My Super Estate

The 2682nd chapter interstellar battlefield

Chapter 254 The Interstellar Battlefield

In the interstellar battlefield, Wang Yang has always been very curious.

This time, I saw it.

I saw that the entire battlefield was empty.

However, in a blink of an eye, it was a storm, as if turning pages of a book, the entire battlefield was turned.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Wang Qing and others have been involved in the battlefield. Although they have never shot, they are also involved.

"This is the interstellar battlefield.

Legend has it that this battlefield has existed since ancient times, endless years, one era after another. This interstellar battlefield has never disappeared, but is constantly expanding.

Even here, there are endless treasures, even, in the legend, some immortal remnants are also possessed and belong to the real Jedi.

Of course, the most important thing is that here is the real battlefield of life and death.

As long as there is strong hostility, the interstellar battlefield cannot go out."

Having just been drawn into the interstellar battlefield, the two groups of people and demons, more than 3,000 people, appeared one by one, one by one, and were divided into two camps.

One by one, at least all of them are cosmic overlords who have already entered the ranks of the avenue. The previous battle situation is very fierce. Each one has been seriously injured.

However, when they stopped their hands, their injuries continued to recover.

The Demon Race is headed by the Three Black Devil Ancestors, and the Human Race is headed by Wang Yang, Wu Zhong, and Qingsong Dao.

There are 1,300 demons, one by one, at least all of them have entered the ranks of the avenue, and the human race has two thousand avenue gods.

Without such strength, the previous war, the human race has long been broken by the demons.


A strange wind suddenly struck, and the war between the two sides has not yet begun. Suddenly, there are two or three hundred strong men who have just been seriously injured and the first step of the injury has obviously improved greatly. Wind and sand are generally weathered directly.

"No, this is the wind of annihilation.

Legend has it that this is an interstellar battlefield, after too many battles, various avenues, entangled with each other, and finally, turned into this wind of annihilation.

As long as there is an injury on the body that cannot be recovered in time, it is highly likely that this wind of annihilation will strike."


Is there such a terrible existence?

Wang Yang has never heard of this so-called annihilation wind.

It was the wind of the undead, he had met near that super continent. At that time, he was already lamenting the magic of the universe.

Now it seems that this interstellar battlefield is even more weird.

"Everyone be careful.

There are winds of annihilation, and there are mostly spirits that are immortal.

Legend has it that in this interstellar battlefield, there are traces of immortal warfare, and some super existences, even if they have already died, but their will, based on spiritual power, still exists between heaven and earth.

They are based on will. As long as they are caught, it is very likely that they will throw you down and devour all your flesh."

The master of Qingsong even knew so much about the interstellar battlefield?

"Everyone be careful!!"

At this time, the human race and the demons are already the enemy of life and death, and the human race should unite as one.

Sure enough, in the void, suddenly there was a faint shadow, suddenly appeared, and then, toward the newly broken Wang Qing, some breath was still unstable.

With the reminder of Master Qingsong, Wang Qing has been very careful.

However, just after the breakthrough, the breath was unstable. Before that, he was attacked by the Demon Race and was seriously injured by a blow.

Even if there is a reminder, it is useless.


Wang Qing is his own son. How can he watch him hurt?

Wang Yang shot decisively.

With Wang Yang's way and the sharpness of the Ziwei Excalibur, even if it is a giant of the universe, it is not unreasonable to be cut in the head.

Wang Yang is also with great confidence, and his sword will surely be able to work together.

Unfortunately, his wish fell through.

Ziwei Excalibur is indeed very sharp. With one sword, it is directly cut into two halves.

However, there is no use for fart. Under this sword, the shadow that has been broken in half is directly melted away. Then, it naturally merges in the distance and returns to its original state.


No one dares to doubt the sharpness of Ziwei Excalibur.

Looking at the entire universe, there are few that can be compared.

The name of the half fairy is definitely not called in vain.

But what is going on?Why, this ghost thing, even if there is no fart?

It's hard to believe.

If it is said that the Ziwei Excalibur has something that will not kill, it is enough to shock Wang Yang, then, the next scene is to scare Wang Yang.

I saw that a demonic race on the third step, before, was his battle with Wu Xiaohong.

Unexpectedly, although Wu Xiaohong had just made a breakthrough, his strength was extremely powerful. Even, he was called awe-inspiring. After only five rounds, he was seriously injured.

If it were not for back-up assistance, I'm afraid it would be dead just now.

For Wu Xiaohong, he hated it.

However, if you hate it again, the interstellar battlefield will open up, and naturally, it will become two different camps.

At this time, even if there is another fight, you have to wait for the battle to start again, otherwise, he rushed up alone, is it not a bun and a dog, there is no return?

However, he never thought that he was only injured in the body, but he encountered such a monster.

A shadow of a pale color, towards himself, flew over, as a demon, of course, will not be greedy for life and death, only attack fiercely.

A huge magic shadow rose from behind and attacked the shadow.

For a time, it turned out to be shadow to shadow.

However, there is such a big difference between this shadow and the shadow.

The shadow of dull color is simply invisible and intangible. In the second dimension, the magic shadow attacks. However, no matter how the attack, the shadow of dull color has no effect at all, or even it can’t be attacked at all. Its body.

However, the faint shadow, every attack, can always leave a terrible injury on the magic shadow.

In such a weird battle situation, everyone who sees it straight is frowned.

This interstellar battlefield is so terrible.

The wind of annihilation is scary enough.

Now, even such an immortal spirit, no matter how it is attacked, it can't hurt a bit.

How can I fight this?

There is simply no way to fight.

"This so-called immortal spirit, is there really no way to break it?"

With this thing in place, who would dare to take action against both sides?

As long as there is a little injury, you will be attacked by such a thing. Even a cosmopolitan giant like Wang Yang can’t guarantee that he will kill the enemy without injury!

This is basically the rhythm of killing all people!

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