My Super Estate

Question 2478

Chapter 2381 The Power of Rage

What a powerful force!!

"Some of you are definitely still lurking.

Now, this is your last chance, otherwise, once I leave, you will never have another chance!"

Initially grasping the extremely powerful force, Wang Yang felt that he was going to fly.

In order not to let himself fly, he needs some powerful opponents to cool himself down.

Yes, it is cooling.

It's too hot, it all swells.

"Humph, useless waste!!"

The Million Mountain has now become a real Million Mountain. The whole situation has no main will to suppress it, and its power is much weaker.

In a blink of an eye, there were several huge light clusters that suddenly appeared and surrounded themselves.

"Don't you dare to manifest even your original appearance?"

The light of the avenue, this is the most instinctive means of the cosmic overlord. If you are not willing, the non-universal overlord, no matter what kind of magical power you use, it is impossible to see its deity clearly.

"Well, as long as you can kill you, if there is no deity, what's the difference?"

"Little Clan, but with some achievements, they no longer know what their surname is.

Do you think that if you kill a few wastes, you will be invincible, and you will be able to ignore all enemies?"

These guys have a very strong tone. In the previous camp, the top ten strong men, on the third step, claiming to be invincible, there are three, one by one, all of which are regarded by the major gods as rising stars.

What's more, the other seven statues, no matter who they are, even the very beginning, the Nine Dead Demon King who has just been resurrected, also has at least the strength of the fourth step. Others, one by one, even on the fourth step, that All are invincible.

In their time, they were praised by others, otherwise, they would never have achieved what they are today.

Many people once believed that if it were not for the existence of a powerful avenue master, or even the presence of the master, they walked all the way and walked out of their own way. Perhaps they would become the most incredible existence between the day and the earth. .

It can be said that they are the most arrogant existence between the universe of heaven and earth.

When self-proclaimed, it was when they leapt upwards, but because of the existence behind him, he chose self-proclaimed for his life. Therefore, they also had to profess self-proclaimed.

In short, no matter how you look at it, it cannot be called so-called'waste'.

Dare to call these beings like this, either, they are strong enough, or they are too ignorant.

It's just that Wang Yang's feelings are only afraid that these are the latter.

"How is Dasheng now?"

These guys are obviously the existence of exceeding the standard, according to the agreement, Dasheng will block them all.

Perhaps the reason why they only appear now is that the blocking of the Great Saint played a decisive role.

Now, they appear, so, what about the Great Saint?

Wang Yang was worried.But, just thinking about it, the Great Holy Land has reached a peak, and is already qualified to look down on the universe of the heavens and the earth. His existence, with high probability, will not cause any problems.

It's a lot of relief to think so.


You are just here.My strength has improved a little bit, and it was at the time of inspection. Since that is the case, today, it is just time to take you!"

"Oh, is it so?

That being the case, then, today, let Ben Zhenjun come to wake you up."

This is a large cluster of blue light.

True monarch?

It seems that this is a human race again, but, on weekdays, it intersects with its brothers, and even, for its own sake, it can be inserted into the two ribs. Now, it is the opposite of life and death.

"Very good, you are the first one, I can choose to send you a ride!"

Once a human race, nowadays, life and death are facing each other.

There is always a feeling of pain in Wang Yang's heart.

He felt that this was his own sin, because the human race is not very strong, even if the human race now has everything, but it is a fact that the human race is not strong.

Because, the strength of the Mozu, it is too terrible to improve.

"Blue Light Sanctuary!!"

Wang Yang shouted extremely loudly, in fact, he did not directly start to do it himself.

Daoxing march forward, step into the fourth step, and cultivate into the fourth kind of supernatural power.

Make the god body.

He needs to test not only the peace, but also his defense.

This so-called Qingguang true monarch, at least, has not given himself a desperate breath.Even, there is no sense of danger, he wants to try, how about his defense.

The Qingguang Sanctuary, which is a domain-like supernatural power. Under the sanctuary, Wang Yang immediately felt that there was an extremely powerful sense of depression in his own spiritual world.

"Is this a bit of power?"

Just suppress your own spiritual world?

Wang Yang felt that this guy must be a fake, otherwise, how could it be so weak?

"Huh, boy, you think too simple!

Today, let you see, my big blueprint!"

With that said, a big horror hand was photographed towards himself.

"Huh? Some mean, this power has already surpassed the dragon soul and the old man in battle."

At the beginning of the Dragon Soul and the old man of hundreds of battles, their strength, but in the fourth step, there is an invincible presence.

Now the power, beyond them, I am afraid, has entered the fifth step.

"Just, with such power, you want to suppress me? Are you thinking too simple?"

This guy, just breath, did not give himself a sense of despair, enough to show that he is a cosmic overlord in the fourth step.

This big blueprint can't be his trick.

That is to say, if it is not wrong, this guy, his trick, should be this sanctuary of blue light.

In this sanctuary of blue light, the enemy will feel the repression of the spiritual world, but his own strength is the power that can erupt the fifth step.

"Just that's it, then you will die!"

Feeling that his so-called guts were there, Wang Yang chuckled, but he had already decided that he would kill him with a punch.

Thinking in this way, Wang Yang really held his fist towards the so-called Qingguang true monarch, and punched him across the air.


Void concussion is like the void, and under such a bland fist, it is somewhat unbearable.

Vast and mighty, I saw that with a punch, the void seemed like a blank piece of paper, and layers of cracked, and finally, punching force, breaking through the layers of void, directly hit Qingguang Zhenjun.


What big handprint of blue light, what holy land of blue light, even, even the deity of true blue monarch, with such a punch, all have no existence.

As if they were, they never existed in general.

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