My Super Estate

Question 2486 Seek skin with a tiger! !

Chapter 2389: Cooperating with the Devil?Seek skin with a tiger!!

Planning is always so beautiful.

Beautiful plans always seem to remind people of the cruelty of reality.

The seven strong men, the five strong men, resist the five sword masters, and the two demon races rise up and attack, killing the lords of the Quartet.

What a beautiful plan, what a touching story?

Neither the five great swordsmen nor the princes of the Quartet are easily beheaded.

It can be said that they are already in a mortal situation.

In the face of the five great swordsmen, no one can please, not to mention, before, there was a battle between the lord of the Quartet and the God of War, but no one would not know.

Behind the principals of the Sifang Kingdoms at the time, they were not the top five masters, but at least thirty.

Now, in the same field, is it just five great swordsmen?Believe it or not!

Points, seven people work together, facing the earth sword jun, all played extremely hard, now, there are four more sword jun, who can say that he can resist?

What's more, the field is dominated by the Sifang Kingdom, who can know that behind the Sifang Kingdom, there are no other powerful people hiding?

It can be said that from the beginning, they seem to have fallen into a mortal situation.

In such a mortal situation, someone voluntarily stands up, that is the supreme morality.


He lowered his head and looked at the sword pierced from behind him.

Wan Jun Jianjun could not believe that someone behind him would stab such a sword.

Turned his head hard and looked behind him.

The sword is in the hands of the demon king of Montenegro.

Like himself, the other five strong men, including two demons, are counted as one, and no one has run. At this time, one by one has all died.

"Why, why?"

No matter what, it's impossible to figure it out.

Today, when the enemy is at present, he and others work together, but he is not an opponent.

In this way, can you survive?


why?This is really a big joke that is not very nice.

I am a devil, you are a human, why did you come and ask me?Hahahaha..."

The Demon King of Montenegro laughed wildly.

It seems that this is a big joke that makes people feel so funny.

In other words, in his opinion, the question itself is not so funny, but the person who asked the question is extremely ridiculous.

Conspiracy with the devil?

Isn't it just trying to hide from the tiger?

I am the Demon Race, beheading you and robbing you of everything. Isn't it my duty?

"Ha ha……"

Feeling the vitality in his body, he was completely cut off, and Wan Junjianjun also laughed for a while.

He also felt how ridiculous he asked.

Conspiracy with the Demon Race, and finally, be beheaded by the Devil Race. Isn't it all already in my heart that I have already guarded against?

What is it that makes you naively think that it is safe and reliable for you to collude with Mozu?


Wan Jun Jianjun just had some insight, and with a scream, he completely ruined you.

I saw that with the power of the Black Mountain Demon King's power, from the body of the six masters, there were naturally six talismans drawn.


These are all mine!!"

The Demon King of Montenegro burst into ecstasy, laughed wildly, sucked in a big mouth, and swallowed six avenue talismans.

This speed is much faster than Wang Yang.

The broken sword king, Wang Yang did not end until this time, kept his eyes closed, as if he had been digesting.

However, the Black Mountain Demon King devoured the six Avenue talismans, but there was no problem at all, just a big mouthful, and all of them were devoured.

Between the two, simplicity is a huge difference.


Okay, very good, it’s such a feeling,


This feeling is really wonderful."

With open hands, the Sword Master of Montenegro has a feeling of fluttering like a fairy.This feeling is really too powerful.


The five great swordsmen?

Cut me!"

Feeling the powerful power in the body, the Black Mountain Demon King exploded in the body with no sword energy, and he slashed fiercely towards the five sword masters.


With a loud bang, the earth, the void, mountains, rivers, thousands of miles, seemed to be constantly shaking.

I saw in the void, you can see a huge rooftop phantom, all the void, all the suppression, all the vibrations, all are suppressed.


Five Swordsmen, What Space Swordsman, Earth Swordsman, Dari Swordsman, At this moment, all are crushed, bursts of virtual and real, and then, you can see that any existence is all natural To dissipate.

"Haha, the five great swordsmen, but nothing more.

Ha ha ha ha..."

The Demon King of Montenegro laughed happily, like a crazy man.

The five great swordsmen who had never lived before, overwhelmed all their own people, breathless, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Suddenly, he turned around and looked in that direction.

There was a figure who had turned slowly.

"Very good, dancing with the devil, really is seeking skin with the tiger!

They died unjustly!"

"Aren't you worried about yourself?"

"Do I need to worry about myself?"

Wang Yang chuckled and said, "However, your calculations are really good.

With your strength, I am afraid that they have been targeted by you from the beginning!!

It's just that you need them to shape this sword mountain and attract me.

Therefore, the meaning of their existence is not to deal with me, but how to attract me.

Their only value is to shape this mountain sword."

This demon king of Montenegro really had a dark heart.

From the beginning, he has calculated all the people.

What a thousand swordsmen, what a shattered swordsman, they are one by one, they still have a dream in their hearts, they think that their strength is already earth-shattering, they do not put other people in their eyes, open their mouths, and call other people waste. .

As a result, they did not know that they had fallen into the hands of others.

I don't even know that they have become idiots in the eyes of others.

What lord of the Quartet?

Is it related to them?

"Haha, yes, you see the question very clearly.

So, now you, do you still want to struggle?"


With a chuckle, Wang Yang said: "I don't like this word very much.

Struggling as if I had fallen into the net.

It's just, why don't you know that when you count others, are you already falling into the calculations of others?

Besides, what is it that gives you such a strong self-confidence that you have already settled on me?"

With that said, Wang Yang's body naturally exploded into a terrible power, and the terrible power shrouded the demon king of Montenegro.

At this moment, Wang Yang is like a supreme mountain, suppressing all injustices.


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