My Super Estate

The 2718th chapter ten universe giants

Chapter two hundred and fifty-five ten giant giants

"Here, is this Yujianchi open?"

The great elders of the dragon family have disappeared, but the great elders of the god of war are still alive.

Looking at the vast movements in the Sifangxing District, he widened his eyes and always had a feeling of unbelievability.

The Quartet Star District, which houses twenty cosmic nations, spans many unknown light years. Its inner stars, large and small, do not even know that there are hundreds of trillions of trillions, which is simply innumerable.

Every day, there are martial arts strongmen, in the universe starry sky, open up their own martial arts world.

Every day, there is a world of martial arts, which naturally evolves into a large world, and then evolves from a large world into a star field. Occasionally, there are some amazing talents. From the lower star field, it directly evolves into High-end star field.

In the same way, I don’t know how many people are practicing every day, or in battle, it is directly annihilated, and all glory and damage, and the vast world, do not know how many materials are carried. After the destruction, all the materials were all in one moment, all shattered, and all became cosmic dust.

These dusts were originally absent in the universe. The universe is starry, empty, empty, and there is no more matter.

But, the martial arts strongmen, coming out of chaos, opened up a side world, condensed a side star field, and once destroyed, all these worlds and star fields are not just all hundreds of millions of creatures, all dead, but also include Everything in a world, all in a flash, all shattered and became the smallest dust in the universe.

These dusts are not repelled between the cosmic star regions, and finally they become a cosmic planet.

These cosmic planets are the most primitive celestial bodies in the universe.

Among them, the vast majority are waste planets that have no use. However, occasional opportunities will generate large-scale ores on some special planets. Since then, they have become so-called ore planets.

Or, at a certain chance, a planet was born with water, and it has extremely rich water.

Either the natural evolution of the universe, or the celestial path of the star zone, bred a variety of creatures from the source of water.

Since then, a historic point has occurred on these planets.

With the derivation of souls, then, there is consciousness, and then all these consciousnesses are brought together to form a new planetary idea.

These new planet ideas have formed a new heavenly path and become the most primitive life planet in the universe.

At this moment, in the sound of the sword roar, the elders of the Battle of One Hundred Wars clearly saw that in the void of the Quartet Star Zone, I do not know when to start, so that there was no trace of life for a long time. The mineral planet naturally changed the environment, and then, in this change, it has a sign of the birth of life.

One star zone has the limit of life, because any giant of the universe cannot have permanent life.

The cosmic giant is the ruler of a star zone. When it dies, even a star straddling a few light years will naturally die out. Then, the entire star zone will become the universe, A place of silence.

It can be said that the most primitive life planet in the universe has a much lower probability of birth than ideal.

Basically, the above is just a theory.

According to legend, it is between heaven and earth, where the real world is.

However, in the current Quartet Star Zone, such a life planet is born.

Even, to give the elders of a hundred battles a feeling, this heavenly path of the Quartet Star Zone seems to have an inexplicable change.

"How could this be?"

The Sifangxing District has undergone tremendous changes, and it immediately attracted a large number of powerful people.

In a blink of an eye, there are a lot of life in the periphery of the Quartet Star Zone.

Among them, there are actually no less than ten cosmic giants.

The ancestors of the demon, the god of death, the ancestor of Huangquan, and even the great emperor of the human race, the emperor Taiyi, the patriarch of the dragon, the patriarch of the hundred battles, etc., whether they were once enemy, or once friendly, in At this moment, they all arrived.

Of course, the most common ones are those that don't know much.

"How about the elders?"

The first thing the Dragon Chief Patriarch came to was to come to the elder of the second elder and shout loudly.

The second elder's injury, even if it is him, does not have any special magic medicine, and he does not know what to do.

However, the second elder is seriously injured and there is at least some hope, but what about the elder elder?


The second elder is called wronged!

I finally found the organization and saw the hope. This place is too horrible. I don't want to stay for a quarter of an hour.

"What are you crying for?

You are the second elder of the Tanglong family. You even cried out in front of so many cosmic powerhouses?

Are you embarrassing?"

The Dragon Clan Elder almost died, and you, as the second elder of the Dragon Clan, are you crying so much?

You are not ashamed, you are still ashamed of this seat.

If you look at your injury is indeed very serious, slap in this seat, is to shoot you to death.

Tie Qing looked at him, and the Dragon Patriarch stared at the second elder, almost not killing.

"Big elder, dead!"


Are you dead?

The Dragon Patriarch was stunned.

How could it be dead?

That is the great elder of his dragon family, a real cosmic giant, between the universe and the universe, I would like to ask, which one can do him?

Before, because of the calculation of the lord of the Quartet, he came to the Dragon City with his thoughts. Finally, the great real dragon was attracted, and he shot with a single shot, killing him with his spirit.

What happened this time?

Why did you die?

"Great elder, you, what's wrong with you?"

No matter how the Dragon Patriarch's heartache hurts, no one will bother to care about it, but what about his elder elders?

The chest has been pierced, who has this strength?

"Lord Quartet, we, all underestimated!"


The Patriarch Patriarch suddenly looked up and looked in the direction of Wang Yang.

"A big dog gall dared to hurt me, the elder of the Baizhan tribe!"

At the moment, without saying a word, towards Wang Yang, he was hit with a punch.

As the patriarch of the God of War, how could he watch the guy who hurt his elder without moving?

"Hundreds of battles, what do you want to do?"

The Patriarch Patriarch wanted to shoot, but Emperor Da Luo did not know when it had appeared, and blocked all his attack routes.

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