My Super Estate

The 2664th chapter planted the tenth-grade enlightenment tree, are you sure?

Chapter 2496, planting the tenth-grade enlightenment tree, are you sure?

"You, how could you appear?"

Looking at this guy who appeared suddenly, I just thought that all of this, the Nine Nether Magic Immortals, all of which will be controlled by myself, can no longer be calm.

Wang Yang was even more pleasantly surprised, and was about to jump up with joy, his body trembling.


He knew that this Nine Nether Demon Fairy appeared, and his master, most likely, would also appear here.

All along, he has behaved so calmly, so calmly,

It is not that he is not afraid of death, but that he knows that he must show enough confidence in his master.

However, this one in front of him is Nine Spectral Demon Immortal, a great being who almost never killed himself.

(Yes, even if he was almost killed by this Nine Nether Moxian, in Wang Yang's heart, he must maintain sufficient respect.

In other words, what he did not realize in his heart was showing enough respect.

Even, he simply couldn't think of any curse words for Nine Nether Moxian.

Even if, in his heart, he really wanted to scold him, but, as long as he was involved, he naturally used this honorific such as'great'.)

"Good, did not disappoint me!

Rest assured, this bastard, Master will help you to block it.

As for whether you can plant a tree of ten-god enlightenment gods, Master will not interfere."


That excitement in Wang Yang's heart!

Master, this is to acquiesce yourself!In this case, what are you afraid of?

What's more, can the present self be the same as the self just now?Whatever it is, I'm a backstage person. I stand up and talk, the waist is much harder.

"Everyone, now, this great Nine Nether Magic Fairy has been blocked by my master, so, what are we waiting for?"


Yes, this demon elder has already been blocked by the master of the Sifang Kingdom Lord, so our opportunity comes.

Guys, what are you waiting for?

Is it still waiting to invite you to dinner?"

Senior Zhong is most familiar with Wang Yang, and at this time, it is also his first reaction.

Even, his first one was to rush towards the three great ancestors.

As for the Nine Spectral Demon Immortals, even here is the Demon Domain controlled by Demon Immortals. He didn't care about these issues.

At this time, he also ignored it.

There is no way that such a great existence can really be changed without being taken care of by oneself.Therefore, he can only believe that the'master respect' that suddenly appeared.

Sure enough, suddenly, the world has changed.

It was just a magic domain, and now it is back to the land of fairy burial.

Jiu You Mo Xian and the suddenly appearing human race Immortal Venerable have disappeared. I don't know where I went. I don't even know if they will suddenly appear again.

However, all of these are now beyond their consideration.

Their only goal is to take down the three great ancestors, and then, give it to the lord of the Quartet, and see if he can plant the tenth-grade enlightened god tree.

If it can be planted, then the greatest opportunity for yourself and others may come.

If, without success...

Never mind.

If it is really unsuccessful, with such a backstage, what can you do?

I saw the Four Great Kings, the Seven Great Beast Masters, one by one, quickly surrounded all three Devil Ancestors.

"Huh, with your strength, what do you think, what can we do?

But when we were done, we were pulled and walked together."

The four human kings of the human race, the seven beast lords of the orc, this calculation is the eleven giants. Basically, it is already four times that of the devil.

The nameless Mozu face turned black.

Staring fiercely at the ice and snow ancestors and others, screaming loudly.

"Are you talking to this seat?"

Ancestor Bingxue sneered.

With that, I saw that behind the ice ancestor, twelve runes naturally flew out.

Upon seeing this, the nameless Demon Ancestor was bad all over.

If you remember correctly, at first, he was a god formed by such a rune, and he was directly entangled. The real upper cannot be up, the lower cannot be down, and finally, he can only watch the demon domain they have worked hard to establish. It is directly destroyed.

Now, this, there are twelve more flying out?


He had just thought of such a thought in his heart, he just saw that the twelve runes there were directly transformed into twelve gods.


"Do you think that you don't have Jiuyou, the bastard, can you still turn upside down?"

In the tone of Bingxue Ancestor, a very strong anger was revealed.

It is these three kings and bastards in front of them that will attract the nine king demon fairy bastards and bastards.

If it was during the heyday, the bastard and the bastard would also come in wantonly, and they would have to slap him to death.

However, the present self is just a lingering thought, even, it must still reside in the body of the ice and snow ancestor. What if it is angry?

In the end, all anger can only be vented to the three goddamn bastards.

From these three little kings and bastards, look for the dignity lost in the old kings and bastards.

Sure enough, Bingxue Ancestor is strong enough.

The three great ancestors have little power to explode at all.

The twelve gods were divided into three columns. The regiment surrounded the three demon ancestors. Then, forming a wonderful battle line, the three demon ancestors could not resist at all. In the end, they could only be suppressed.

"Go to hell!"

With a scream of anger, the three demon ancestors did not even splash any water, they just suppressed it.

"Here, these three devil ancestors, give you now.

Can you plant the tenth-grade tree of Taoism?"

"Relax, there is absolutely nothing wrong.

Isn't it just planting the tree of God of Ten Grades?

As long as there is the origin of the three great ancestors of the Devil, it is very easy to plant them.

Now, just watch it!"

The three great ancestors?

Hey, isn't it already in his own hands now?

By that time, how far will the Lei Dihua on them be?

Completing the three major tasks is to get an opportunity to listen to the fairy road.

In fact, this is also the most depressing thing in Wang Yang's heart. He knows so many great immortals, but he has no chance to listen to immortality.

Now, we have to complete three major tasks to get such a chance.

I saw that the unnamed demon ancestor who was still so arrogant just now was like a poor dog at this time, directly lying on the landlord, not even moving.

"Now, just try it with you."

To plant Chaos God Tree, you must breed.

Wang Yang decided to use this nameless ancestor for breeding.

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