My Super Estate

Question 2706

Chapter 2538—Being Man, Doing Nothing Unsure

"Haha, what's the matter now, do you have any feelings?"

Wang Yang was turned into a mysterious void, there was nothing in it, everything was gone.

There is only Wang Yang and a magic fairy (just a projection).

However, in the outside world, in the eyes of Wu Zhong and others, they can clearly see.

Because, in that half-air, there is a mysterious mysterious mirror. In this mysterious mirror, it is clearly reflecting all the scenes in that piece of land.

This is of course the Black Tiger Demon Ancestor's method.

"Master Qingsong, do you want to resist now?"

The lord of the Sifang has been trapped. On the side of the human race, the main line of Qingsong Road, which has just suppressed his own disciples, is the most advanced.

In this place, he will not be afraid of anyone except Qingsong Taoist Master.

"Huh, do you think my father is a fool like you?

When did my father fight the battle of uncertainty?"

Qingsong Road Lord's face was cold and icy, looking at the eyes of the Black Tiger Demon Ancestor, it was called a murderous intention.

It is enough to be restrained without direct shots.

To answer your question again?

You think too much.

Wang Qing didn't have this idea. He looked at the black tiger demon ancestor as if he was looking at a fool.

"Furthermore, do you think that there is a great fairy behind my father, is this a lie?"

At this time, Wang Qing was very nervous, but he also knew that he could never show it.

Now that my father is trapped, he must be calm enough to save himself.

Only when he is calm enough can he rescue his father in desperation.


You are the son of the Sifang Kingdom Lord!

In other words, this seat really admires the Quartet.It's not just that your own strength is extremely fast. Breaking through the border is as simple as drinking water and eating vegetables. You can even train your loved ones one by one."


That is, of course, do you think that everyone is like you demons, ruthless and unjust?"

At this moment, Wang Qing is so confident.

"Everyone, now, it is when you shot, when you don't shoot, what time do you wait?"

Seeing his father defeated by the magic fairy, Wang Qing felt anxious.

However, he knew that he was in a hurry.

As the son of the Sifang Kingdom Lord, the Sifang Kingdom Lord was trapped, and he himself was the first principal.

At this time, one must show enough calmness and self-confidence, and, at the first time, come up with a solution.

Recalling what his father had just entered into the battle front, Wang Qing suddenly became more confident.

"Ha ha ha ha!!

The plan of the Quartet is indeed correct.

The Black Tiger Devil Ancestor, the biggest hole card, is the battle array arranged by the one thousand three hundred demon clan powerhouses. Now, the Sifang Kingdom Lord enters the battlefield in person, which is when we contribute.

Ladies and gentlemen, everyone!"

I saw that the clean jade tomorrow, I don't know when, there are more than 1,800 strong human races.

If you take a closer look, isn't that the strong human race that has been scattered in the interstellar battlefield and wants to find opportunities?

It's just that they didn't know why, they even appeared here.

"You, you..."

The black tiger demon ancestor jumped from his throne.

how is this possible?

Obviously, everything is under their own control. Even, in order not to give them a chance to gather many strong people, they even chose to give up even some perfect arrangements. How could this happen?

"You, how could you all be here?"

Many strong human races, strength and behavior, for the Black Tiger Devil, of course, there is nothing worth paying attention to.

In fact, as long as he is given a chance, not to mention the number of 1,800, even if the number is two or three times more, he wants to kill them all, it is not difficult.

However, this is a human race, not a demon race.

The number of Mozu is 1,800, which is a set of scattered soldiers. In addition to the individual strength is strong enough, there is nothing outstanding.

However, this strong number of 1,800 is the human race.

Human race, the best, is not that kind of powerful, mysterious battle array?

Now, it is directly out of the number of 1,800. If they are arranged in battle, will they still be his opponent?

The powerful Quartet's powerful hero is a lesson to be learned.


What kind of idea is the Black Tiger Demon Zu? No one will care. Under Wang Qing’s auspices, many strong people of the human race of 1,800 quickly formed a powerful battle front.

This battle front has some deja vu.

"you guys……"

The Black Tiger Demon King stared at his eyes, scared and backed away, and spoke a little unfavorably.

Of course, he is no stranger to this battle.

Isn't this the battle line that I arranged?

It is just that he is the strong of the Devil Race numbering one thousand three hundred and summons the projection of the magic fairy.

But these damn human races were even arranged into such a large summoning array with a number of 1,800.

I saw it in Wang Qing, naturally exuding a terrible breath.

It was a breath of great greatness.

However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is a feeling of facing the universe.

From empty to big.

It seems that he has a feeling of containing the entire universe.

This kind of breath, the Black Tiger Demon Ancestor will never be stranger.

There is also such a breath in Moxian.

This is to summon a great fairy!!

"How can you make you wish?"

Immortal is powerful, but he has the deepest sense. Such a fierce person of the Sifang Kingdom Lord said that he was trapped, and he was trapped.

Saying that you are going to be killed, that is, you were badly injured, there is not much difference from death.

Now, the human race actually intends to summon a great fairy, how can he let it do it?

"what do you want to do?"

The Black Tiger Demon Ancestor broke out and wanted to shoot towards Wang Qing.However, he had just made a move, and over there, the master of Green Pine Road had already greeted him.

Between the two, it can be said that the enemies met, especially jealous.

Once shot, there is no room to stay.

Between the shots, every move, with a boundless Tao Yun, naturally, it is bursting with boundless power.


It seems to be the big bang of the universe. Time and space seem to be completely exploded at this moment.

Then, it can be seen that between the Black Tiger Demon Ancestor and Qingsong Taoist Master, a chess drum was played.

However, the Black Tiger Devil Ancestor was pale and pale.

Because, outside of the large array of demon summons that he had arranged, he was surrounded by the summoning array arranged by the human race.

An immortal immortal has been formed in the void.

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