My Super Estate

Chapter 2476 Wang Yang's Trump Card

Chapter 2379: Wang Yang's Dark Hand


'Zhang Renyi' never thought that in the end, it would be such a result.This was not the result he wanted. What he wanted was the avenue of his own annexation of the five strong men, and then he ascended to heaven.It was definitely not the last, but he became the unimportant supporting role.


Absolutely do not want to fail, in the end, there can only be absolutely crazy dying struggling.

'Zhang Renyi' is now completely crazy.

His existence has passed the end of several eras, waiting one at a time, hoping for a miracle.

Every time, looking at other people, step by step toward that high Gaoxian Road, but he, only once and for all, in his own God, suffering.

He has had enough in these days.

He wants to rise in one step, he wants to rise in strength.

"go with!"

Crazy, there are always some crazy moves.

For example, take the source of your own road and blend into the Thunder.

The result of this is that Thunderbolt can be greatly improved, and even as long as there is a slight possibility, it can be turned into its own puppet.

The so-called puppet thunder is probably the case.

However, all this seems so beautiful, but the result is enough to shock.

Because, such a avenue source is integrated into the Thunder. Once the Thunder is passed by, then all the avenue source information will be obtained by Wang Yang.

Of course, the most important thing is that if Wang Yang's strength improves a little bit, it suddenly explodes, which directly explodes the thundercloud. Then, correspondingly, Daoyuan's mother symbol will naturally collapse.

The real catastrophe is gone.

"Haha, is this completely crazy?"

As the palm seal of Kendo, Wang Yang naturally knew this information.

Seeing that'Zhang Renyi' was so crazy, he just sneered.

You are so sure, I don't have any cards?Can't you just use your unique skills to blow it up?

In other words, you are so confident that you cannot survive such a heavy thunderstorm safely?

Raise the thunder by array?

It is a pity that you are not a Thunder Avenue of cultivation, nor a Thunder Avenue. You have to take advantage of the tricks and be clever. You must also obey the rules set by the controller of the Thunder Avenue. They can only operate within the rules and exceed the rules. Unless you have the strength to break the master of Thunder Tribulation Avenue.


The first thunder is directly slammed.

Lifting his head, in the inner world of Wang Yang's soul, the blazing avenues are burning, refining and refining the avenue origin of the five great powers, and improving themselves.Outside the flesh, there is a golden bell cover.

Faced with the thunder that thundered down, it didn't move like a mountain.


Thunder is like a gun, directly hitting the golden bell.

However, such a shot did not cause great harm to Wang Yang.

The powerful Thunder is directly shattered by the shock wave of the Admiralty.

Then, all the thunder energy was absorbed by Admiralty and merged into the physical body.

Admiralty exercise, this is the first peerless magical power created by Wang Yang.

In itself, it is the road of power.

Today, Wang Yang wants to transform it into his own avenue of fortune.

If it is someone else, of course, there can be no such easy, no extremely long time, don't even think about it, no one is the son of heaven, no one can have such awesome.

It's just that if all this is put on Wang Yang, then it is taken for granted.

He is not a child of heaven, he does not have the capital to go against the sky, and he dare not go against the sky.

It is the way of success for Wang Yang to follow the meaning of the sky, to do the things of the sky, and to make sense.

Heaven is always supreme, and it is only natural to shun the will of the heavens and do the things of the heavens.

Then, I only saw Wang Yang's body, a golden masterpiece, a breath of capital, turned into magical lines, and quickly rotated around Wang Yang's body.

"Do not……"

'Zhang Renyi' never thought that this damn Sifang sovereign, the most powerful means, was not his attack, but his defense.

His own attack can't cause any harm to him. On the contrary, he completely defeated him and helped him improve his strength quickly.

"Damn waste!"

In the distance, someone secretly cursed.

They have been waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of, but no one thought that the opportunity hadn't waited, the fairy sword did not appear, but they saw the terrible strength of the Sifang Kingdom Lord and watched it step by step.

"what should we do?

Do you shoot now?"

"Do you think we can easily break this big formation?"

"What? You mean, this so-called puppet is locked in a big formation, it is extremely powerful, and it is not something we can break?"

The Tiantai is the world, and the self-proclaimed god kingdom everywhere in the universe naturally begins to appear.

Only those who have achieved the control of the Avenue can successfully transform their cosmic kingdom into a kingdom of gods, which has since been isolated from the entire universe and naturally caught in the seal.

The legend of the fairy sword has attracted a lot of attention.

The difference is that some people can't wait, and quickly shoot, some people have been waiting silently, waiting for what they think they can take the opportunity.

Some people sneer, some curse, and similarly, some people watch with cold eyes.

Since they have professed themselves, they have been isolated from the entire universe. Their only expectation is that the controller takes one step to the immortality, otherwise, they will never have the opportunity to improve again.

Human race, demon race?

At this moment, their eyes are full of bullshit.

Even if the universe bursts, they will naturally be peaceful.


'Zhang Renyi' would also like to thank you for your help, otherwise, I definitely do not have such an opportunity to experience such a leap-style strength climb!!"

In the space, there is Wang Yang's proud laughter.

He saw his opportunity to enter the fourth step.Daoxing's hope of rapid improvement.

Even, he seemed to be, seeing that he would puppet Avenue, forcibly annexing.Because, he felt that his current strength, which is powerful, had a feeling of invincibility.


Thinking about it, Wang Yang laughed again.

"It's a pleasure, it's really a pleasure.

Come again, come again, let’s see what kind of mystery this puppet avenue has!"

The golden light on his body became more and more prosperous, the physical body and the strong sense of strength became stronger and stronger.

Even, he had a feeling that he had achieved the palm print of Kendo.

Could it be another way?

God, if all of this is true, how much can I improve my own strength?

At this moment, Wang Yang couldn't believe it.

There is such a good thing in this world?

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