My Super Estate

Chapter 2663 Everyone is an acquaintance, don't be so nervous! !

Chapter 2459 Everyone is an acquaintance, don’t be so nervous!!


Being noticed by others, the best, of course, is to say hello.

This is the basic etiquette of life, Wang Yang still cares very much.

"Hello, oops, what are you doing?

What are you doing so nervous?Nine You Moxian and I are also old acquaintances. Everyone should be friendly and united and love each other. How can we be so nervous?"

Wang Yang quickly pulled towards the tense senior Zhong.

"And you guys, really, is there any use for us to be so nervous in front of Demon Immortal?

Besides, we are all acquaintances, what are we doing so nervous?

Laugh one, come, everyone laugh together."

After pulling back Senior Zhong, he suddenly discovered that the tense people were not one or two, and Wang Yang felt a little helpless.

These guys, really, how can a person achieve such a point?

People are nine ghost demons. Do you guys add up and multiply by ten to be your opponent?

Still nervous?

A fart!

"Haha, what the younger brother said is that in the face of a big senior like Moxian, we younger generations should indeed relax. What should we do so nervous?

Could it be that those of us, tied together, can be the opponents of other seniors?"

Senior "Zhong" reacted first, smiling happily, and said.

It is said that no matter what everyone thinks, the tension is suddenly like it is gone.

This is the sorrow of the weak.

Whether you are nervous or not is all just your wishful thinking, and it has nothing to do with the strong.

For the strong, he only cares about his unhappy, cool, everyone happy, laughed, unhappy, flipped his hand, directly covered, something, a slap to kill you!

It’s like our readers, you are cool, what monthly ticket, what reward, come one after another, unhappy, you write too much, it is useless, people will not care about you, even scold you Disgusting strength.

Wang Yang smiled and said, "It's just like you. How can you be so nervous in the face of Lord Moxian?"

To be a person, it is important to have self-knowledge.

As a weak person, of course, there must be the consciousness of the weak person."

Wen Yan, even Senior'Zhong', has a swift eyelids.

Who the hell is this damn king bastard?

Is the existence of a peak like ours the weak?

You, a little weaker on the fifth step, dare to say that the peak of our tenth step is a weaker?

You're brave!

However, when I saw the nine ghost demons.

Well, we are really weak.

"Ha ha!

Boy, what trick do you want to play?

The existence behind you is not here now. You are so fearless, do you think that this seat will not treat you?"

Those ones?

The message of the Nine Nether Magic Fairy is a bit big!

Not only the four human kings of the human race, but also the seven beast lords of the orc, one by one, all turned in surprise at the fierce head, staring at Wang Yang, and looked back and forth on him.

Who is this kid?

Behind him, there are'those exist'?

"Those", which ones are they?

They are really, can this great existence be retreated?


The unnamed Mozu stared at his eyes, and the whole demon body was chilling.

Has the guy who opposed himself always been so terrible?

In fact, at this time, who is sweating coldly, where is the nameless Demon Ancestor?

Sweep left and right, one is counted, whose body is not cold and sweaty at this time?

Before the enlightened Taoist trees, they are all one by one, who is not blushing and red neck?

Only desperate.

But how could it be like this now?

Obviously it's just a small bronze, how could it directly become a throne?

One by one, all kept their silence.

Obviously, their strength is much stronger than that of Wang Yang, but at this time, they are very honest one by one, and even honestly, it is a bit daunting.


Senior Moxian, hasn't asked you yet, what are you doing here?"

Nine You Mo Xian mouth corner.

Good boy, now I remember, is Laozi the protagonist?


"Oh, how can this be done? It's just that you are a senior, and we, as juniors, should maintain our respect, otherwise, wouldn't it seem that we are very rude?"

"Huh, today, there is no such thing behind you. Do you think this seat will let you go?"

"you sure?"

Unexpectedly, in the face of the threat of Nine Nether Magic Fairy, Wang Yang was not afraid at all and seemed very confident.

"Huh, sure."

Jiu You Mo Xian is also a decisive person. The reason why ants like Wang Yang say so much is not because he can afford Wang Yang, but because he wants to make sure that there are other people around him.

This kid, the power behind it is a bit amazing. If possible, how to do it, it is better to pay attention to it.

Now it has been determined that there are no other forces around, then, this kid, just die!

Say, in a flash, they have changed the world.

Opening their eyes again, they have entered a magic field.

In this magical field, Wang Yang clearly felt that he couldn't even support the Dahua Avenue.

Even the mana in the body, dead and still, is the spiritual world, and it is as calm as dead water.

"How to do?

Lord Sifang, hurry up!"

Although they felt incredible, their strength was obviously much stronger than that of the Quartet, but at this time, they just wanted to ask the boy for help.


Now that he has come to the Devil's Domain, who dares to save?"

Compared to the previous prudence, this time, Nine Nether Moxian seemed to be a lot more unrestrained.

In the past, he had to be cautious, fearing that some of the kids would be moved over.

However, now that he has fallen into his own world, then, no matter how he wants, he can't help him.

"is it?"

It was as if he was deliberately unable to get along with Jiu You Mo Xian. He was just a little proud, and behind him, someone suddenly spoke out.

The sound is so cold.

It seems that there is no feeling.


What happened again?

The Nine Nether Magic Fairy was surprised.

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