My Super Estate

Question 2610

Chapter 2443 Promotion begins

"Nine Sha real body!!"

Your strongest punch, even if it would be useless??

Nine Sha Mojun was secretly startled.

Similarly, he was even more unwilling in his heart.


This seat is the main avenue of the seventh step, but he is the rookie of the fifth step. The strongest blow in this seat can't hurt him.


Why is this all this??"

Jiu Sha Mojun shouted with sorrow.

He would never be reconciled, that's how he was defeated by the human race in front of him.

He did not want to die.

Right now, the rooftop world is now alive, and when that happens, there will inevitably be a big mess.

The enemy represents opportunity and danger.

Your own strength is already the strongest group of people under the pinnacle of the universe. As long as you pay careful attention to it, you will definitely have the opportunity to take it one step further.

The great chaos represents destruction for ordinary cosmic creatures. For them, that is opportunity.

"You forced me.

All of this, you force me, you force me."

The devil was stunned.

In a pair of magic eyes, there is an endless light of blood evil.Staring at Wang Yang, his mouth kept muttering.

Wang Yang secretly shocked: Is there any other trick?

At the moment, Wang Yang secretly guarded.

"Nine evil evil spirits, belong to me!!"

The Nine Devil Demon King is really going to make a big move.

I saw that in the void of the universe, boundless aura came together!

In a very short period of time, it was just the magic sea, and now it is quickly transformed into a sea of ​​evil spirits.

The nine kinds are different, but they are the evil spirits that exude the same power as the nine evil spirits, and they manifest naturally.

Sha Ling does not have a specific form, which lies between the virtual and the real, and the virtual and the real change.

However, although Sha Ling has a very good relationship with Jiu Sha Demon King, however, Jiu Sha Demon King wants to direct them to attack, but it is impossible.

Therefore, there is only one way for Jiusha Demon King to go.

Introduce the spirit into the body, integrate the nine spirits into the body, and forcefully break the existing state.

At the moment, he attracted the boundless Qiqi Ocean into the body.

The Demon Race, to absorb negative energy and strengthen itself.The promotion speed is extremely fast.

However, correspondingly, the strength has increased rapidly, but it has a great weakness, that is, the speed has increased, and the danger is also a straight line.

In normal practice, it is necessary to be careful at all times to avoid the evil spirits, fearing that the evil spirits will enter the body and cause chaos in the spiritual world. What’s more, the spiritual spirit will fight endlessly in the spiritual world, and it will cause chaos in the spiritual world. , Get into trouble.

In normal times, the Nine Devil Monarchs absolutely dare not be so reckless.

However, he looked at Wang Yang, and his expression was full of unwillingness.

"Even if it's an outrage?

How can I be weaker than my devil?"

Worthy of being a demon, the act is the most extreme, and just a punch has not worked, so even disregarding itself.

Jiusha Demon King takes Jiusha Evil Qi as its source.

At ordinary times, even if there is the suppression of Jiusha Avenue, in the face of the evil spirit coming from the entire universe, if you want to refine it, you must pay attention and pay attention.

However, at this moment, in order to win, nothing can be taken care of.

He has a secret method to absorb the endless evil spirits of Jiu Sha and achieve his true body.

However, in this way, you can directly promote yourself to a higher level.

Defects are their own mental will, which is difficult to control.

The explosive power is strong, but the control is seriously insufficient.

"Well, as long as there is an eighth level of Daoxing, even if there are some shortcomings in control, what can be done? He is rumored to be invincible at the seventh level.

Today, let's see if he is really so invincible??"

Feeling the general feeling of looking for death from the spiritual world, Jiu Sha Mojun secretly calculated.

It's too late to say, it's fast.

Absorbing the spirit of Nine Sha and achieving the real body of Nine Sha are only a moment away.

Wang Yang's foot hadn't been completely dropped yet, and he punched it hard again.


Like thunder, it was like a rising tide, and boundless fist, towards Wang Yang, was smashed.

It was like an iron hammer, carrying strong power and a belief in victory.

Seemingly bad, Wang Yang clearly felt nine different beliefs.

This is the fusion of nine different forces.

Wang Yang had a basic judgment in mind.

This is a force belonging to the eighth level.

Even if it is yourself, in the face of such a force, you must deal with it carefully.

"Nine Dao's different powers are fused, and another 9 Dao's beliefs are in control.

Well, there must be a force among them playing a leading role.

So, as long as it is broken, the so-called eighth step is simply a joke."


This kind of power is like, Wang Yang is really just a seventh step, there is really no way.

It's just a pity that Wang Yang's real path is the fifth step, and there are three derivative paths, even the real eighth step, he can face head to head, and he will never be weak.

What's more, it's just one of nine forces?

With a loud shout, Jiusha Shenquan, who was just arrogant, was directly flattened by one foot.

Wang Yang's strong foot is directly on top of his head.

This time, it seems that it is the turbulent sea, which is directly the iron that is fixed by the sea god, and it is directly given.

A little bit of movement is not terrible.

"Do not……"

In the air, a scream of unwillingness was heard.

However, the very fierce devil was just given, and there is no possibility of tumbling.

"Now, the promotion is just right.

You get started!"


It's just so adoring!!

The owner is the owner, Guan Yue never thought of it, a so-called invincible overlord of the universe, which is so simple, is simply being kicked, directly suppressed.

Guan Yue was from Shenshui Manor with Wang Yang.

Of course she knew that the Buddha was no more than an emperor.

In contrast, what emperor, in front of such an overlord, simply does not have a sense of existence.

However, this is the case, in the face of such a lord of the road, the owner actually summoned a great Buddha with his mind and mind to the world.

Suppress the devil with Buddha.

Such a method is simply unheard of, unseen!!

In fact, this is also the reason why Guan Yue has no knowledge, otherwise, she will not feel it. This so-called Big Buddha and Big Demon Saint is just a contest of minds between the two.

However, all this is not important now.

"One day, I will become such a person."

This is from the modern society, that is the pride that comes from within.

Even if it has already entered the ranks of the universe, this pride, although usually restrained, will never disappear.

Heavenly people are not weaker than others in life.

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