My Super Estate

Chapter 2608 Do you want to block me?

Chapter 2441, do you want to block me?

In the laughter, I waited until the dust disappeared.

Guan Yue truly felt this feeling.

Seventy-four Lords of the Stars, among them, there are four, is the level of life, equivalent to the Lord of Stars.

If this is in the territories of the human race, it is necessary to arrange it into a powerful battle array. If you are trapped in the battle array and want to fight, it will be a little difficult.

However, in the Demon Race.

If they do not become the overlords of the Dao, they must not help the Devil from heaven, selfishness, and ruthlessness. Do they want to be arranged in battle?

just kidding.

Today, the seventy-four Lords of the Star Territory, all of whom have passed down their magical powers, all died in their magical powers.

"The owner, the blocker, has all solved it!"

With a sigh, Guan Yue had to calm down and came to Wang Yang.

There was a touch of excitement in her expression.

The joy is even more irrepressible.

Seventy-four Lords of the Star Territories will be killed if they are killed, but there is nothing remarkable about them, but the Nine Sha Universe Kingdom in front of them will have no obstacles.

The day when you will become a cosmic kingdom will be in sight.

With a pair of beautiful eyes with expectations, stare at the great owner.

Such an image of worship exudes a glamorous light. If it is seen by the spirit, I don't know how many people will be shocked.

Unfortunately, such a glamorous scene did not attract Wang Yang's attention.

Wang Yang's gaze was just staring at the direction of the Nine Shax Universe Kingdom.


Guan Yue is not a fool, how can he look down on it?

Owner of the house, this is what attracted attention.

Could it be, what else is hidden in this nine-sha universe?

"You want to stop me?"

Finally, Wang Yang opened his mouth.

Is it really someone?

Guan Yue was shocked.

Can attract the attention of the owner, then, what kind of existence is this?

Could it be that the biggest and worst villain in the legend, the Demon Patriarch?

Okay, even if you are well-informed, as a member of the Quartet Star Zone, you are still fighting with the Devil all the year round, but in Guan Yue's eyes, the Demon Patriarch is still the biggest and worst villain.

Even, in her eyes, the Mozu launched many wars, all caused by this big villain.

"Damn badass."

I was so angry in my heart that I screamed secretly.

Sure enough, there is an incomparably tall figure on the origin of the huge Jiusha universe country, the natural star.

Even if it is the sovereign of the universe, the highest in the universe is only a million feet high.

However, the figure in front of him clearly has far exceeded this limit.

Who is this?

Faxiang world?

It simply cannot exist.

So it can manifest a million feet, only because of the powerful force that forcibly distorts the void of the universe.

The lord of the universe can only manifest one million feet tall, only because their power has distorted the void of the universe and manifested one million feet tall, which is already the limit.

So, who is this guy in front of you?

Guan Yue was clever and asked nothing.


I have long heard of the name of the Sifang Star District, but now it seems that it is indeed worthy of the name.

This beautiful actress domain, will not be the legendary, the tenth month of Shenshui Guanyue!"

Sifang Star District sneered on the surface, ignoring everything.

In fact, the heart is already staring at the other party nervously. Similarly, the perception of diffusion is always paying attention to all the movements around.

Like the seven-star demon king, this is another rumor that has long been annihilated in history.

Nine evil devil.

Is there a great sense of familiarity?

It is true that the legendary master of the nine-sha universe is his successor.

However, the talent of the Nine Sha Universe Kingdom is really not very good. With the inheritance left by the Nine Sha Devil Monarch, he has been unable to comprehend the Nine Sha Avenue.

In other words, the Jiusha universe sovereign has a complete inheritance of the Jisha Demon King, but it still has not comprehended the Jisha Road.

"This seat has never been in this world. It seems that the world has forgotten the horror of this seat.

The Nine Sha Universe Kingdom is a cosmic kingdom developed by this successor.

Now, you are here by pressing the heirs of this seat, and want to make sacrifices, do you think this seat should not come out?"

As long as the avenue survives, even if it is temporarily silenced in the universe of heaven and earth, it can be returned to again.

It can be said that succession is the most important means of life continuity.

Think of this, and indeed, this guy should appear.


"Should you come out, and what does it have to do with this seat?

Only, you have blocked the way."

Wang Yang said arrogantly.

Since childhood, Wang Yang was not a genius, but now, he is also a confident person.

Because he can manufacture geniuses in batches.

An existence that has never reached the summit dare to block his own way.

It's just a joke.

"Step aside.

Or, die!"

Finally, Wang Yang issued an ultimatum.

After hearing this, Guan Yue's eyes brightened.

She did not expect that her owner would still have such an overbearing side.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the most admired person.

However, in contrast, Jiusha Demon King suddenly changed color.

For a time, in the cosmic sky, there were cracks in the void, all kinds of terrifying thunder, and countless storms.

Everywhere, all come together.

In an instant, it turned into a terrifying afterlife scene.

A pillar of light on the avenue that does not know where it leads to the bottom, and naturally does not know where it leads to, is to penetrate the entire Nine Sha universe.

The powerful avenue area even enveloped the entire Jiusha universe.

"Huh, there is a species, you come!"

To the surprise of Wang Yang, this guy, with such a huge position, thought that he would have a strong position.

As a result, he turned out to be waiting for himself to attack.

"One hundred steps, have you reached seventy steps?

Haha, this is the confidence you have??"

Wang Yang sneered.

He was even more certain that this Qisha Demon King did not know that it was an old antique that was pulled out by the demon ancestor and others.

Although they are ancient predecessors, it is clear that no matter whether they are ancestors of the Devil or the gods of death, they are not the elders who respect the elders.

"Since you have such self-confidence, then this seat is good to go.

Let's see if you can stand at the feet of this seat to ensure that you will not die."

Speaking of it, Wang Yang walked step by step toward the Nine Sha Universe Kingdom.

One step in the starry sky, naturally, there is a golden lotus born. Under the golden lotus, all the magical energy seems to be taken away by the smoking machine, and is continuously extracted.


Although, there is still a certain distance from the Nine Sha Universe, the face of the Nine Sha Devil is still changing.

This method of extracting magic energy is unheard of.

Devil qi is the root of all demons, if...

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