My Super Estate

The 2630th chapter is difficult

Chapter 2462 The Road Is Hard

The boundary in the painting is a place of opportunity. Similarly, here, it is also a prison cage.

In this world, if you can't complete the task, then you are trapped inside for hundreds of millions of years, and it is impossible for you to improve a little.

In a short time, there will naturally be no problems.

However, when you are trapped inside for a long time, then you will find that the so-called will is all shit.

The kind of longevity that can't see hope is simply a source of despair.

There is no goal of struggle, and although this world is very large, for these powerful people who are already at a certain height, such a world in painting is so short.

The plundering of resources, or the occupation of resources, will become the most common phenomenon.

The world in the painting, even though it is huge, how big can it be?

The epochs, even though they are only decimals, also accumulate an extremely large quantity, and the strong ones are endless.


I don't know when, suddenly, a giant python with a bucket size, a snake letter, like lightning, turned towards Wang Yang, and then rolled over.


Wang Yang’s response was extremely quick. However, at such a speed, Wang Yang relied on the vertical and horizontal universe to defend his invincible defense one by one.

Even Wang Yang's powerful spiritual world cannot be captured, but can only be watched, and the snake letter rolls towards himself.

In the universe, invincible and invincible, the two groups of humans and demons, even though there are countless strong enemies, they are still very stable. The prince of the Quartet that no one dares to provoke, was suddenly caught by this sudden snake letter. .

Even, once caught, Wang Yang does not have any energy to move.

The boundless mana, the profound morals, and the power of the soul, at this moment, there can be no movement at all.

Only a strong will is left, and the roar is repeated, but it has no effect at all.

All forces, only strong will, all other forces are suppressed.

As if it were, people were frozen in the ice for ten thousand years.

"court death!!"

Wang Yang had no idea that he was invincible in the universe. In this world, he had only been in for a long time, so he would lose his life here.

At this moment, Wang Yang only deeply understood that no matter how powerful the background is, it is not as important as his own strength.

At this moment, just listen to a loud drink, and then, you can see the sharp sword awn, falling from the sky.

The snake letter that made Wang Yang have no choice but to break.

Whirring whirring……

Finally, I felt the feeling of the force returning again.

As if the drowning man, seeing the light again, Wang Yang breathed heavily.

There has never been a moment, so much to cherish the air that was breathed into the body by yourself.

Usually, it is so ordinary, but at this moment, he feels that even if he is old, he will not feel impatient.

In fact, martial arts cultivation has reached the level of Wang Yang. The so-called breathing has long been dispensable.

Inner breathing is the only way to enter the martial arts strong.

In the past, Wang Yang has never been so eager to breathe, but at this moment, Wang Yang is the ordinary person, he only hopes to breathe for a second.

Strong energy fluctuations came from the front, crazy attacks, constant impact.

If it is usual, Wang Yang will certainly show a very calm, looking at all this indifferently.

Just because, behind him, there is a strong backing. No matter who he is, he can’t dare to shoot at himself without reporting his dying heart. Even if it is the aftermath, as long as he hurts himself, it is highly likely that he will be rejected. Knowing where the power comes from is directly killing it.

However, in this one, absolutely no one will take care of him.

After Yu Bozheng died, he died, and no one will give him justice.

In fact, on the way of martial arts, there is only the struggle of the strong, and there is absolutely no justice.

If you are weak, you have to be beaten.

Whether you admit it or don’t admit it, what you should do or what will happen. You will never act so friendly because you want justice, but let go of your justice.


"Are you OK!"

A familiar voice rang in my ears.

Wang Yang raised his head.

It was the strange strong man who followed him all the way.

In front, is a giant python looking at the size of a bucket.

But, now, that python has died.

Being cut with a knife directly cut off his waist.

It can be said that this giant python has been cut directly into two halves.

Nian Zengfeng had become a two-and-a-half-year-old python, Wang Yang recalled that he had just turned awkward, he had to turn around and look at his eyes. For him, he was still a very strange strongman.

"I don't know, can my predecessor be a prophet, how powerful is this python?"

I am absolutely confident in my own strength, but this python is attacked, but there is no movement.

It seems like it never existed.

This is very abnormal.

Even his own spiritual world can't capture a little breath. Such strength is really too powerful.

Moreover, this is just the road.

Could it be that the world in this painting is so dangerous?Daoxing advanced people, endless?

No matter what happened, Wang Yang felt that he was too whimsical.

"This python is already the eighth step of the avenue."

The problem of Wang Yang, the strong did not evade, even if it was just a knife, it directly beheaded the python, and there was no moving.

It's just that the eyes are loose, there is a trace of mysterious power between them, which is constantly fluctuating.

Wang Yang's expression moved.

This mysterious power is somewhat familiar.

This is the power of time.

This one, the beginning avenue turned out to be related to the avenue of time.

The Lord of Time definitely belongs to the highest heavenly level among immortals.

The avenue he created, even if it was only to create its way, is still promising.

"Can senior tell the name?"

In the universe, for so long, Wang Yang has never encountered the existence of pioneering time.

Unexpectedly, in this mysterious burial place, a painting world would encounter such existence.

"You can call me'Clock'."


A mysterious strongman, calling himself the'bell'

Such a name can be remembered.

"Can you hit the road?"

For now, the world in this painting is far more dangerous than you think.

Based on his severely injured body, it is impossible to enter the ice and snow.

Only by relying on this'bell' is there any possibility.

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