My Super Estate

The 2703rd chapter clean jade tomorrow

Chapter 2535: Pure Jade Tomorrow

"Clear jade tomorrow?"

Obviously, he has already planned to give up, and has planned to gather all the strong human races.

No one thought of it. It was at such a time that news came.

In the interstellar battlefield, a place called Qingjingyu tomorrow found the trace of the demon.

After looking for ten days and a half months, the Demon Race finally has traces.

"Father, are we going?"

Wang Qing does not pass.

His strength is the weakest. At the same time, all the strong players in the Sifang Star Zone are all there. However, it is undeniable that in this war, the strength of the Sifang Star Zone is also the weakest.

The weakest is dangerous.

The weakest is cumbersome.

This is not to be afraid of death, but it is the prudence of being a person.

At present, the main direction of the human race is Wang Yang presiding. Wang Qing is Wang Yang’s son. At this time, if he does not stand up, if it is a trap, in the end, the hapless one will only be his own son.

For one thing, it is enough to have one principal. At the appropriate time, it is not bad to act as a retreater.

"Father, we have been searching for ten days and a half months, and no trace of the Demon Race has been found.

Seeing that we have planned to give up, the Demon Race has appeared again.

Is this a coincidence?

Or is this simply a trap, waiting for me to jump?"

If it is someone else, in order to show their ability, they can make a good impression in front of the principal. At this time, they should be brave to show how to be afraid of death and how to be bold.

However, he is Wang Yang's son. If his father wants to preside over the overall situation, he will preside over his own minor situation.

Be cautious, nothing is bad.

"This, Brother Wang Qing, said, it is not unreasonable."

In this place, Wang Yang is a generation, then Wang Qing can only be regarded as a junior.Even if he also entered the ranks of the universe overlord.

Calling'little brother' is the most appropriate.

If you find traces of the Demon Race, you should take the initiative to attack immediately.At this time, whoever opposes there is a problem.

But who is Wang Qing?He is the son of Wang Yang, the only son. At this time, only he put forward the most suitable.

What a coincidence.

Coincidence means that there is a calculation behind.

With calculations, there are black hands, and there may be traps.

"If, give us a little time, we gather all the human races, maybe, we can arrange a powerful battle.

At that time, even if there are any traps of the Demon Race, we have enough strength.

Go now, once it is a trap, the consequences are unbearable."

"No, we must seize this opportunity.

Arrange battle fronts.

Do you think that in this interstellar battlefield, we have enough reasons to bind all the strongmen together indefinitely?

However, his puppet ancestor has such strength.

Over time, his puppet ancestors' preparations are bound to be more adequate.

At that time, the strength of the projection summoned will only grow stronger.

On the contrary, our people, one by one, are mostly self-proclaimed powerhouses. They came to my Sifangxing District, and what they did was so-called chance, not for my Sifangxing District.

Before, they fought against demons, and they were mostly driven by interests.

However, once the delay is too long, there is no interest, and they have to delay their own search for benefits, then, we will be separated from Germany.

In the end, there is a disagreement.

Once encountered a demon attack, I am afraid that the loss will be extremely huge."

There is no absolute coincidence in the world.

This is what Wang Yang thinks from beginning to end.

Just when he wanted to bring all the tribes together, the Demon Clan showed his feet.

All this is too coincidental.

As if it were, previewed in advance.

The appearance of the Demon Race means that the Devil Race is waiting for himself with a trap.

This shows that the whereabouts of these people, I don't know why, have been mastered by the Demon Race.

Otherwise, the movements of these people cannot be known by the Demon Race.

In the same way, this also means that the preparation of the Demon Race is very hasty, otherwise, the trace of the Demon Race will not have to wait until he wants to gather all the human races, and when he is ready to be arranged into a powerful battle array, he is suddenly exposed. come out.

It can only be explained that, in order not to allow themselves to bring all the strong men of the human race together, the demon hurriedly decided to take the initiative to expose their feet and attract themselves to these people.

Once they gather all the strong human races, arrange them into battle fronts, and then go to that clean jade tomorrow, I am afraid that there is no one there.

"Go, let's go now."

Since this is the case, then, I will not gather all the strong human races, but myself, these people, go to break into his magic nest.

Let's see what kind of means they have prepared.

"Aren't we waiting for the gathering of strong human races?

Go now?Just those of us?"

Wang Yang’s decision was a big surprise, even if it’s Dianabol, the son of Qingsong, who is already very close to the universe giant, it feels too reckless.

"Yes, just us.

Of his three black demon ancestors, two of them have been taken by us. It is just a black tiger demon ancestor. We want to win it. Isn't it a hand in hand?"

Since Wang Yang decided to go, then go for it!

As for safety?

Perhaps what he said is correct. Three Black Devil Ancestors, two blacks have been taken by these people, but the remaining one is black. Do we, people like us, have no confidence?


Regarding the more than 1,300 universe overlords of the Demon Race, all gathered together, what powerful battle array may be arranged, just waiting for them to die.

This question, whether it is the bellless, or the master of Qingsong, or the king of power, they seem to have selectively forgotten.

What are you afraid of, Sanhei has already gone to the second, and the remaining black tiger demon ancestor, can it be turned upside down?

"Huh, really looking for your own way."

Pure jade tomorrow, is a real world of heaven and earth.

At this time, it is very different from other interstellar battlefields. This world is a complete world, with green mountains and green water, high sun, and complete birds and beasts.

However, today's clean jade will be controlled by the Black Tiger Demon Ancestor tomorrow.

Even on the interstellar battlefield, no matter how you look for it, you can't find the Demon Race, all here.

Mozu is merciless, selfish and selfish. It is impossible to let them form a battle front.

It can be described as difficult.

However, the more than 1,300 demons in front of each of them are very conscious, and they are training according to various battle positions.

Is really well-trained.

Saying that they are demons, I'm afraid, no one will believe.

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