My Super Estate

The 2707th God of Fire

Chapter 2593 The Fire God Arrives

What a cunning human race.

The Black Tiger Mozu just hated his teeth, and he never thought that the battle array he developed specifically for the Immortal Imprint was so easily used by the human race.

Do you pay royalties?

The Black Tiger Demon King very much hoped that he would shout loudly.

Unfortunately, in this way, no one is destined to care.

With one blow, I did not kill this human race?

Moxian mouth smiled.

Looking at Wang Yang, a pair of eyes exuding a glimmer of light, full of curiosity, looked up and down on Wang Yang.

"You are very good!"


The serious injury in the body, even if it is the immortal body, is useless.

I just felt that the body was rolling, and then, I could clearly feel that the spiritual world was already a fierce crack.

This is the universe overlord.

For them, the injury on the flesh has no meaning. As long as the spiritual world is not damaged, even if the flesh is completely destroyed, if you want to recover, it is just a breath.

However, the spiritual world is fundamental. Once damaged, it is absolutely devastating.

Of course, the more serious injuries are road injuries.

I saw that in the spiritual world, there are ten groups of beautiful light.

However, the ten groups of light groups are divided into two different systems.If it is said that six of the purple light clusters are the eternal stars, then the other four clusters, each emitting a halo of light, are four planets that obviously rotate around the star.

From here, it can be seen that although Wang Yang has the strength of a cosmic giant, he himself has not really achieved a great success.

Without Dadao's perfection, there is no such perfect Daoyun's blow to the magic fairy, and his Daoguang light group has been seriously hit.

Even the Ziyang Seal, sitting in the center of the Avenue of Lights, has turned out to be bleak.

It can be said that this time, Wang Yang suffered a very serious injury, which has already hurt the fundamentals.

"Thank you.

The kid was very honored to get a compliment from Moxian.

It's just that Moxian's incomparably great existence was driven by the little black tiger demon ancestor, but it made the boy really puzzled.

Well, or rather, let the kid take a look."

"Huh, do you want to anger this seat?"

"No, this is what the kid said.

The kid thinks he knows one thing, whether it is the emperor Ziyang of the human race, or the real dragon, the fox fairy, or the fire god, they are all so high.

How can ordinary ordinary life be put in their eyes?

At that time, the Nine Spectral Demon Immortals were even more flamboyant, turning their hands over the clouds and raining over their hands, playing around with the world, and fooling the will of the universe, so they were unhappy.

It is very rare if Moxian is like this, and it is called by a little black tiger demon ancestor and swept away."


The demon was furious.

How can he not hear what Wang Yang said?

This does not mean that he was disgraced and disqualified for Moxian.

Damn, do you think that the magic fairy is willing to do this?

If not...

Moxian would like to slap this kid to death.

However, this kid's clock is rather extraordinary.

Earlier, in the universe, I have heard that behind him, there is an extremely great existence to back up, even the devil ancestors of this age, such as the heart demons, are not easy to provoke.

It’s just that my former self laughed when I heard it, but mortals don’t know what the heavens and the earth say. The immortal height is beyond the heavens and the earth. Even like Chinese cabbage, it is simply the red dust fairy.

Really want this, then he is not in heaven yet?

However, it seems that he is just a little backstage, it is already rampant.

As a magic fairy, of course, he has his means. Every time Wang Yang said the name of a fairy, he could clearly feel the existence of a great bank standing above the sky and stepping on the ground.

Each existence is a rule that caresses the big universe. In a rage, it is a horrible existence that can overturn the entire universe.

The demon stared at Wang Yang, embarrassed for a while.

He deliberately killed the kid.

However, he clearly felt the heavy cause and effect on this kid.

I'm afraid that just after I shot, I would have immense terror.

If he was in his heyday, such a big horror, he didn't have to worry about it at all. Anyone who dared to be arrogant would kill him.

However, it is different now!

I have already lost my life and I don’t know how many years it has been. I see that I have recovered some, and I hope to be resurrected again.

How can it provoke such a boundless horror?


No, this is Vulcan??"

He was still in a dilemma. He didn't come up with a decision. He immediately felt that there was an immense power on his head.

This is a projection of a fairy.

Before, this kid, once said, this is Vulcan.

Although I have never seen it before, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the induction in the midst.

"Damn race."

I haven't decided whether to kill you or not. How dare you recruit such a big horror?

A moment of anxiety and anger, Moxian didn't even think about it, directly was a huge slap, and he came towards Wang Yang.

This is a furious attack from Moxian, and it has to be exceeded compared to before. Don't say that Wang Yang has been hit hard. Even if he is heyday, whether he can resist it is also an unknown.

It can be said that under this slap, Wang Yang will die.

However, Wang Yang is not only not afraid, but on the contrary, he is happy on his face.

The projection of Vulcan has come, you still want to kill me?

How do you look down on Vulcan, or how clear you are?

Looking at the big slap facing him, Wang Yang was not afraid at all.


Sure enough, the big slap hadn't been covered yet, and a shout filled with boundless domineering sounded.

Then, you can see that on Wang Yang, a destructive flame was burning.

This kind of flame can be known as long as the eyes are not blind. This is a devastating flame. However, Wang Yang was not traumatized in the flame.

"A residual image, in front of this seat, want to hurt someone?

Are you looking down on this seat?"

The majestic voice of Vulcan sounded naturally.

Obviously just because of a projection summoned by the battle array arranged by many strong human races, then this projection has great freedom.

Easily, it was out of battle, and then came to Wang Yang.

"Boy, your ability to cause trouble is still so big!!"

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