My Super Estate

The 2722nd chapter of the real role of Yu Jianchi

Chapter 2554 The Real Role of Yujianchi

This way of playing is really awesome.

At this point, not only the Great Saint, but also Wang Yang must also be admitted.

Therefore, looking at the tall and burly man who walked from the endless thunder, there was endless admiration above his face.

"The three-eyed God of War, the same before?"

Such awe-inspiring, it was all pretended by you.

I can't accept this matter!

"Who are you?"

Coming out of all kinds of gods and thunders, like Thunder Master, every move, with great coercion.

They will not forget.

On the path of their martial arts growth, the terrifying Thunder Sky Tribulation, the terrifying Thunder World Sky, and the most scary punishment.

It can be said that Thunder seems to be the patent of the will of the universe.

Thunder Sky Eyes, along with their growth path, every moment, every promotion, is always monitored by Thunder Sky Eyes.

Whether you admit it or not, the power of the Thunder is all over the universe.

In other words, Thunder Master, at least, is a very great existence.

A god of war coming out of Thunder Sky?

Behind a statue, there are legendary figures with various backgrounds.

No wonder they are all one by one, they are all terrified.


The thunder rolls and the rumbling continues, all kinds of thunder, in the void, directly explode.

In the eyes of Thunder Sky, there was an inexplicable flash of light.

Then, the big elder of the Clan of Gods who had just questioned the person, who was already seriously wounded, was directly punched through his head.


The Patriarch Patriarch was furious.

In front of yourself, dare to shoot towards the elders of your own family, is this not to put yourself in the eye?

The coming person is not weak, but are you afraid that you will not succeed?

Emperor Da Luodi and others no longer valued him, toward the coming people, it was a violent attack.

It is worthy of the Protoss of the Hundred Wars, with a high fighting spirit and a very high spirit. With a large axe in his hand, the axe is chopped off, which is the universe starry sky, all of which are split in half.


Such an axe, even if it is also a cosmic giant, is absolutely not afraid to be hard-wired, because the former Great Luo Dizun, no matter how powerful he is, must face off from such an axe and dare not be hard-wired.

This is the most powerful move of the Patriarch, and it is also the most terrible move of his whole body and the most terrifying power.

With such a blow, many cosmopolitan giants were present, and there were absolutely few.

However, in the face of such a move, the comrades did not take care of themselves, but just walked on their own, as if it was that the battle of the Patriarch Patriarch broke the chaos, and there was no such thing.


Seeing that this axe, it is to be directly in the body.

Then, it can be seen that from the Thunder Sky Eye that does not know how many time and space there is, it is a thunder light.

That axe that could even split the starry sky into two halves was directly smashed by this thunder.

Even the mighty Axe of the Hundred Wars was beaten into a stick of the Hundred Wars.

The Patriarch Patriarch even could not admit that extremely violent force.

Although he held the axe handle abruptly, there was a belief that he would not let go.

However, that's it, he was also shocked by the violent force, which directly backed off again and again.

Coincidentally, the Patriarch Patriarch directly hit the big elder who was sheltered behind him.The elder, his head has been blown away by a thunder and light. He is not dead, just because he is a cosmic giant and has extremely strong vitality.

However, the head has been knocked off, and he is already hit hard. At this time, as long as there is another thunder god hit by lightning, he will die.

Unfortunately, the Patriarch of the Hundred Battles retreated one after another, and he had the terrible World Destruction Thunder on him.His way of doing things is extremely profound, even if it is the world-descending God of Thunder, he is safe and sound.

With the Daoxing of the elders of a hundred battles, if he is not seriously hit, with his strength, even if it is struck by the world destroyer thunder, he will not have any problems.

The same cosmic giant, it is impossible to kill him easily.

However, he was first hit by Wang Yang and was seriously injured by a blow. Then, he was suddenly hit by the three-eyed God of War, a thunder, which directly knocked off his own head, body, and two forces, entangled with each other, in Constantly destroy the vitality in his body.

At this time, he was already at the most dangerous time, and where can he afford the devastating blow?


The Patriarch of the Hundred Wars was intimidated.

That is to say, in fact, I just killed my elders directly??


Laughing dead, really laughing.

This old boy must not be used to his elders for a long time.At ordinary times, the elders of his family are cosmic giants, with strong strength and high moral integrity. Even if they are dissatisfied in their hearts, they dare not act rashly.

Now it seems that he thinks that the time has come, and is directly using this power to secretly calculate the elders of his family.

Three eyes, this black pot, but you have to carry it!"


Faced with the Dasheng's laughter, the three-eyed God of War looked indifferently, and was also cold.

"This brother said very much, Patriarch Patriarch, you do this, but it is chilling!

He is no longer a great elder, he is also a great elder of a hundred war gods, how can you do this?Now it is said that he is a member of my human race, he walked this way, but he was lucky."

Great Emperor Luo has such a side?

Wang Yang did not think of it.

However, at this time, he was shocked by the changes in the elder.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m the lord of the Quartet Universe, or why.

He clearly saw that on the fallen elder, naturally, there was a little light, which turned into a little meteor, and was absorbed by the Yujianchi.

Then, Wang Yang clearly felt that in that Yujianchi, there was a message: it can strengthen the natal destiny.


Wang Yang was shocked.

He felt that his treatment was really beyond specifications.

The Ziyang Divine Skill inherited by oneself is truly endless for the cultivation of various magical medicines.

Now, this Yujianchi has given himself such a big surprise?

Since then, that is to say, you will no longer lack peerless soldiers in the Quartet Star Zone?

The Sifang Star District is powerful!

However, no one except Wang Yang has a qualified natal god soldier.

Not because he lacked resources, but because they improved too fast, lacked time to maintain, and even lacked such technology.

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