My Super Estate

The 2662nd chapter nine ghost demon reproduction

Chapter two thousand four hundred and ninety-five Nine ghost demon reproduction

"Quick, stop him!!"

Ancestor Bingxue pointed at the nameless Demon Ancestor and shouted loudly.

In fact, all of the three demon ancestors at this time naturally exuded Wang Yang's inexplicable breath, which gave people a sense of extreme disgust.

It seemed that a snout duck egg was broken, which made people feel absolutely crazy.

However, I do not know why, there is always a desire in my heart.

It is a kind of throbbing from the soul, just like a man seeing a beautiful woman, no matter how unmoved you are, he always retains an appreciation in his heart.

This is the difference between the physical touch and the spiritual touch.

The most important thing about practicing martial arts is ternary unity.

Spirit, body, mana.

In fact, when they reach a level like this, more of them are still pursuing quaternary unity.

Plus mind.

Now, this kind of throbbing from the heart is really not too common.

"Hey, what's wrong with this?"

Ice and Snow Ancestor gave instructions to stop them.

But how to stop it?

One by one, suddenly launched an attack.

The four great kings, together with the seven great beast ancestors, and even some of them, like the "Zhong" predecessors, have a strange path on the avenue, at once, no less than twenty people.

One by one, if it is not the real peak of the giants, or it already has the strength of giants.

All shots together were really shattered, and they shattered.

However, no matter how powerful the magical power is, if you can't beat people, it will always have no effect.

For example, the three demon ancestors naturally had a light curtain.

It was a faint layer, with a time and space changing light curtain.

It seems that there is another world opened there, and the three devil ancestors are trapped in this world. No matter how the two beasts attack, they seem to be hitting a different one. In the dimension.

Senior "Zhong" was a little surprised.

If the three great ancestors really have such strength, will they still play with us for so long?

What a joke?

What is the temperament of everyone, who can't know?

"Everyone be careful, they want to summon magic fairy!!"


Magic fairy?

"Everyone attack quickly, don't let them stop, otherwise, summoning the magic fairy will soon succeed.

Magic fairy is everywhere.

As long as there are coordinates, this fairy burial place can never be stopped."

"Quick, what means, use all of them, go all out!"

This time, one by one, there is no means, no one dares to hide tuck, any means, all broke out.

Even if it is necessary to pay some price, it is absolutely not regrettable.

A Wang Yang, of course, will not be so valued.

However, a Wang Yang, plus an ice ancestor who may have been controlled by a supreme'Xian', then this credibility must be improved too much.


It’s useless, you don’t have to work hard, it’s all useless."

The unnamed Mozu laughed, so proud.

Indeed, no matter how everyone attacks, it is not possible to break this layer of light curtain.

In this way, it is really useless.

But, what can this do?Is it useless, you can relax yourself?

It is simply impossible.

It is a pity that qualitative changes cannot be made if the quantity is not extreme.

In the end, a faint phantom emerged naturally behind the three great deities.

"Nine Nether Magic Fairy?"

Wang Yang exclaimed.

"you recognize??"

The general trend cannot be changed. Even the ancestors of Ice and Snow have no choice to useless work.

However, Wang Yang exclaimed, but it was a bit staggering.

Co-author, is this your old acquaintance again?

No, you kid, a little human race, and even a hundred steps, you have only gone halfway, how can you know such a big cow?

"You, do you know this great existence?"

No matter how hostile the heart is, but the other party is a demon, it is enough to make people pay attention to it.

We must be in awe when dealing with the strong.

Even if it is a magic fairy, it is the same.

"Several interactions."

several times?

Even the ancestors such as Ice and Snow Ancestors could not help but roll their eyes.

Who is this kid?

Seven Star Beast Master is hesitant.

This kid is acting abnormally!Even Moxian, how many times have he dealt with, does he have the strength to block?

"How many times have you dealt with Moxian, your kid?"

Senior Zhong only felt liver pain.

This kid didn't die?Could it be that he is a descendant of a great existence?

"Well, there have been several encounters.

Not right!Doesn't it mean that he has been trapped in the deepest part of chaos?Why did it come out?"

Wang Yang broke a big news again.

A supreme demon, was actually blocked in the deepest chaos?

This is real?Is it fake?

Why am I so unwilling to believe?

"who are you??"

The anonymous ancestor was a little scared.

This kid is so weird that he knows so much about the supreme demon.

Of course, the unnamed Mozu doesn’t know if Moxian is blocked, but at least he knows that once Moxian has an enemy, then he wants to use the power of Moxian to escape his life, just afraid It's a big problem.

"none of your business!"

The present situation is already that the magic fairy is about to come, and a nameless demon ancestor does not need to care too much.

Once there is no power to block the magic fairy, then, these people tied together are not enough to fight the magic fairy alone.

However, in such a situation, it is no longer up to you to decide. What you should do, it depends on the other party. You simply have no choice.

Finally, the Nine Nether Moxian showed up.


Extremely cold fairy, you never thought, you will have today!!"

Jiu You Mo Xian just appeared, but he noticed the ice and snow ancestor, and he burst into laughter.

"Huh? Are you your kid?"

He was still extremely arrogant and laughed wildly at the Nine Nether Moxie. When he noticed Wang Yang who had been standing there quietly, he was shocked.

It even took a step back.

This kind of performance almost did not blind everyone's eyes.

One by one, all stared at Jiuyou Moxian in surprise, and then stared at Wang Yang again strangely.

This kid, so scary?

Was such a great existence shocked?

Before, he was so arrogant, even if he knew that it was the back of the so-called'Extremely Cold Land Fairy', he was so confident.

But now, seeing this kid, it would be such an expression.

"Why are you kid here?"

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