My Super Estate

Question 2465

Chapter 236: Controversy


Wang Yang didn't want to say anything more.

Really benevolent?

A damn thing, even want to limit his strength, even, can affect his own path of creation.

It's a goddamn bastard.

Sure enough, these guys who came from the ancient times and confessed to them, one by one, did not have a good person.

"Huh? Did you find it?"

Faced with the sudden attack launched by Wang Yang,'Zhang Renyi' seemed to have no surprises. In the face of a sword suddenly ushered in towards him, he just laughed.

Then, under the sword of Wang Yang's fury, he didn't have any resistance at all, nor did he evade, but with a chuckle, he was cut off by a sword.


Wang Yang was a little surprised. His sword did not really beheaded. On the contrary, there was only a piece of wood left.

"Well, what is this means?"


It's not like it, it can affect his own Dadao Avenue. This guy must be on the Dadao Avenue and walked a very far distance, at least, much stronger than himself.

'Master once said that it is not for me to create one together, because the word "made" has been used since ancient times.

Could it be that this guy is the one who made the Taoist master?'

Wang Yang had some ideas.

The first avenue of self-creation created by myself is to plant one. It has a very outstanding performance in planting various magic medicines.

Regardless of whether it is a chemical field or a chemical fire, it can quickly increase the planting speed and survival rate of magic medicine.

(Under the cover of the God of Fortune, as long as there is enough accumulation, it will naturally be promoted. Within the scope of the field of nature, as long as the seeds go to the ground, nature will grow quickly.

Rooting and sprouting overnight to thrive is not a difficult matter.)

"So, is he another aspect?"

Staring at the small piece of wood on the ground, although this is a very rare divine tree, even chaotic level, but its essence is a piece of wood, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

"Puppets together?"

The Dahua Avenue is unpredictable. In legend, everything is covered.

A puppet, engulfed by a chemical, Wang Yang will definitely not have any accidents.

"Master, it is impossible.

The Dahua Avenue, unpredictable, is bound to be the same as the Avenue of Swords. As a Taoist master, his strength will never be too weak.

Could it be that he is the puppet master??"

Wang Yang thought of this guy, who could even influence his own avenue of chemistry, and he could even suppress his epee sword to improve quickly.

This ability, probably, can only be achieved by the person in charge.

Looking around, he wanted to find this guy.

If he is really a master, perhaps, he can suppress him in the opposite direction.Deprive him of the power of control, so, perhaps, my way of doing things will quickly improve.

"Ziyang Divine Eye, now!"

In order to practice Ziyang Divine Skills, it is only now that this step can be reached. For Wang Yang, Ziyang Divine Skills are already incorporated into his own blood.

Since this'Zhang Renyi' wants to approach himself pretendingly, he has to fulfill him no matter what he does.

"over there?"

Sure enough, Ziyang is the root of the sun in heaven and earth. Seeing Ziyang from the perspective of God, with the help of the omnipresent sun light, it is really difficult to hide.

"come out!"

Towards a hill a thousand miles away, it was just a claw.

The dragon yelled constantly, and there was a dragon shape manifesting behind him.

It turned out that Wang Yang had long practiced the magical dragon magical power, which was derived from the dragon claw hand.

A vigorous ancient golden dragon claw, flashing the cold edge, fled away.


That mountain, which is thousands of miles away and as high as a thousand feet, was directly caught in a standing position.Just a gentle effort, the hills that are thousands of feet high, just grab a crush.

The two groups of humans and demons, working together to blockade, can only enter if there is one level of existence of the cosmic kingdom.

However, the name of the Immortal Sword is really too loud. Both the man and the demon, the seven overlords all shot together, and they have already attracted the attention of countless creatures.

There are no less than a thousand people around.

Wang Yang's sudden shot was even more shocking.

"Damn it, break me!"

On the top of the mountain, there are not no creatures. On the contrary, there are still a lot of people there, one by one, the strength is very good, at least there are cosmic sovereigns.

But, even so, in the face of the broken dragon claws, they are powerless and summon all their strength. They want to break the broken dragon claws, but whether it is an individual or multiple people, One by one, there is no effect. Dragon claws are extremely strong and harder than steel. Under the dragon claws, no matter what kind of magical power or what kind of sword, the Tongtong must be broken.


Then, between heaven and earth, only the kind of silence remained, and the last sound broke out.

Thousands of tall mountains, in such a rooftop world, are just a small hill, but, like some hills that are originally in a valley, it is the Big Mac.

It can be said that there are only a few hills that really reach a thousand feet in this valley of swords.

However, such a hilltop was directly squeezed by someone.


'Zhang Renyi' rose into the sky, his eyes widened and looked at Wang Yang.

Even if it is thousands of miles away, Wang Yang can see the incredible look in his eyes.

He is quite confident in his hidden method.

With a sharp drop, Wang Yang said: "You think you can escape?

This should be a puppet!

You don’t want to tell me that you are the puppet master!"

Thousands of miles apart, Wang Yang raised the wood in his hand and looked at'Zhang Renyi', so asked.

The Dadao Avenue, that is the one that truly covers the entire universe, even the entire chaotic void, is in no way different from the sword.

The Dahua Avenue can be so powerful, then, correspondingly, there must be a lot of derivative routes under his command.

In this world, there is no way to truly be alone.

One avenue, the controller of the Great Consummation level, is already the limit. If you want to improve the avenue, subdue other avenues, and annex other avenues, this is the next evolutionary path of the avenue.

Derivation is the only way.

The puppets together belong to a series of creations. However, the puppet avenue is definitely not a strong and invincible avenue.

A master of the universe overlord seems to be very reasonable.

"Huh, what's your business?"

"Very good, all kinds of gods are my strengths. It's just that if you can include puppets together, I'm afraid that my strength will be greatly improved."

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