My Super Estate

The 2719th chapter friends and enemies

Chapter 2551 Friends and Enemies

"What's the matter, Lord Luo, are you going to be an enemy of this seat?"

Patriarch Patriarch stared at Daluo Emperor, his voice was very cold.

His elder elder has been severely injured by someone. Isn't it okay to get a fair deal for him?

It just doesn't make sense!

"Hum, Lord Sifang, please come!!"

Emperor Da Luo blocked the Patriarch Patriarch, but the Dragon Patriarch over there was attacking in anger.

I saw that the Dragon Patriarch is indeed the patriarch of the Dragon People. His strength is stronger than that of the elders. Once a dragon gun is stabbed out, a world unfolds naturally and is shrouded towards Wang Yang.

This side of the world, with his avenue host, even if they are also cosmic giants, want to break, it is impossible.

In the universe, I don't know how many stars, at this moment, all are dimmed.

A tidal wave of energy, like flowing, is coming towards the world unfolding on this side, letting this side of the world continue to strengthen, and the power of terror contained in the world is also getting stronger and stronger.

In the end, including Wang Yang, the surrounding starry sky was all shrouded in this world, that is, Wang Yang did not know how many billion square miles of star area behind him, it was constantly shrinking, and then, It is swallowed by this world.

This shot actually wanted to devour the Sifang Star Zone, and then exploded it with one shot.

"Courage 1"

The Quartet Star Zone is its own root. It is really a guts to dare to move towards the Quartet Star Zone. Let us see who gave you such guts!

At the moment, Wang Yang is holding the Ziwei Excalibur and slashing towards the gun.

In the universe, it seems to form a match. In the universe, all the light is all attracted by this sword. In the entire universe, at this moment, it seems to have fallen into absolute darkness.

In the universe, all kinds of light, at this moment, all disappear, it seems that there has never existed.


This is the beginning of the universe, in chaos, the endless wind and waves rolled up.Whatever you are, no matter what you are, under this current, it is also annihilated.

A cosmic black hole occupying tens of millions of miles, this is the most terrible celestial body in the universe, even if it is the hegemon of the universe, if it is not paid attention, as long as it is swallowed by it, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to go come out.

However, it is such a horrible celestial body, in the face of such wind and waves, there is no resistance, the wind and waves, the terrible pulling force of black holes are all ignored, and then, the black hole, naturally, will It was overwhelmed by the wind and waves.

Naturally, the wind and waves disappear, but it seems that this black hole, which occupies thousands of miles, seems to have never existed.

The terrible power is simply desperate.

The overbearing, completely unreasonable Dragon Patriarch was directly lifted by this storm, and did not know how many hundreds of millions of miles were flying in the universe, and it crashed and did not know how many layers of space.

"Roar roar..."

In the starry sky, only the angry dragon chant continued.

The dragon chief was almost not crazy.

He knows that the strength of the Quartet is extremely simple, and even his background is extremely simple.

But who is he?

He is the patriarch of the dragon, and he truly stands in the universe for several epochs.

This time, he was able to walk out of self-styled because he had great confidence in his own strength. He felt that his own strength, when he stepped onto the platform and embarked on that fairy road Big hope to succeed.

But this, what's going on?

How could it be like this?

At this time, he was somewhat aware of how the elders had fallen completely.

How did he possess such terrible power?

"Just now, did you want to trouble me?"

One sword directed the undesirable dragon patriarch directly into suspicious life, and Wang Yang directed the long sword to the patriarch of the hundred battles.

"Or, do you think that our Sifangxing District is really bullying?

Can you humiliate casually?"


Just now the extremely arrogant Patriarch Patriarch, at this time, just like eating Huanglian, just felt a bitter bite in his mouth.


Okay, yeah, the lord of the Quartet is worthy of being the lord of the Quartet, and his strength is extremely powerful.

But, do you think, depending on your strength, can all of us be given shares?"

I saw, I don't know when, the Golden Lion Patriarch also came out, and, the first time, he went to the Patriarch Patriarch and fought alongside him.

This is a great shore man with a golden fight, a square mouth with gong eyes, and a body with explosive muscles. Just standing there, you can clearly feel that the starry sky is trembling.

It seems that his majestic power is too vast, and it has simply exceeded the limit of the universe's starry sky.

Such strength is really scary.


Emperor Da Luo stared at the eyes of a pair of Da Luo God, and he was just killing the bastard.

This time, the human race is the five of them.

The Dragon Clan has already committed evil with the Sifang Kingdom, and it seems that the Hundred-War God Clan wants to eat him up.

Now, a golden lion progeny jumped out.

This is even worse.

The demons of the family haven't acted yet, but their own race has fought themselves first.

It just doesn't make sense.

The most important thing is that if the situation continues like this, I am afraid that the princes of the Quartet will inevitably fall into siege.


Three of the five universe giants of the human race actually have trouble with themselves.

If the Devil were still watching, they would have to kill all these guys.

"How about you?"

At this time, of course, Wang Yang knew that his situation was extremely dangerous. At this time, it should be the Great God Divine Emperor who was also a cosmic giant.But, I don't know why, maybe it was too angry in his heart, maybe he was holding a breath in his heart, and he even pointed the spear at the Great Yi God Emperor who looked aside.

At this time, Wang Yang felt that he had to figure out who was his friend and his enemy.

He is a friend, and of course it is Yongquan. But if he is an enemy, he certainly remembers it by heart. As long as the troubles are resolved this time, he must kill them all.


Facing Wang Yang pointing his spear at himself, the Great Emperor No.1 did not have any movements, that is, there was no retreat and no progress.

From beginning to end, it seems that there is no general.

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