My Super Estate

The 2723rd chapter fight

Chapter 2555


The strong sound of swords sounded strongly in the universe.

It seems to be telling everyone that the immortal sword in the world has come!

Just like, the legendary king, all beings kneel to welcome!

Even the Ziwei Excalibur in Wang Yang's hands was extremely violently affected at this moment. If Wang Yang didn't hold on to it, I'm afraid it has been out of his control.

Even so, the sword trembles in his hands.

That was the attitude of the king on arrival, all the people on their knees.

On the scene, many cosmic giants and masters of kendo are not that many.Even if the created avenue has nothing to do with Kendo itself, but who is not carrying some extraordinary swords with them?

In the world of Tiantai, the name of the nine immortal swords has spread in the universe in just a few moments. Even if you have no sense of sword, they must always carry a few for all nine immortal swords. Handle the so-called Excalibur.

When you need it, take it out and make it look better than others.

What's more, it may be difficult to reach a level like them and create a sword sword by yourself, but how difficult is it to cultivate a sword sword magic power, even a great magic power?


The sudden change was unexpected.

No one thought that, well, in the starry sky of the universe, there was such a emergence.

With their identity and qualities, of course, the swords they carry do not have to be said. Carrying them with anyone will not be regarded as one thing.They are also confident that nothing in themselves can be taken away by anyone.

Guarded by the avenue, the universe is invincible.

But this, what's going on?

"Sovereign Lord, what's going on here?"

Patriarch Patriarch, he is famous for his powerful fighting intent, holding a plate axe, and in the universe of heaven and earth, no one is afraid.

However, the three-handed swords on his body were also owned by the most powerful swordsman in the past.For the Nine Immortals Sword, I carry it with me, and occasionally I have to take it out and taste it.

This is suddenly out of control, what is going on?

"You are blind!

Don't you see that my Ziwei Excalibur is almost out of my control?"

Even if you still have this face, you have to ask yourself?

I think you have a problem with your eyes.


Ziwei Divine Sword is his own destiny soldier, united with his own mind, and even refined into qi and integrated into his body.

There has never been a problem.

Today, this has happened.


Let's not talk about the grudges of the past, just like your attitude, I don't want to split your two axes, people in this world can't think that I'm afraid of you?

The three-handed swords are not their own destiny warriors.

However, your Ziwei Excalibur is different.

God help me too!

Opening up!!

Do things, but ask for a smooth heart.

Now that it has been decided, how can I be worthy of myself if this axe is not hacked out?

"Damn king bastard, the god thunder just now, why didn't you kill you?"

At this time, how dare you still shoot?

It's just too deceiving!

Like conditioned reflexes, Wang Yang took it easy, but with a sword.


What a great sword.

This sword splits, and the world resonates just like the master of the sword, the universe, and the universe. At this moment, they all respond to the feelings in their hearts and transform into a sword power, blessing on the Ziwei Divine Sword.


The sword hacked by the Patriarch of the Hundred Wars was like a joke, and it shattered at the touch, like paper paste. The sword river came down from the sky and rolled towards itself.

The great might, the sword and the river of energy have not yet fully come, just the horrible sword pressure, it turned out to be uncomfortable.

Obviously it is a cosmic starry sky, with no up and down, no left and right, no front and back, no soil under the feet, empty and empty, but under the pressure of such a horrible sword, he clearly felt so uncomfortable in his heart that he could not escape even a little bit.


In the end, it seemed that there was a cow blowing on his chest, and the cow was forced.There is a universe of heaven and earth, all contained in the chest.


Obviously it is a kind of curse, at this time, there was a real feeling.


Finally, he couldn't suppress it anymore, the feeling of depression in his heart, hematemesis.

Then he vomited.

At the same time, he spit out this blood, he also seems to have broken a certain level, and then he resumed his actions.

Facing the crushed Jianhe, he dared not retreat, nor could he retreat.

The avenues are rolling, the universe is heaven and earth, and there is no way back.

Unstoppable is death!

Facing the horrible sword river, he drove himself to a limit, and used the axe in his hand as a magical soldier to elevate his strength to an extreme point.

Bang Bang Bang Bang...

Facing the crushing Jianhe, he had to shoot again and again.

Even so, he didn't seem to play any obvious role.

Gradually, he felt that he was desperate.

"You guys haven't shot yet?"

It's simply no reason. How could this Sifang Kingdom Lord have such terrible strength?

Everyone is also a cosmic giant. What are we old guys doing? It is also on the way of derivation. With some achievements, it is more abundant than ordinary cosmic giants.

How could it be so vulnerable.

Puzzled, unwilling, not angry!

However, at this time, he must ensure that he can survive.

Even if you ask others for help, you are not hesitating.


Venerable Hundred Wars is the patriarch of the Hundred Wars God Clan. On weekdays, he is known for his powerful fighting power.

Nowadays, it is crushed by the princes of the Quartet like this?

It's beyond everyone's expectations.

how is this possible!

Well, believe it or not, at this time, you have to shoot.

At this time, everyone is online, this time it is aimed at his patriarch. Next time, no one can guarantee that it will not be himself.

This time he asked the patriarch for help, he didn't take action, next time, he asked for help himself, I was afraid that he was cold and could not get hot.


One by one, no matter the human race or the demon race, as long as it is a line, surprisingly consistent, Qi Qi moves toward Wang Yang.

For a time, the top eight, from that front, came over.

Even Wang Yang was shocked at this moment.

Frustrated, the only horrible sword could be scattered and enveloped toward the eight powerful men.

In the same way, when the other seven powerful players shot, the Patriarch of the Hundred Wars immediately felt that the pressure in his heart was relaxed and he almost fell to his knees.

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