My Super Estate

Question 2474

Chapter 2377 The Fire of the Avenue

"I've been waiting for you!"

There was a slight sneer on Wang Yang's face.

Naturally, he was covered by a big bell.


The "Zisha Dragon King" and three others, with a full blow, could not break Wang Yang's defense.

On the contrary, Wang Yang clearly felt that the great magical power of golden bell refining still has a great effect.

Even, Wang Yang has decided that at the fourth step, he intends to integrate this golden admiration technique into the supernatural power directly.

Perhaps, at this time, it is a very good test target.

Don't think that between heaven and earth, self-denial is free of foreign objects.

The so-called pioneering avenues are more on the existing avenues, get out of your own way and join your own thinking.

From a blank, to create a new road, it has long been unsuitable for this era.

Otherwise, there will not be so many derivative routes, nor will there be the controller of the avenue, or even the existence of the avenue.

Merger and compatibility are already a major trend.

Admiralty exercise, this is only developed from one of the most common mortal martial arts. Admiralty bell, in the mortal world, may be called a good defensive martial art. However, when it comes to supernatural powers, it is added again. Added some new elements.

For example, sound waves, for example, body training.

Body refinement can be attributed to the Dahua Dadao,'change, ascend', which is the core element of the Dahua Dadao created by Wang Yang.

Similarly, the physique is stronger and the power is stronger, so it seems that it can be summarized in the road of force.

At that time, how did things go, but it also depends on your own choice.

Is it'heart moving', or'wind moving', or'tree moving'?

No matter how you choose, the essence of things is always there. It does not change. What it changes is only its purpose and its view in the eyes of the world.

"Yes, Admiralty exercise, maybe, it can really be integrated into the Dadao Avenue.

Perhaps, invincible power, indestructible gold body, invincible defense, etc., all can be tried to be integrated into the road of fortune."

In fact, at the beginning, Wang Yang's physical body already possessed ten great magic techniques when he succeeded in the peerless war.

The Ten Great Divine Skills can also be called'Ten Avenues', but the plan never changes quickly.

At first, the ten great magic techniques that showed great powers now have no use. The ten great magic techniques are cultivated to the top level, but they are not cultivated into avenue avatars.

It's just that the avenues don't blend together, and since now they open their own creative avenues, then, of course, the ten great magic techniques have been abolished.

At this time, it is necessary for Wang Yang to cultivate his own ten magical skills.

"Do you have such power?"

Determined, of course, Wang Yang will not let go of this good'helper' in front of him.

Looking contemptuously at'Zhang Renyi', the disdainful expression is extremely obvious.

"You die!"

Calculating everything, and desperately refining the eight cosmic overlords into their own puppets. For a time, their strength soared. It was when the spring breeze was complacent, where can we tolerate being looked at with such contempt?Disdain?

You are now a prisoner, a prisoner, what qualifications do you have to look down on me so much?


The top five, working together to suppress Wang Yang’s spiritual world, and the three universe masters such as the “Purple Dragon” but the third level of the universe, suddenly all shot.

This is his biggest means now.

One million puppet mountain spirit, the biggest role is to arrange a puppet to lock up a large array to prevent him from escaping, and now, the only thing that can be shot is these eight puppets.

The general situation is in control, can you still look down on yourself like this?

It's simply the act of finding death.

For a time,'Zhang Renyi' seemed to be crazy. Among the five strong men, he tried his best to suppress Wang Yang's soul and prevent him from having the chance to make a sword.

However, he did not know that Wang Yang was waiting for such a moment.

Strong strength has never come out step by step, there is no real shortcut.

It is already a great honor to transform into your own strength in the attack of others.

It’s just that the way of cultivation is nothing more than powerful cultivation resources. The difference is that good qualifications and the use of resources are more thorough, there is less waste, bad qualifications, good resources, serious waste, and the use of Extremely rough, causing great loss of resources.

This is also the reason why the higher the status, the more often the qualifications are higher, and the higher the achievements.

The body has been completely transformed, and the blood of Ziyang Shenyang, which is changing towards dark gold, is being quickly absorbed, a trace of divine fire, burning with its own spiritual will.

Wang Yang was forcibly refining the five avenues that invaded his own spiritual world.

If these were the top five powerhouses at the time, Wang Yang could never have such thoughts. Similarly, it was also impossible to have such thoughts, because it was impossible to succeed.

However, today, these five strong men have been refined into puppets by Zhang Renyi. Five avenues are naturally borrowed by him or even annexed.

This is also a characteristic of the Puppet Avenue. Everything in the world has its uses.

The puppet avenue, cultivated to an extremely high level, can transform everything in heaven and earth, even the avenue and heaven, into their own puppets.

This is also the concept of'Zhang Renyi'. The puppet road he created has always been walking towards this concept.

Now, his realm is not very high. Even if he made five puppets into puppets, he couldn't do it if he wanted to make the five avenues into puppets.

However, taking the five puppets as an introduction and borrowing them is no problem at all.

This is also Wang Yang's opportunity.

Borrowing means no owner.

The five strong men, who were refined into puppets, died at the moment, and the five avenues under their control were also in the stage of dissipation.

However, the breath of the five major palm prints is still there, and the five avenues are still in a stage of perpetual death.

This is Wang Yang's opportunity.

All the avenues are transformed by the origin, and the origin evolves all things in the world, taking the avenue as the criterion.

What Wang Yang likes is the kind of avenue origin.

Then, it can be seen that Wang Yang's body naturally burned the fire of the origin of the road.

The breath of the body is constantly improving.

The opportunity is rare, and Wang Yang definitely does not want to miss it.


How could there be such a change?

'Zhang Renyi' is hard to believe.

The five strong men have been refined into puppets by themselves. Further, they have integrated their avenues into their puppet avenues to strengthen themselves.

It's just, now that I haven't started yet, how can someone get ahead first?

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