My Super Estate

Question 2633

Chapter 2465 The Extremely Cold Land

"The cold in the world is divided into 10%, 90% here!"

The strength of the'Zhong' predecessors, along the way, has been the most authentic impression.

It was really a long knife that swept across Kyushu.

However, it is the'Zhong' senior who has such strength. At this moment, looking at the ice and snow, he is still unprecedentedly dignified.

It's a kind of world, everything in my heart, only a little red feeling in my heart.

"Ice and Snow family, there are powerful people in the world?"

Along the way, Senior Zhong's eyes have always been loose, and in his body, he has always had inexplicable phantoms and various feelings of time disorder.

Along the way, there are countless strong men, however, he never paid attention to it.

In other words, his heart has all been involved in a certain thing.

However, by this moment, all of his mind had converged, and his eyes had radiated a little bright light. His body naturally had a momentum.

Such a "Zhong" senior has never seen it before, so strange.

However, it feels so strong.

"Ice and Snow Ancestor, one of the strongest in the world in the legend."

Senior Zhong's voice is so solemn.

Wang Yang couldn't believe that there was such a powerful existence in this painting world.This way, it is not a monster with no ninth step to block the way, but in the end, it was still beheaded with a knife.

Such strength, in the universe, has also entered a giant level.

In this painting world, there will still be such a existence?


Wang Yang wanted to ask, but unfortunately, Senior Zhong did not give himself a chance.

With Wang Yang's strength, it is already the most basic concept that the so-called cold and heat are not soaked.

Reaching his level, even taking a bath in the sun, is a normal operation without any discomfort.

Martial arts practice is to constantly evolve oneself, make one's strength stronger, and make one's weakness no longer weak.

However, when Wang Yang set foot on the ice and snow, Wang Yang clearly felt that a cold current directly flowed into his body.

That cold wave, even if its own mana, in front of it, it was just a warm water, directly frozen.

Not only his mana is frozen, but also his own legs, but also a thick layer of ice.


If you want to raise your feet and step into this land of ice and snow again, you must use all kinds of magical powers to seal the ice on your own feet, which is directly to unblock it, otherwise it is impossible.

Senior Zhong turned around and looked at Wang Yang quietly.

"Entering this land of ice and snow, freezing, will be the first difficulty."

The implication: even the ice can't be solved, then, let's not think about going into this ice land.

Inexplicably, Wang Yang understands why, although the world in this painting has many powerful people, even without Shouyuan's imprisonment, there are still countless people, even if they are crazy, there can be no step-by-step improvement.

It is just Xue Jinglian, who wants to get a seed, needs to face such a big difficult problem in it.

What's more, freezing is just the first step.

Stared by Senior Zhong, Wang Yang knew that this was the first test he faced.

If you can't pass it, then you have to go back to your home and stop thinking about it.

"Relax, this problem won't be hard for me!"

With that said, Wang Yang closed his eyes and visualized the round of the purple sun that eternally existed in that real world.

In that round of the sun, Wang Yang felt warm and felt alive.

Endless warmth, unlimited vitality.

I don't know if I was in the extreme cold of that day, my heart longed for warmth more, and Wang Yang fell deeper into meditation.

I saw that Wang Yang's body naturally exuded purple shimmers. In the snow and ice world, he naturally had a trace of warmth, just like spring.

Even if it is snow and ice that have not melted for thousands of trillions of years, at this moment, there is a trace of water stains in the faint.

This is about to melt!


Senior Chung was startled.

Such a situation has never been thought of.

I never thought about it.

In the snow and ice, naturally, there is a trace of warmth.

Even in the faint, there is a hint of green, which manifests in the ice and snow.

In such extreme cold, there is a trace of vitality.

I saw that a snow lotus spontaneously took root in the ice and snow.


I don't know when to start. In front of Wang Yang, a ghost image appeared.

It was a vague phantom, but it could not be seen clearly. It seemed to be a ray of green smoke, which was blown away by the wind.

It's just that such an existence immediately attracted the attention of'Zhong'.

In other words, it should not be attention, it should be a kind of alert.

"do not worry!"

The imaginary shot did not appear. On the contrary, he also suppressed the'clock' so that he should not be nervous.

But, such a big guy suddenly appeared, can't you be nervous?


Not only do you want to complete the task, you also want to complete the task.

This place, though, has endless Shouyuan, but for me, it is just a prison.

Of course, this seat will not refuse."

Wen Yan said,'Zhong' was a little convergent.

His strength, in the world of this painting, is not one of the best, but the top ten, or simply, the top 100, can be counted.

His strength is enough to allow him to cross the world, do not fear anyone.

However, he was still willing to follow Wang Yang to help him solve a lot of troubles for some barbecue.

Not because of his true good nature, but because he saw a glimmer of hope.

"We people, entering the world of painting, don't know how many epochs there are.

After going out, Shou Yuan must have passed faster than others.

Moreover, in the long time, all of our layouts have no function.

Therefore, if we want to go out, we must increase our strength to those hundred steps.

Only in this way can we compete with the sentient beings in the universe at that last step."

Vaguely looked at Wang Yang and said, "On his body, this seat saw a hint of hope."

Hearing the words,'Clock', really put down the alert.

In the world of painting, Shou Yuan is endless.

But, for them, how is it different from that cage?

When one thought sweeps through, the whole world will be shrouded.

Even, from time to time, it will encounter other giants.

How is this situation different from that in jail?

Who would not be willing to have the opportunity to go out?

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