My Super Estate

The 2475th chapter battle, there is no life

Chapter 2371 The Battle of Dadao, There Is No Death

Dao Rune is based on his own will, integrated into Dao's origin, and combined with his own mana.

As soon as the will is destroyed, the signs of the avenue will naturally dissipate, and then, only the purest source will be left behind.

The origin, derived from all things, is one.

"Haha, this time, I made a lot of money.

This is the seal of the Five Great Avenues, plus this prince of the Quartet, as long as they have annexed all of their Avenues, their strength will inevitably increase.

It is already the end of the era, the world of Tiantai is now alive, and it will not exceed one hundred years. The fairy road will be opened.

In this last time, perhaps, there will be a time when the strength will leap forward.

This is an opportunity that must be seized."

Manipulating the three cosmic overlords such as'Zisha Dragon King and Hundred Battle Heroes', launched the most violent attack towards Wang Yang.

"I don't believe it. In the case where it is difficult to draw power from your spiritual world, you can't fight your defense."

Some people, even if they are dead, his defense is still invincible.

The so-called, standing to let you fight, you can break my defense, even if I lose.

That's just amazing.

"Huh? Here, what's going on?

Why, his defense is getting stronger and stronger?"

I clearly feel that Wang Yang's defense is getting stronger and stronger. Compared with before, this time, there is still a strong anti-shock force.

Strange, is it possible that his strength is still getting stronger and stronger?

'Zhang Renyi' clearly felt that Wang Yang's defense was getting stronger and stronger, and even had a strong anti-seismic force. Such a force of anti-seismic force was even as powerful as the'Purple Dragon King' 'This kind of existence actually turned back two or three steps.

What is going on here?

"No, how can the top five masters get weaker and weaker?"

The so-called puppet is the kind of remote control toy, but now, under its own control, there are some unhealthy phenomena.


Finally,'Zhang Renyi' reacted, it was under his own eyelids, stealing his own fishy.

So bold.

At the moment, I saw a mysterious rune on the forehead of Zhang Renyi.

This is the symbol of Puppet Avenue.

It contains the most fundamental moral meaning of Puppet Avenue. The entire Puppet Avenue is naturally derived from this as the foundation.

It can be said that as long as such a female symbol is controlled, basically, the entire puppet avenue has been completely controlled.

This is the most powerful method, as well as the most fatal weakness.

It seems to be a double-edged sword, which can hurt people as well as hurt themselves.

He is absolutely unwilling to show it in the ordinary time, but now, all things have exceeded his imagination.

A serious superclass, for today's plan, there is only one way to go, with its own puppet avenue, all the five strong men are led out.

The decision in his hand was constantly struck out, and then, it can be seen that above the puppet talisman, it turned into five phantom god hands, and toward the void, it was grabbed with a claw.


Now I want to retreat, late!!"

Wang Yang laughed and kept his eyes closed. At this moment, suddenly, he opened his eyes. In his eyes, he was shining and refreshing. Where is it like before?

"You, your spiritual world has not been suppressed?"

'Zhang Renyi' unnaturally is three steps back.

"Haha, do you think your calculations are seamless?

Do you think you will control all my cards?Do you think your puppet avenue is truly invincible?"

You are only the third step to compete with your own mind and will?

It's a joke.

At the same level, I will never be afraid of my lord, comparing my soul and will!

What's more, Ziyang, as the legend, the ancestor of Wanyang, is a first-class divine thing between heaven and earth, how can you be afraid of you little means?

Of course, he wouldn't say much about such things about his hole cards.

In this world, it is best to consider them as a fool.

"Ah, let me die!"

The law in the hand changed, and within a few days of Thunder Realm, Million God Mountain shook together, then.It can be seen that Million God Mountain naturally opens its eyes and roars together. Then, it can be seen that the endless thunder in the void gathers quickly.

It seems that the power of the entire Thunder Realm came together, and then, you can see that a thunder cloud naturally formed above Wang Yang's head. Among the thunder cloud, Thunder is rolling, various forces , Appearing again and again.

"not good!"

Wang Yang suddenly raised his head and looked at that half a day.

He had absolutely no idea that this damn'Zhang Thoni' would even have such a means.

Don't think that Wang Yang was able to resist the bad luck punishment, which means he is not afraid of thunder.

It can only be said that the original punishment for luck was just within the range that Wang Yang could resist.

If that kind of power is exceeded, then there is only one way to go.


Do you think that my puppet is a true monarch, does it have no powerful means?"

Wang Yang's face changed, and'Zhang Renyi' was the happiest in his heart.


The law changed, and then, you can see that the boundless thunder turned into a thunder gun and fell towards Wang Yang in the first place.


It just happened that this kind of external force is needed, otherwise, how can I refine all of their top five??"

Without entering your own spiritual world, perhaps, you cannot refine them so directly.

Now, since the sheep have entered the tiger's mouth, then one must eat one bite.

A big bell naturally covered the body, and then, you can see that the Thunder Gun directly fell on the Golden Bell.

In Admiralty, countless dimples quickly absorb the power of thunder and transform into a mysterious force, constantly tempering Wang Yang's physical body.In the same way, a round of purple big sun in Wang Yang's body gradually rose, imprisoning the five strong men, and turning into five god marks.

It belongs to the five great powerhouses, the original god pattern.

Wang Yang seized the opportunity and swallowed it in one go.

The battle over the avenue is dead.

The avenue battle is a battle between life and death, and it is also a battle between two sources.

Wang Yang's will is incarnate, raising the burning fire of the burning road.

He wants to refining all the five main avenues, and finally, integrate them into his body.

Perhaps, your own way of doing things can be used to greatly improve.

There is also'Zhang Renyi'. If there is such an opportunity, perhaps, he can be swallowed directly.

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