My Super Estate

Question 2473

Chapter 2376 Controversy over Avenue


'Zhang Renyi' is not true benevolence. This question, Wang Yang has already reached a conclusion in his heart, but he did not expect that this guy would suddenly burst out with such a terrible ambition.

He, he actually wanted to make this group of top-notch strongmen, all turned into his puppets.

Worthy of being the master of Puppet Avenue, the method is indeed amazing.


These strong men are their own prey, how could they be allowed to be intercepted by his'Zhang Renyi'?

"Haha, the lord of the Quartet, you want to stop it, it's too late."

'Zhang Renyi' laughed, very proud.

In fact, it was indeed too late, because Wang Yang had just wanted to shoot, even wanted to take back the Wanzhong Mountain Sword Array, and wanted to restore the five masters to freedom, too late.

The speed of'Zhang Renyi' is too fast.

Or, all of these are his calculations. He has been waiting for this moment. He has already calculated Wang Yang’s means. He believes that Wang Yang’s means can suppress the spiritual world of these five masters. .

He waited for this moment.

That is to say, this time, all people, including Wang Yang, maybe all of them were calculated by him.

"Haha, do you want to stop? It's too late, hahahaha..."

Thunderworld is always so boring, but at this moment, this world, which is always full of thunder breath, is full of a smile.

"Damn, do you count me?"

Staring at the eyes, Wang Yang stared at the damn thing and growled angrily.

If he could, he would definitely punch this damn thing.

"Haha, do you think that, as the master of the puppet road, will I really be in the same class with the Devil?

Boy, you are too young, you don’t even know, what a great existence of the human race heaven and earth?

As the master of the Puppet Avenue, it is the biggest follower of the human race Heavenly Path. Once he is in the same class with the Devil, he will be immediately stared at. Perhaps, what can be done now, and behind him, he will definitely lose most of his luck."

Perhaps, “Zhang Renyi” was really too excited. He even told some of the unknown secrets to Wang Yang.

Is it still possible?

In Wang Yang's heart, he was slightly stunned.As the palm seal of Kendo, he could already clearly feel how terrible and powerful that human race Heaven Dao was.

Looking up at the sky, the sense of height and supremacy is always in my heart.

However, to say that Wang Yang still doesn't feel that much about how much he has received attention from the human race.

Now it seems that this is not enough at its own level.

"not good!"

This problem is too big. Wang Yang was taken aback, and occasionally had some small distractions. Then, he could see that five huge figures naturally appeared in his own spiritual world.


Wang Yang's will manifests itself naturally and moves quickly towards the five figures.

The horrible sword shadow, with heavy coercion, swept away fiercely towards the five figures.

These five figures, Wang Yang will definitely not be unfamiliar. They are their previous opponents. Now, they have become the puppets of'Zhang Renyi'. They have the same breath of life. The five avenues naturally merge and the power bursts. It has long been beyond imagination.

In his own spiritual world, Wang Yang's Qianzhong Mountain Sword Array was suppressed, and the five figures suddenly shot, even blasting their Qian Qianshan Sword Array directly.


The spiritual world couldn't keep it up, and the violent shock immediately caused Wang Yang's body to react immediately. The blood in his mouth spewed out again and again.

"damn it!"

Wang Yang scolded angrily, but Zhang Renyi laughed excitedly.


Lord Sifang, do you think my puppet avenue is really that simple?

Today, let you see, the horror of my puppet Avenue!!"

In other words, the law in the hand changed, and the inner world of Wang Yang's body, the five powerful figures, were killed in the incarnation of Wang Yang's will.

As long as the will will be slashed, the lord of the Quartet will be slashed.

So, by then, he must be able to take away his avenue of fortune and merge.


Wang Yang's will incarnation roared angrily, he would never let this damn king bastard conspire.

He will cut through all conspiracies with the sword in his hand.

It's just that he seemed to ignore his own body.

I saw that in the real world, among the large array of puppets, the three people, such as the purple yarn dragon and the heroes of the hundred battles, who had lost the suppression of Qianzhong Mountain's sword array, were one by one, decisively attacking Wang Yang.

Their magical avenue is faintly hidden, with a trace of fusion.

Although, there are only a few signs, it is also a great increase in power, and even beyond the third step, stepping into the edge of the fourth step.

Three magical powers, and finally, turned into a light of destruction, struck toward Wang Yang.

With a single blow, an invincible strongman in the third step will also be beaten into a fan.

The eyes of'Zhang Renyi' turned round, his body shivered slightly with excitement, and his face was flushed.

"Kill him, kill him, kill him!"

He was so excited, he knew that as long as the plan was successful, then his opportunity would come.

It is the end of an era again, the rooftop has already appeared, is the fairy road still far?

As long as you seize this opportunity, perhaps you also have a slight chance to achieve that supreme existence.

That's what I expected in the hearts of the unreal universe.

In the past, such an opportunity, it is impossible to rotate him, but now, he finally saw a glimmer of hope."This, this last beneficiary, turned out to be the puppet master?"

In the days of Thunder Realm, it is not just a few of them. On the contrary, the number of creatures is still very large.

At the beginning, Wang Yang and Zhang Renyi were two, but there was no trace of it. Behind them, they followed too many strong men.

However, the result of this war is beyond everyone's expectations.

No one thought that at the beginning, the puppet avenue master who was chased and killed by the lords of the Quartet would become the winner who laughed to the end.

"Everyone pay attention, as long as the fairy sword appears, we will shoot."

Some people marvel at'Zhang Renyi', but more people are watching silently.

They are waiting, they don't see the fairy sword, they will easily do nothing.

Chances are only that time.

They are the chance to fight that time.

As long as they succeed, then they have the possibility of becoming immortals.

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