My Super Estate

Question 2627

Chapter 2457 escaped into it

Wang Yang’s current situation is obvious willpower, unable to feel the energy in his body.

Such a result is extremely unique.

Get out of flames.


His willpower is not strong, it is difficult to suppress, this is our opportunity!!"

When Wang Yang exploded, his strength greatly increased, even if it was a shadow, he was shocked.

Now it seems that all this is so beautiful.

"Sovereign Lord, you have today!!"

The horse face is also overjoyed, and its face is hideous.

The strength of the Sifang Lord is too sturdy, and his backstage is even more scary.

Yellow Spring Blade!!

Even if the horse face is seriously injured, at this time, he is still the first to attack.

The mighty magic blade is like the breeze in the middle of the night, blowing people's eyes, charming soul, and extinguishing life.

"you wanna die!!"

The body is already a double internal injury, not too honest?

Well, today I will beat you to doubt life.

At the moment, Wang Yang holds a Ziwei Excalibur in his hand, and the soft sword is used as a epee, so mighty as a landslide.

On the spot, they came to suppress the horse.

"Some shots sooner?"

Feeling the sense of destruction in the spiritual world, Ma Mian was shocked. He knew that with this blow, he would definitely not be able to stop him, and he might die.


The demon nature is selfishness.

However, the selfish and motivated demons can also ensure that they are not destroyed, which is enough to show that they are very smart and know the current affairs.

Wang Yang must die.

Whatever the civil strife and the fight against each other, this issue must be considered only after the death of the Quartet.

The strength of the Sifang Lord is strong enough, and his cultivation methods are even more amazing.

That so-called opportunity is simply tailored for him!

He must not be allowed to enter it.

"Today you must kill you no matter what."

Wang Yang made up his mind that even in the face of the siege of the three great demon powerhouses, he selectively dodges and defends, and all the attacking methods have all fought towards the horse.

Even if it is because of this, it will seriously injure yourself or even die, you must not let this bastard be better off.

Wang Yang is crazy.

The style of play was just to be aggressive, one sword at a time, and hit the horse in the face.

The body was already under defense, and he was attacked by the seven or eight minds of the three demon strongmen.

This is why Wang Yang's defense is indeed very powerful, even if he is against the three major demon strongs, the seven or eight attacks, he still keeps himself undead.

Otherwise, I am afraid that it is such a powerful attack, I am afraid, don’t just hit it two or three times, just kill it.

If you pay, there will be rewards.

At this moment, Wang Yang believed in such a statement.

At least, the horse face with double serious injuries is now beaten with some suspicion in life.


The sword falls like a sky collapse, the sword wind wipes the soul.

The Ziwei Excalibur is a true top-level Excalibur, and even has a trace of the immortal sword. After a sword is hacked, it is like a sky collapse, like a mountain. Even if the horse face is high and deep, under such attacks, it is still being Played a little suspicious of life.

At the very least, his current injury, the spiritual world, are on the verge of collapse.

If this continues, the spiritual world must collapse.

"Wang Ba Dan, why do you keep staring at me?"

Horse face is absolutely proud.

His strength, looking at the entire universe, except for some of the top overlords, who is in his eyes?

Why is it difficult to make him bow his head?

The head can be broken, blood can flow, and the face cannot be lost.

However, I really don't want to die!

You always hit me like this. Isn't this trying to make me die?

The horse's teeth were bitten and not done!

"Fuck you."

With a loud curse, he turned around and left, no longer playing.

Ma Mian can no longer control any rules or plans.

If you go on like this, you are going to die. Who can manage so much?

After taking the sword that Wang Yang slashed down, by this force, he did not fly directly into the depths of the plain.


The horse escaped halfway and almost did not kill everyone.

Sickle Death was furious.

After clearly planning, he surrounded the Quartet and killed him here.

Seeing the injury of the Sifang Kingdom Lord getting more and more serious, as long as he supported for a moment, he would be killed by himself and others.

As a result, the damn horse face fled halfway.

(As for whether the horse's face has been seriously injured, will it die? Obviously, the great Sickle Death did not flash in his heart at all.

Your horse's face is dead, what's up to me?)

"Haha, you want to surround me, it's too far away."

The plan was finally realized, and the Demon Race was indeed as general as it thought, and it was too short of that great plot.

Besieged by the top four, even if the explosive power is amazing, Wang Yang almost couldn't stand it.

This is also thanks to the fact that these guys are already seriously injured, otherwise, as long as one round, I am afraid that they have already been beaten into doubt for life.

What to prevent three attack one, specialize in one corner.

It’s all bullshit, no strong power, and any strategy is just talking on paper. There is no second way except that you are killed.

Now, it can be described as being in a favorable position at the right time. All of them are available. If this is the case, they will not be victorious.

Haha laughed for a while, Wang Yang was rushing into that picture.

"Hey, what about this?"

The plan was so perfect, and in the end, it was still escaped by the lord of the Quartet.

The ghost is the most unwilling.

"All blame the horse noodles. If it wasn't for him to be too wasteful, how could we fail?"

Angry, extremely angry!!

Severely hurt, you must find someone to vent.

The horse face that escaped is the best object.

"Yes, it is horse noodles, otherwise, how could we fail?"

"Damn, don't let me see him, otherwise, you have to swallow him!!"

Sha Gui said fiercely.

At this time, no one thought that the horse face would be beaten to death.

Or, for them, as long as the lord of the Quartet is killed, even if the horse face is dead, it is worthwhile.

It's just a pity that they can't do anything but call a few times.

The horse face is gone, and the prince of the Quartet has entered the painting.

"What should we do now?"

Even if he is angry again, at this time, he must face a problem.

That is, the lord of the Quartet has entered that painting.

Inside, it is a place of opportunity, a place where opportunities can be obtained according to planting methods.

For the Sifang Guozhu, there is his home court.

Moying, Sickle Death, and Guisha stare at each other, wanting to see if there is a way out.

Unfortunately, no one dared to speak about the three.

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