My Super Estate

The 2683th chapter annihilation spirit

Chapter 2555 The Spirit of Oblivion

"How to solve this?"

Strike peace with Mozu?

Don't joke, such a large-scale battle is also a life-and-death enemy of the two races of man and demon. When they meet together, it is also a life and death. What's more, it is now like this, and there is real fire.

Wanting to stop and make peace is simply a joke.


However, this damn interstellar space, the time and space has long been broken, just a starry sky, in a blink of an eye, it is already a world of heaven and earth.

No one knows whether it will change the world while playing.

Of course, the most important thing is that the wind of annihilation, as well as the faint shadow, is that the demon who played a third step has no power to fight back.

Even, Wang Yang holding the Ziyang Excalibur can't kill it.

The existence of such mutations cannot be solved. Who dares to let go of the war?

As long as you are injured, you will encounter such a weird existence.

Who can guarantee that he will not be injured?

Even if you can guarantee that you are not injured, can you guarantee that your existence will not be injured?

Therefore, this problem must be solved.

"In the legend, there is a spirit of annihilation in this wind of annihilation.

As long as this annihilation spirit is incorporated into the body, it is to replace itself with an annihilation wind or an attack by this indestructible spirit."

Ho, this is a one-time thing?

It's just to kill everyone!


Another gust of wind and strange roar sounded again and again.Then, heaven and earth changed again and again. I saw that it was just an interstellar environment. In a flash, it was already in flames.

The terrible high temperature, even Wang Yang, could feel some burning.


Damn it, so hot!!"

No one thought that it would suddenly become such a harsh environment. Wang Yang, a high-ranking person, can bear it, but others, such as Wang Qing and others who have just broken through, are like hot water. The frog was almost burnt to death without being directly.

"Dad, the flame temperature is too high. I can't hold it anymore!"

It is said that Wang Yang had to support his own avenue, and use his own avenue to support a world.

Then, when he supported a world, Wang Yang really found out how terrible this sea of ​​fire was.

In the past, it was just a matter of keeping myself, but there was no problem at all. However, I never thought that when he supported his own avenue and opened up a world, all the power of the entire flame of the sea was pressed toward Wang Yang.

The entire flames are all colorful.

This is the real fire.

Of course, what scared Wang Yang the most was the colorful colors, which had already changed beyond the colorful colors.

It should not be directly transformed into the fairy fire of nine colors!

Wang Yang's face was green.

The most important thing is that those demons are gone.


"Damn, what about those damned demons?

Why are they gone?"

Almost didn't explode.

Wang Yang is powerful and has a high level of integrity. With his strong strength as the foundation, he can protect himself no matter what kind of harsh environment he is facing.

But who is Wang Yang?

He is already a giant between the universe, a giant-level existence that can really run rampant, and the existence of the peak of the avenue. In the face of such a giant-level existence, he dare not be a little slack.

But are there many such giants?

No, now around this area, I am afraid that there are no less than 1,800 human race universe overlords. However, if you really reach the path like Wang Yang, except for the bell, there is only one Qingsong Road Master, and one who has touched a first Ten Thousand Steps Overlord.

At the beginning, it was this mighty overlord who practiced the Divine Power Avenue, against the black dragon demon ancestor, otherwise, Wang Yang would protect the Sifang Star Zone and prevent it from being harmed too much by the aftermath of the battle. They are all blocked by the Black Demon Ancestor and the Black Tiger Demon Ancestor. It is impossible for anyone to block the Black Dragon Demon Ancestor.

Well, all resistance has lost meaning.

The other 1,800 people, who can have a fifth step, are already rare.

Otherwise, with Wu Xiaohong's way, facing the demons who can contend with the human race, they will never resist how easy it is to resist.

It is even more impossible for Wang Yang to let Wu Xiaohong face those demons.

"How do you get that annihilated spirit?"

In the sea of ​​fire, there is already a trace of colorful light.

This is already on the verge of transformation.

The nine-color fairy light has already exceeded the limit that it can withstand. The eight-color light can only protect itself at most.

Could it be that he could watch, so many strong human races around him suffocately die in this sea of ​​fire?

not to mention.

These powerful men self-proclaimed themselves, and naturally turned into a kind of heritage of the human race, otherwise, the demonic means of exterminating humanity, I am afraid that the human race must be extinct.


The Master Qingsong hasn't spoken yet, and Wang Yang's expression moved. He was caught in the sea of ​​fire and caught a different breath.

When I got a hand, I saw that in his hand, there was even a glimmer of light.

"Hey, what is this?"

Nine color fairy light?

Wang Yang was shocked.

Could it be that this interstellar battlefield can still gain some remaining fairy power?

He can clearly feel that this nine-color fairy light, which is not as big as the hair, contains a devastating force.

Wang Yang was not sure whether he could withstand the sudden outburst of hair with the size of nine-color fairy light with his own strength.

"This, this is the spirit of annihilation."

Master Qingsong was shocked. He could not believe that Wang Yang would suddenly find such a baby.

"The Spirit of Oblivion?

You mean, this is the spirit of annihilation?"

What are you doing?

This is clearly nine-color fairy light, how could it be the spirit of annihilation?

I saw that I had refined it, and accumulated it to a certain degree. The mana in my body would naturally undergo this kind of nine-color fairy light refinement.

By then, not only your own mana, but even your own physical combat body, can be greatly improved.

Under the same Daoxing situation, if you want to improve your strength, this is the only way Wang Yang currently knows.

But, before, he never dared to think.

Now, I heard that this is the so-called annihilation spirit?

Wang Yang almost didn't vomit blood.


These nine-color fairy lights are spiritual, and they contain great power. As long as they are naughty, maybe they can really change the world.

In other words, the reason why this interstellar battlefield will appear is actually because there is such a treasure in the interstellar battlefield?

Wang Yang felt that he seemed to have recognized the reality of the problem.

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