My Super Estate

Question 2605

Chapter 2438 The Great Eruption

Some mysterious space.

The four ancestors of the Heart Demon Ancestor, Reaper, Huang Quan, and the Shura Ancestor of the Hell Demon Race are listed at the pinnacle of the universe, all of which are displayed here.

They all closed their eyes, motionless, as if they didn't know how many years there were.

Suddenly, the demon ancestor opened his eyes.


"This is God's will.

No one knows that he, the Quartet, still has such a hand."

Grim Reaper is also unwilling.

This time, their four strong clan, and the four strong clan of the human clan have all their strengths, everything is calculated well.

Everything is planned.

Seeing that the plan is about to succeed.

Who knows, in the end, there will be such an accident?

"what should we do?"

Huang Quan's ancestor looked like an ordinary old man. He had a pair of longevity eyebrows, long down, like a wicker, without wind automatically.

"Did you just give up like this?"

Mozu emotions are indifferent, merciless, selfless, and selfish. They are listed as the pinnacle of the universe, and they will never be moved by ordinary demons.

Even this time, the Demon Race will be billions of dollars, and even involve thousands of universes.

None of this will make them a little bit shaken.

"Innately created God Tree is the treasure of the Sifang Star District.

This time, such a large number of demons were all captured by his Quartet.

At that time, once digested, the details of his Quartet Star Zone will surely be deeper.Even a thousand masters of the universe, who knows, how many universes will emerge from his four-sided star zone?"

The deity didn't come back. As a god avatar, it was the time to preside over the big picture.

The war.

The results are very rich, but the loss of the Quartet Star Zone is also extremely serious.

"Father, in this war, the Quartet Star Zone consumes endless resources. It reaches one third of the inventory.

Thirty-four people died in the upper star field.

Seven thousand and eight hundred people died in the next Starfield, and three hundred thousand died in the world."

Wang Yang listened to such a number without any expression.

In fact, he was always there.

However, he knows better that the Quartet Star Zone, if you want to grow, want to improve, and fight, it is essential.Even if the death is as high as 300,000, it must be experienced.

Survival of the fittest has always been one of the laws of the jungle.

And this vast universe is a land of jungle: killing, fighting, will be the eternal theme of the universe.

"Now, at all levels, how many gaps are there?"

Sifangxing District, how much resources have been accumulated?

Others don’t know, even if Wang Yang doesn’t?Even if it supports the natural development of one hundred and fifty stars, there are no problems.

Even, Wang Yang has planned that if there is a suitable time, he can open up a market in the human temple, and send some resources out reasonably.

However, just a war, the entire inventory, even if it consumes a third.

It's terrible.

Of course, Wang Yang knows better that such a large consumption and the results obtained in return are also extremely alarming.

Otherwise, the Sifangxing District has already been broken.

"Because, resources are always provided in an open manner, so there are many talents accumulated in the Sifangxing District.

Therefore, gaps at all levels can be quickly filled in a very short time.

For the time being, there is no gap."

There are no restrictions on levels such as emperor sages, as long as there are sufficient resources and talents, even if you are a pig, you can become an emperor.

However, the Lord of the Thousand Worlds, the Lord of the Stars, and even the Lord of the Universe have extremely strict restrictions.

This is the iron law of the universe, easy and unbreakable.

This is not just a matter of talent, but also a resource limitation.

After the opening of many cosmic kingdoms, they are the masters of the ten high-level star domains, and it is impossible to get together.

Even, a cosmic star zone in NuoDa University, even a genius of two cosmic levels, is difficult to appear. Whenever one appears, it is a treasure.

All of this is enough to explain that, to a large extent, this is a resource limitation.

"Do you still hope to face the pressure of this army again next time and watch your brother die?"

There may be new faces as well as old faces below, but Wang Yang hopes that the next time, when there is such a situation, what he can see will be those old faces.

"Many of you, we are old acquaintances.

However, what I saw was more old faces, which were gone.

Where did they go?


You guys hope.Next time, the old face is gone, are you guys?"

"Don't want!"

Headed by Wang Qing, Yang Lin and other second generations shouted loudly.

In the same way, once the tenth Shenshui Manor, Guan Yue and others, clenched their fists tightly.

Coming from Shenshui Manor, when did you suffer such a loss?

With sufficient resources available, they have always been fighting against the enemy.

There are even many special cases of zero casualties.

This time, in the face of the demon's massive offensive, he was beaten back repeatedly, and at various levels, he was beaten by a large number of destructive personnel.

Even with his own leadership, the master of the high-level star domain directly damaged more than 30 people.

It's exactly 30%.

These, many, are brothers who once brought them out.

Among them, more of them are their comrades.

How many times have they been in the same boat?

How many times do we share troubles?

However, now, they can only watch the comrades-in-arms who have been in the same boat and have suffered in common, all have fallen.

If they can take that step and create their own avenues, if the strength of their own people can be more powerful??

Well, all this will be rewritten.

"You don't want to?"

"No, we are ashamed of our comrades!"

"Very well, now, we will give you the opportunity.

This time, the 10 billion Demon Army.

I won all.

I also won a thousand universe masters.

After that, where can you go, then it all depends on your own."


With a wave of hands, all of them left.

However, starting from this day, the entire Quartet Star Zone is like a big explosion.

A group of three people, on the basis of the master of the upper star field, go further and create their own avenue to achieve the lord of that avenue.

In the impossible, create the possibility again.In a very short period of time, the Quartet Star Zone has three more universes.

Throughout the Sifangxing District, the backlog of talent has grown rapidly.

In a very short period of time, all the strongmen at all levels are all together.

The Sifang Star District has more than 30% improvement in strength.

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