My Super Estate

The 2609th chapter one foot suppress the devil

Chapter two thousand four hundred and forty-two chapter one foot to suppress the devil

Step by step, a lot of golden lotus appeared in the void.

The golden lotus is in full bloom, as if it were the place where the Buddha sang meditation, all the devil is not soaked, and everything is untouched.

Nine evil universes, thousands of demons gather, all evils gather, evil spirits permeate, and more than magic.

For thousands of years, the laws of the universe have been rendered by the magic, to achieve that magic domain, all spirits dare not enter, and everything cannot be born.

However, just today, a supreme god-man walked from the void of the universe, the golden lotus blossomed at his feet, and the voice of the gods was filled and endless.

"Good means.

It's just, do you think it will change the world?

Magic Road is prevalent!!"

Devil and man are not mutually exclusive.

After hundreds of millions of years of development and research, the Mozu has long discovered that various means of restraining humanity have successfully integrated into the entire devil.

Based on Jiusha Avenue, from the universe starry sky, there is an infinite amount of gloomy evil spirits, endless evil thoughts, gathered in succession, and quickly transformed into an endless magic sea.

The magic sea is tumbling, the magic fog is surging, and in the faint, its own demon is born.

There are souls, asuras, and weird demons.

Under the auspices of the Nine Sha Dadao, various powerful battle formations were formed, blocking every layer.

Even if it is the seventh-level cosmic overlord of the general avenue, stepping into it must be suppressed relentlessly.

This is the power of the overlord of the avenue.

"Huh, in a row?

And watch me break you!"

Wang Yang just sneered, and then stepped into the magic sea.

The magic sea rolls over, the magic fog surging, and the endless whistling of sounds rang continuously.

But just because of this, you want to shake your will?

It's unavoidable and I underestimated myself too much.

Wang Yang ignored the in-ear magic sound.

Damn it!

One of his biggest means has no effect.

Jiu Sha Mo Jun scolded in his heart.

Immediately, under his auspices of Jiusha Avenue, the endless magic thoughts, based on the battle array, quickly merged into one.

I saw a supreme demon, born naturally in the magic sea.


This is the magical power of the Nine Sha Demon Clan and the Nine Sha Demon King.

Incorporating the Jiusha Avenue, the strength will definitely not be weaker than the Jisha Demon King itself.And there is no life and death, with the gathering and destruction, even in the face of a strong enemy, only in that moment.

"Huh, there is such a means?

But, do you think that this way can block the road of this seat?

Was it too ridiculous??"

However, there is no change in Wang Yang. I saw that there was an immense amount of chemical fire burning, and the blossoming golden lotus naturally transformed into blossoming fire lotus.

The golden lotus came into being.

The blossoming golden lotus rose up a little bit of chemical atmosphere, gathered into a group, and suddenly, shining bright golden light.


The creation of the void is supernatural.

Wang Yang actually used his own thoughts to integrate the spirit of creation born from the fire lotus, and manifest a great Buddha.

I saw the endless Buddha light manifestation, the shining Buddha wheel, its own purification magic.

This is Wang Yang's fiction in the void, fabricated in the void by his own legends.

It is Wang Yang's spiritual power manifested.

Bang Bang Bang...

The Big Buddha and the Big Devil have faced each other.

It's just that, between the two phases, for a time, it was difficult to distinguish the superiors.

Wang Yang walked step by step. In the magic sea, there was naturally a fire lotus manifested, devouring the magic energy, and a little bit of chemical gas was born continuously, and then it was continuously absorbed by the big Buddha and constantly strengthened.

This is also a means of confrontation of the overlord of the universe. Looking at the magical incomparable, in fact, more is the battle between the souls.

Seeing nothing to do with the ontology, it is extremely dangerous.

If you don’t pay attention to it, the spiritual world is bound to be hit hard. The strength of the body is hard to show seven percent.

"Dare to engage in spiritual warfare with this seat?"

Nine Sha Mojun just sneered.

Here, it is the Nine Shakespeare Kingdom, which is his home field, and the soul is in battle, he has the absolute upper hand.

In his view, this Sifang sovereign is simply an arrogant man, because with a little background, he has forgotten the dangers of this universe.

That being the case, today, let me teach you how to be a human being.

Nine Sha Demon King secretly rejoiced in his heart.

The Sifang Star District is not easy to provoke. Now, basically, the high-level figures of the entire universe are all known.

There is no way, people backstage hard.

If it is possible, it is absolutely impossible for someone to be willing to provoke.

It's just that for some reason, they don't have to provoke them.

Especially for some top executives, they are already riding a tiger, and unconsciously, they have already communicated with the Quartet, basically endlessly.

But he didn't dare to shoot casually.

They are betting on a future.

The world of rooftops has appeared. With a chance, they can embark on the road of the sky, break the gap between reality and reality, and enter the real world.

From then on, it is the truth and the truth, even if offended the Quartet, what can be done?

All kinds of thoughts are unknown.

The end of the Seven Star Demon King, and the elders of the dragon family came out, it was like a warning bell, and they always sounded in their hearts.

Whenever they want to come to the end in person, they are directly frightened by the finger pointed out by the distance of how many star fields are apart.

Therefore, they can only try their best to find some existing entities that are within the rules and have high strength.

Among them, Jiusha Demon King skipped one by one in his heart. Although he hated in his heart, he was helpless.

Even if he is not willing, he still has to shoot when he should.

However, as step by step, the Buddha is getting stronger and stronger.

Even in the Great Buddha, the sound of purification is terrifying and scary. Unconsciously, some small devil heads born in the magic sea are naturally purified by him and self-destructed in the magic sea. Among.

The newly born little devil of the magic sea is basically the key to his victory.At this point, you have been completely purified.


The confrontation between the souls is getting more and more into the disadvantage, and unconsciously, it is almost the same, and has become a slight advantage.

Jiu Sha Mojun didn't dare to carelessly, quickly took the initiative to take action.

Mind confrontation is the most dangerous. Once defeated, it must be stopped in time. Otherwise, once the mind is hurt, the strength will be severely damaged and seriously damaged.

It's just that the soul is intertwined, if you retreat into me and retreat rashly, it's not helpful to find death.

Therefore, Jiu Sha Mojun wanted to retreat, but Wang Yang was unwilling.

Jiusha Demon King just wanted to make some moves, but Wang Yang had already stepped out of his feet, and headed towards the top of Jiusha Demon King's head.


How dare the Quartet's sovereign despise me so much?

At this moment, the nine evil spirits gathered all their strength and fought hard.

I saw that a huge fist smashed towards Wang Yang's footboard.

This is his full punch, even if anything is blocked on his punch, he will be beaten.

It's just that when such a domineering punch hits Wang Yang's footplate, it is like an egg hitting the stone slab, which is directly smashed.

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