My Super Estate

Question 2631

Chapter 2463 is restored

The python is an overlord on the eighth step of the avenue.

Put in the universe, that is a member of the human race.

Regardless of whether he is the blood of a human race, as long as he can transform, as long as he is not a demon race, then he is a member of the human race.

This is where the universe is connected by luck and fuse together.

However, in this painting world, there is a powerful force that cuts off all contact with the outside world.

As a colorful swallowing sky python, in this world, it is a colorful swallowing sky python, a member of the snake family.

Being beheaded by people will not have any impact on the human race heaven.

However, such a powerful piece of colorful swallowing the sky python was so easily cut by the "Clock" that it was cut into two pieces, and even the vitality was completely cut off.

How strong is "Zhong"?

"This colorful swallowed sky python, I don't know, senior, what is your plan?"

Since stepping into the ranks of the cosmic overlord, Wang Yang has felt that his strength has increased countless times.

Even the Quartet Star Zone has endless resources to cultivate geniuses who do not know how many, but it is still extremely difficult to improve your strength in a very short period of time.

To have such strength as today, everything is due to chance.

Right now, he is seriously wounded. Such a colorful swallowing sky python on the eighth step is undoubtedly a godsend.

"Zhong" gave Wang Yang a deep look and said, "Your barbecue technology is very good.

Now, let me deal with it!"

Wang Yang was overjoyed: "Thank you!"

I can get the help of this predecessor, all because of the barbecue technology developed by myself.

Colorful Swallow Sky Python will be handled by itself, and there will be no accidents.

However, wait for yourself, tear off a few pieces of meat, and enjoy it, there will not be too much problem!

I don't know if this colorful swallowed sky python has been dealt with by "Clock". Looking at it, it is still the size of a bucket, not at all like the eighth-step universe overlord.

However, all this will not affect Wang Yang's operation.

I saw that in front of Wang Yang, a silver-white flame appeared naturally.

This is the magic fire.

When my heart moved, it was the size of a bucket, and it had been divided into two halves of colorful swallowing sky pythons, which had been absorbed by the silvery white magic fire.

It is as if there is a peerless strongman in this group of fortune gods, which is using the means of sucking through the air to swallow the colorful colorful sky-swallowing python with a bucket thickness.

If they are ordinary people, even if they are cultivated into a magical power such as the God of Fire, they would never think that they should use the magical power of the God of Fire to make barbecues.

It's not that they don't want it, but they can't.

The creation of magic fire is a supernatural power, which is cultivation, it is impossible to fully control. A small fluctuation, anything included in it, will be incinerated by the terrifying flame and become the most original energy.

This is the magic fire, a supernatural power.

Not created by yourself, even if your talent is good, and no matter how much time you spend, it is absolutely impossible to control it 100%. Some slight fluctuations, looking at nothing, will always cause at critical moments. Great influence.

The sacred fire is used for barbecue, more than any kind of seasoning.

In other words, for the creation of the God of Fire, fundamentally, a kind of processing is performed, which is simply not comparable to some so-called spices.

All of the most beautiful substances in food have been developed. Even the quality of food has been transformed and evolved. Some areas that are good for themselves have also been comprehensively improved.

A barbecue is not finished yet, over there, it is already fragrant and pours into the face.


I don't know why, Wang Yang always feels that someone is swallowing.

"This big man, this is really caught in deep memories!"

Even if it is himself, he has not swallowed. This big man, he still shows the state of swallowing, not because his self-control is weakening, but because he has fallen deeply into the memory.

This is a kind of cultivation.

Memories are also a time shuttle.

It's just that this is just a shuttle in the concept of time. It doesn't move by itself, but the mind is already back to its childhood.

Even, beside the big brother, Wang Yang has felt some subtle fluctuations in time.

Wang Yang is no stranger to time, because his cultivated claws can also break through time and attack in time.

With his eyes closed, Wang Yang can even clearly feel in his own spiritual world that it is a very ordinary small village.

The villagers there are very simple, innocent, and always have that kind of contented smile on their faces.

In this small village, there is a boy with a small shorn braid, running back and forth in the village.

"No bell, go home and eat!!!"

That's the mother's call.

The little boy was pleased and responded loudly: "Okay, mom, I will be back!"

So happy, so happy.

Carefree, it seems like a happy little angel.Children's laughter, mother's call, warm smile, delicious food.

Although everything is so simple and omission, all this is so beautiful and true.

Unconsciously, Wang Yang just felt that his body and mind seemed to be in a warm hot spring, bringing him endless happiness.

"But feeling happy?"


Wang Yang answered sincerely without any cover-up.

It seems that I was afraid of this feeling and would go away without going back.

However, in the faint, Wang Yang has a feeling.


This is the childhood of others.

All of this is someone else's, not your own.

In his childhood, he couldn't see such a warm feeling.

"Thank you!

If, without your barbecue, perhaps, I will never be able to build this scene so real!!"

Wen Yan said that although he was reluctant, Wang Yang still opened his eyes.

The tone of'Zhong' is full of sincerity.

"Seniors are polite. Before, colorful swallowed the sky python. If it wasn't the seniors, I'm afraid, I've been eaten by it.

I have to say that, too.

This is not a life-saving grace."

"Okay, then, you're not so polite!"

Wang Yang's tone is so sincere, without any cover-up, always with that kind of feeling that makes people happy.

This feeling is really good!

'Zhong' smiled.

He likes this feeling.

Here, I don’t know how many years there have been, and these years, I can still maintain my heart, not to be scared by the darkness of the future, all rely on this memory.

"Come and eat!!"

"it is good!"

Wang Yang was overjoyed.

This is the eighth step of the colorful swallowing sky python, perhaps, his own injury can also recover some.

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