My Super Estate

Question 2626

Chapter 2458

"In this painting, it is a very large world.

Inside, there are many ancient star beasts, extremely huge, I was just injured by such a giant beast."

Volunteer to be a pawn is of course not because of how noble he is, but because he needs it.

He has been seriously injured, he needs such an opportunity, and needs such an opportunity to help himself recover.

He didn't want his life to be dominated by others.

Unfortunately, he did not succeed, on the contrary, he was injured.For this, he had to seek help.

"The mission inside is to plant some extremely rare magic medicines.

As long as the planting is successful, there will be great benefits, and it can even help us enter the deeper enlightenment."



It turned out to be cultivation?

This, this is not the best show of the Quartet Lord?

How could this happen?

When I heard it was planting, it was panic even if it was a shadow.

Everyone in the universe knows that the Sifang Kingdom Lord is so weird, and the Sifang Star District is so powerful, all because the Sifang Kingdom Lord is good at planting.

Even, it has reached a terrible point.

The Sifang Star District, with its huge accumulation of resources, can allow them to face the 10 billion Mozu army and fight back.

However, now you even told me that this so-called opportunity is to evaluate planting?

This, this is just a crap.

"We must restore our strength in the first place.

Don’t forget, at first, we were the top five, but now, King Shura is gone.

This time, spatial fluctuations are extremely widespread and he cannot possibly feel it."

King Shura is gone.

Among the spatial fluctuations, there is a message: the land of immortals.

No one will not pay attention to such a message, but King Shura is gone.

Is he not paying attention?

Or... dead?

"Yes, we must not allow the Quartet to enter, otherwise, with his means, once the strength is improved, we will die."

This is definitely not a joke.

With the strength of the Quartet's sovereigns, once they enter, then the success of planting will inevitably rise.

"You said that in the legend, the four masters and masters have improved their strength very quickly. Is it because of this reason?

According to legend, the princes of the Quartet have improved their strength and have no reason at all.

In a very short period of time, it was continuously improved.

Today, even just the fifth step is directly soaring, with the strength of the horse face, dragging on the serious injury, it can't even treat him.

It's just like the speed of light rockets can't reach.

"Or? Let's go straight and kill him!"

Mo Ying proposed such a plan.

He intends to shoot directly to kill the Quartet.

The scene was quiet.

The horse face, and the ghost, the sickle, face each other.

"What do you think is the problem?"

No one answered his proposal, and Mo Ying was extremely dissatisfied.

"it is good!"

Wang Yang has been staring at these four demons, paying attention to the changes in the details of each of their expressions.


Wang Yang decisively supported his defensive supernatural powers!

Bang Bang Bang...

No one thought that the four demon races who were still talking to each other would suddenly move towards themselves.

The four avenues of supernatural powers are all poured out.

"All things go together!"

"Blade of Death!!"

"The Rod of Huang Quan!!"

"Magic Stinger!!"

The four avenues of supernatural powers were all dumped on Wang Yang. Even if Wang Yang was powerful and his defense was amazing, at this time, he was almost beaten without doubting his life.

The defenses were all broken, and finally, a black dagger directly penetrated Wang Yang's body.

How strong is Wang Yang's defensive magical powers? Since his debut, no one has ever hurt him half a point, which can be seen.

However, this time, he was seriously injured.


I haven't felt such a serious injury for a long time.

My own defense seems to have no effect.

Feeling the power in the body and wreaking havoc, Wang Yang was anxious.

This is the ninth level of the shadow. There is bound to be his will. It is impossible to resist with his own way. Even if he wants to suppress it, it is very difficult.

The confrontation between great supernatural powers, any power, in the end, is a confrontation between each other's will.

Unless the will is extremely strong, it is impossible to recover.

The so-called trauma is also the case.

You must take care of all your injuries in the first place.

At the moment, decisively ignite the Ziyang Divine Blood in his body directly.

Suddenly, a terrible energy burst out of Wang Yang.

The powerful energy is so terrifying that even when it erupts, it is not much resisting force even if it is a shadow, it is directly blown up and flew backwards.


There were already serious injuries, and it would be unbearable to suffer such an explosion even if it was a shadow.


Pointing to Wang Yang.

He had absolutely no idea that this prince of the Quartet was not only a matter of proficiency, but also such a brilliant technique of explosion.

Under such an explosion, he can be sure that he will definitely not be weaker than when he was at his heyday.

Under the outbreak, there can be such strength. Once Daoxing improves again, wouldn't it be more powerful?

There is no need to even communicate, and the top four of the demon clan have hit again.

"Fuck you all!!"

Under the outbreak, all these bastards must be repelled, otherwise, this time, I am afraid to die here.

The Magic Shadow will still have such strength, which is absolutely unthinkable.

Ziyang Magic Boxing!!

Under the outbreak, of course, the power of Ziyang Shenquan is more powerful!

I saw that a huge fist, ruthlessly, smashed past.

Then, you can see that a purple sun is rising.

It is very magical, obviously there is only one fist, but, whether it is a magic shadow, a horse face, or a ghost, a sickle of scythes, one by one, they see a fist that has been punched towards themselves.


This was absolutely unexpected.

Such a fist does not speak any truth at all. It seems that it is locked in itself, no matter how to dodge, or how to escape, it can't get rid of it.

Then, it was hit hard.


The four strong demons are strong and have a thick foundation. They can survive such a punch.

However, under this punch, they still involved their old injuries.

In the same way, when Wang Yang broke out, the body contained powerful power.

It's just that Wang Yang's own will is simply not enough to support such a powerful energy. Now, he has been hit hard by the shadows, and it has also restrained a lot of will power. When he punched it, he was seriously injured.

"Can't drag it anymore!"

Dao Xing advanced people, the will is stronger, even if the outbreak is strong, it is difficult to smooth the Dao wound.

At this time, only that chance is the best choice.

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