supernatural power, but also an attack on the sword array.

The Hundred-Heavy Divine Light naturally evolved into a mysterious array of swords, the Excalibur, which was blessed with the power of the array, the power increased again, and there was just a slight decline, and the power was greatly increased.

No one thought of such a change.

Similarly, Wang Yang smiled in his heart.

Killing Guangning Zhenjun with a sword, Wang Yang thought that his luck would decline.

The result is exactly the opposite. Not only did your luck not decline, but even the promotion, listening to the Dao Yin of the Avenue of Swords became clearer, and even, naturally, realized a trace of the meaning of the sword array.

This is simply a surprise.

"Everyone, do you still have any means, will you come out?"

Feeling the power of the sword array, the gloomy demons and killing demons who were just a little proud were all very angry.

These two things are under great pressure, but they are still good, they are still hiding.

"Everyone, this time, I'm afraid, everyone can't hide.

Two human friends, what do you mean?"

It is ironic that a group of demon overlords are discussing to deal with a human race. They even asked the opinions of the two overlords of the human race, meaning that they wanted them to take action with their associates.

It's just irony.

"Wait naturally I will not have an opinion!"

Facing the inquiries of the Destructive Demon King, Da Dao Shen Jun and Yun Dan Zhen Jun, one by one, nodded one after another, as if they did not nod, they missed a certain chance.

I just couldn't believe it, they turned out to be human races, not demons.

"Haha, kill!"

Looking at the overlords of the two tribes, even in front of the demon clan, acting like this, Wang Yang's anger in his heart can no longer suppress it, and he always feels like there is a fire burning in his chest, there is always a kind of outbreak a feeling of.

As if it were, there was a sense of oppression that was unpleasant.

These mischievous things, sitting on the luck of the human race, but do not do personnel, is simply the ultimate mischief.

Extremely angry Wang Yang always has a feeling of anger.

"Today, none of you bastards, don't think about leaving.

Lao Tzu will kill all of you bastards!"

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