My Super Estate

Question 2704

Chapter 2536—Single-handed to the meeting

In history, the most famous military commander, the biggest description, is the ability to carry the tripod, go to the meeting alone!

Today, Wang Yang gave everyone a one-handed visit to the meeting.


It can't be regarded as going to the meeting alone.

At least, beside Wang Yang, there are nearly twenty cosmic overlords (the weakest ones) in the Quartet Star District, and even, there are no bells, vigorously carrying the king, the master of Qingsong, and the son of Qingsong.

In contrast, such a camp is already extremely remarkable.

However, compared with the scene in front of it, it can't be compared to anything.

Demon races with a total of more than 1,300 seem to be loose, but in fact, between actions, they are like a whole.

This really constitutes a powerful battle front.

"Should I call you the Black Tiger Demon Ancestor? Or should I call you'Puppet Ancestor'?"

The total number of Demon Powerhouses exceeding 1,300 is all scattered parties, and among them, there is a avenue at the bottom of which is a cosmic giant.

Black Tiger Demon Ancestor.

"Hey, Black Tiger Demon Ancestor, Puppet Ancestor, is there any difference between the two?

Black Tiger Demon Ancestor, this is the name of this block, Puppet Avenue, but it is only the elegant name of this block.

How do you call it, is there any difference?

It's you, in the universe, the famous Sifang Lord, is it such a timid person?

Don't you dare to come here for a while?"


If you guessed right, Puppet Avenue is because you, as a family of black tigers, have natal magical powers-to be a tiger, so as to open up a avenue!

It's stupid. No one thought about such an important piece of information.

Who can think of the affectionate Three Black Devil Ancestors, all the so-called Three Black Devil Ancestors are all a guise!

The mysterious puppet ancestor has never revealed his true body in the universe. Originally, it was not that he did not reveal his true body. It's just that everyone has no eyes, and they don't know each other when they meet."

It seemed that he didn't see that the demons were in a huge position with each other, and it seemed that he didn't want to be weaker than others. He walked towards the battle array.

He was about to step into the battle array arranged by the demons.

"Prince of the Quartet!"

Qingsong Taoist wanted to stop, but unfortunately, it was too late.


Everyone in the world says, how do you lord the Quartet?

Knowing that I had arranged a big wait, I dared to pierce it.

I really don't know if it means you are stupid and bold, or that you are kind!"

"What do you think?"


In this seat, you just don’t know what to do!!

Get up!"

With a loud shout, Wang Yang wanted to withdraw, but it was too late, and the surrounding battle array had already been in operation.

"not good!"

Wang Yang wanted to be trapped in the battle front. The first time, Master Qingsong said, he wanted to shoot.

It was just that he had just taken action, and then, beside him, a black hand who didn't know when it appeared, shot towards his chest, and then came over.


Seeing that the unprepared Master Qingsong Dao was about to be seriously injured by a blow, Wu Zhong did not know when, but he had already come to the Master Qingsong Dao and punched him fiercely.

Dong dong dong dong...

Qingsong backed off again and again, every time, on the ground, leaving a very deep mark.

There are even footprints one by one, directly left in the void.

Leave marks in the void.

Good and profound way,

"you you……"

Master Qingsong turned around and looked at Qingsong's pair. There was incredible expression in his expression.

He was absolutely reluctant to believe that one of his most respected and beloved personal disciples, just now, even wanted to shoot towards himself.

"who are you?"

"Haha! Don't you already know?"

"What should I know?"

"Well, if he didn't know, how could he appear so timely?

Don't you just want to make a show and introduce Lao Tzu?"

At this moment, Qingsong Shengzi was very arrogant, and before that, she was just like two people, looking at the master of Qingsong Road, in his eyes, there was no emotion of the former master and apprentice, and his eyes were cold and cold.

Master Qingsong was very distressed.

He was very sure that the son of Qingsong in front of him was his disciple, not only the physical body but also the soul consciousness, all of which were his disciples.

That is to say, his own disciple just wanted to kill himself just now.

Before, on the interstellar battlefield, the reason why he was trapped by the black demon ancestor.Not because the strength of the Black Devil Ancestor is really so powerful, but because his disciple, Shengsong Qingsong, is of course also trapped in the battle.

You can run away, but you cannot take your own disciples.

For his disciples, he chose to stay, he chose to fight hard.

I almost lost my life in it.


Qingsong Road Master almost did not vomit blood.

If it weren't for his high-level behavior, perhaps he was already so angry that he would vomit blood.

For his own sake, he almost lost his life. As a result, he even wanted to kill himself.

Even, everything that happened before may be calculated by him intentionally.

His whereabouts was that he gave a sale and fell into the battlefield arranged by the black devil ancestor, and he was also deliberately caught in it.

He and others want to gather all the strong clan, arranged into a powerful battle array against the demon, all plans are known to the demon, obviously, he also leaked.

The human race is falling down everywhere, and all of them are guided by him.

"Decide now!

He had already been controlled by the puppet ancestor.

Before, the Black Devil Ancestor could find you, and he also led.

The reason why you will be trapped in battle by the Black Demon Ancestor is because he deliberately broke into it.

He has long ceased to be your disciple, he is just a puppet."

This fact is very cruel.

However, the facts are facts, not about your personal emotions.

Whether you accept it or not, the fact is still there. What you need to do is to recognize the facts and make the right decision based on the facts.


The Qingsong Road master was bleeding, but he still had to make such a decision.

And, the first time, he shot towards Qingsong Shengzi.

He wants to clean the portal himself.

He wanted to bring this traitor who betrayed the teacher to justice.

Under the leadership of Wang Yang, the first confrontation between the human race and the demon race has been fully launched.

It seems that from the beginning, the human race has fallen into a comprehensive disadvantage.

Wang Yang has been trapped in the Demon Battle, and Master Qingsong even wants to suppress his favorite disciple himself.

It's just, is this really true?

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