My Super Estate

Question 2629

Chapter 2461 Mission

"Senior, should have been in for a long time!"

When I came to my side, I didn't feel anything at all.

Such a strength, I am afraid, far surpassed myself.

It is correct to call a senior.

Being a man, isn't it, knowing the current affairs?

"Yeah, for a long time.

For a long time, now, I have forgotten how much time there is!"

"I heard that this is a place of opportunity?

I don't know, how to get the chance?"

Everyone who comes in will get the task list for the first time, which will get some points.

As long as the points are enough, it is possible to gain insight into the Tao.

This information is public.

Wang Yang still decided to ask.Isn't he too careful, just, the choice of tasks, will there be something to pay attention to?

Will there be any small tips?

The world in this painting is so huge, will there be some maps?

Could it be, where is it directly hiding some super scary existence?

and many more……

There are too many, this world is too strange, and there is an old man who can ask, of course, ask more.

"Mission, there is nothing in particular that requires our attention.

But, what do you need to pay attention to when planting?

Also, where do we get our seeds??"

Seeds are currently Wang Yang’s most urgent.

At the beginning of Wang Yang, Shenshui Manor was equipped with a Biological Research Institute, specializing in the research of various seeds, the nutrients needed for the planting of various plants, the required culture medium, and the various environments required.

For a large number of cosmic level overlords, as long as there is a direction, then everyone can move quickly in this direction.

Unfortunately, when various researches from the Shenshui Biological Research Institute touch the ceiling, this situation has basically reached a limit.

At least, all the resources below the cosmic sovereign can be supplied in batches, to the level of the cosmic sovereign, it is really, completely looking at his own perception.

At most, it can only occasionally provide some Taoist fruits, or some magical medicines like Wudao tea grown.

However, there are very few such magic medicines, and even Wang Yang can only get some occasionally.

Now, enter this painting world.

In Wang Yang's mind, first, a task bar appeared.

"Snow Crystal Lotus."

"Nine leaves ice fairy lotus."

"Lei Di Hua."

After a cursory glance, Wang Yang clearly felt that in this task bar, the most demanded are these three magic drugs.

In that introduction, it was clearly stated that this was the edge of an immortal medicine that had been touched.

As long as one kind is planted, then naturally, people can live a second life from it.

In the dying, seek a ray of life.

"Xue Jinglian, if you look for seeds, how do you get them?"

The world in this painting is a real opportunity.

However, the so-called opportunity, you must also have such a capacity.

"Snow crystal lotus, according to legend, is a kind of magic medicine that can grow up in hundreds of millions of years in the ice and snow. It looks like a lotus flower, but it is like an ice crystal.

Even in the snow and ice, it has to go through a very long time, in the destruction, to retain a ray of vitality and transform into a fairy crystal.

Immortal blood is the most suitable."

This is how it was introduced.

Looking at it, it seems to have some similarities with the snow lotus, and there is a kind of snow lotus, just the feeling of the descendants of this snow crystal lotus.

The most important thing for planting such a snow crystal lotus is that special environment, and that long time.

For immortal immortals, there is no difference between ten thousand years and ten million years, as long as they are effective, they can wait.

However, for the vast majority of cosmic overlords, this is the biggest problem.

I planted it, but my life is long gone.

Even, half of the cultivation of magic medicine, I was already dead.

Therefore, a growth time of hundreds of millions of years must be improved first, otherwise, there is no possibility of success.

However, all this is not a problem for Wang Yang.

He only needs to know where to get the seeds and what needs attention.

"The seeds of Snow Crystal Lotus can only be owned by the land of ice and snow.

It is not very difficult to obtain, but it is a very long time to reproduce in the land of ice and snow. It has long been a forbidden land of the ice and snow emperor. It is not easy to obtain it."

Ice and Snow Clan.

Sure enough, things are not so easy.

In the beginning, it may not be that much trouble, but, a long time is enough to change all this.

Close your eyes and remember the picture.

Sure enough, in the northwestern part of the country, there is such a stretch of mountains without people, only endless ice and snow.

There may be the land of ice and snow.

"I don't know, what kind of strength does the Ice Snow Clan have?"

This is a critical issue.

It doesn’t matter if someone has a master, they can also be exchanged, but if someone, and also, has extremely powerful strength, then it is the biggest problem.

Once stepping into it, it is bound to be considered to break into its restricted area.

At that time, the strong strength will be the only credential that he relies on.Otherwise, you don’t even have the power to talk to them on an equal footing.

The reality is that simple.

"Ice Snow Ancestor, one of the strongest in legend.

Daoxing, at least the ninth step, is very likely to enter the tenth step."

Just know that the facts will not be so simple.

Wang Yang secretly gritted his teeth.

In this world, resources are always so tight, and always in the hands of that few people.

"Please lead the way!"

In any case, this snow crystal lotus must be planted successfully, which is the most certain.

"it is good!"

This person seems to be very good at dealing.

In fact, this is because Wang Yang's barbecue just moved him.

He recalled his childhood and fulfilled his wish.

Otherwise, without relatives and for no reason, who would be willing to help you do this?

Don't think that this world is so friendly, just because you have impressed him.

In the memory, even the one hundred thousand mountains are so little, but when you really go down, you will find that this world is too big to believe.

Of course, the most important thing is that this world does not have the end of all the eras. The backlog of various powerful people is simply unimaginable.

The so-called restricted area is even more everywhere.

They either occupy a certain resource or occupy a certain area.

However, if you go, you will find that it is not easy to go on.

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