My Super Estate

The 2632th chapter ice land

Chapter 2444 The Land of Ice and Snow

In many cases, the so-called injury is indeed, only the high-level energy is the best healing medicine.

An eighth-step colorful swallowing sky python was eaten by his stomach, and he clearly felt that he was injured and much better.

There is no way for that will to come from the shadow.

In addition to the will of the magic shadow, some other injuries in the body, after receiving such a blessing of energy, are much better.

Even, if it weren't for looking pale and still pale, no one can be sure that this is the case, and he would still have such serious injuries.

"It's okay, as long as you have the strength, there will be some growth.

As long as you complete some tasks, you can take advantage of this opportunity to restore yourself in full."

Since ancient times, Dao injuries have been the most difficult problems to solve.

As long as your will does not exceed that foreign will, even if it is thousands of years, it is impossible to recover naturally.

Even such a trauma will naturally lurking, only waiting for a certain critical time, once it is successful, you will never lose.

The strength of'Zhong' is already among the top players in Wang Yang's contact.

However, when he saw Wang Yang's injury, he could only shake his head helplessly.

"This person, the strength will not be much weaker than me. I can't suppress it in the same way as the ninth step."

'Clock' speech has always been this way, directly.

Go on the road again.

Wang Yang has been careful.

In this painting world, although it is extremely difficult to improve its strength, reality has told itself that those who can enter this painting world are often the top powerhouses.

Such an existence of yourself may have been regarded as a bottom-level person when you came in.

The extremely long time that made this place has become a refuge.

Although there is no front hooves in front, it is enough to make people crazy, but in the universe, the most fundamental imprisonment of Shou Yuan is even more desperate.

Before it came in, it was the immortal world of longevity, and no one would think, in such a long time, in such a'narrow' space, like a cage, would you finally make yourself crazy.

After eating a colorful swallowing sky python, there is a white-fronted tiger in the front blocking the road.

The concentration of the strong is simply not imaginable at any time in the past.

This is a white-fronted tiger that has crossed the seventh step.

This kind of strength cannot be much stronger than Wang Yang's. It has just appeared, and it is directly captured by Wang Yang's spiritual world.

I saw that in the spiritual world, naturally, there was a huge white-fronted tiger with eyes hanging high, roaring up in the sky, and a mouth with a big blood basin, as if it could cover the whole world, the wind was constant, and the gas was continuous. .

Only by manifesting in the spiritual world, Wang Yang naturally can feel the evil spirit.

This is a terrifying existence that is just a breath, enough to make incontinence.

Not because of its strength, but because it is a beast of heaven and earth.

"court death!"

Captured hands in your own spiritual world, then, if you want to sneak attack again, then, I will tell you how to be a man today.

Carrying the Ziwei Excalibur in his hand, he leaned toward the left side and cut it with one sword.


To the surprise of Wang Yang, with the quality of his Ziwei Excalibur, he couldn't kill with one sword.

Wang Yang backed off again and again.

Such strength has exceeded his imagination.

"Senior, this eye-catching white-fronted tiger, is much stronger than it looks on the surface."

The original centipede centipede, under this sword, was directly chopped to death.

This eyed white-fronted tiger is obviously much stronger than the millipede.

"give it to me!"

I saw that between the world and the sky, the wind and the clouds changed greatly, and the endless light rose naturally in the void of the world, and then it was dumped toward the front.


The strength of Senior Zhong is really strong enough!

You can't hurt him half a point with one's full strength, but you can cut it with a knife from the senior.

I am afraid that such a strength is even stronger than that of Mo Ying and others.

The ninth step?

I'm afraid, he has other means.

It's just that it's better, otherwise, with such strength, I'm afraid that it is impossible for me to reach the land of ice and snow.

An eye-catching white-fronted tiger, constantly grilled in the god of fortune, then matured, and finally, golden and golden, exuding an attractive fragrance.

This is an alternative roasted tiger, even in the universe, such specifications are extremely rare.

Just because, even the white-fronted tiger with eye-catching eyes, is also a member of the human race, sharing the luck of the human race.

Any member of the strong will bear a large amount of human fortune, and as soon as he dies, the fortune will dissipate, and the human race will be weakened.

The corresponding demons will be more powerful.

Dao Sheng Mo Yin, Dao Weak Demon rose.

Between the man and the demon, there is no one.

This is the urgency of survival, as well as the battle of luck.

Compatibility with the same clan and self-destructive luck is strictly forbidden by the human race.

The white-fronted tiger who has stepped into the seventh step in this way, if he dares to raise a butcher knife, I am afraid that the human race will be remembered in the heavenly path. His own luck will inevitably decline, and the unfortunate thing is very likely to come one after another. .

It is a pity that such a white-fronted tiger with a dazzling eye can not feel the slightest effect when it is eaten into the mouth.

With rich energy and insufficient quality, but it is to supplement physical strength, it is simply impossible to suppress the injuries in the body.


For Wang Yang, what he needs is the energy inside. However, for Senior Zhong, he just needs that fortune.

In that creation, realize your own way.

Hundreds of millions of years have passed, in the midst of impossibility, keep your mind and squint the enlightenment, although progress, but it is not without hope at all.

Stop and go all the way, let Wang Yang really understand how many strong people gather in the world in this painting.

Right and left, but only a star-sized world in the painting, along the way, it has encountered thirty obstacles in a row, each of which will not be weaker than the thousand-footed centipede.

Simple is that I can’t believe that such strength, if I don’t have the help of Senior Zhong, how can I advance safely in such a place on my own.

Finally, in front of it, there was a snow scene.

In the same way, he also felt a icy cold air and rushed to his face.

Just close your eyes, in the spiritual world, it is already white.

The icy icy air freezes the soul.

Such a world of ice and snow is rare in the world.

However, the most difficult thing is that there is, naturally, a great danger coming.

Your own spiritual world is telling yourself: Don't go in, don't go in.

This is a spiritual warning.

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