My Super Estate

The 2733rd chapter of the sword winner

Chapter 2655 The Immortal Sword Winner

The Patriarch Patriarch almost didn't get angry.

He felt that he was particularly wronged, and these two bastards, even indiscriminately, grabbed himself and were beaten for a while.

Ten original patterns of my own avenues were directly penetrated by one.


The serious road injury caused the Patriarch of the Hundred Wars to be directly hit, and the strength was ruined, which was a step down.

In terms of momentum, the Patriarch Patriarch is still a cosmic giant, however, his strength has brought down a level.

If it was said that before, Wang Yang faced him without any counterattack, it is not necessary now.

The most direct performance is that, in the face of that big hand, he can confront it head-on, but when that big hand is photographed again, the Axe of the God of War in the hands of the Clan of Patriarchs is directly released. It was blood spattering.

The whole person's breath fell straight.

"His strength is so great that Chengyingjian is not on him."

At this moment, anyone can be sure that the Shadow Sword is not on the Patriarch Patriarch at all, because such a serious injury is absolutely impossible to appear on the fairy sword winner.

The fairy sword body protector is enough to explain everything.


There is no fairy sword at all!

Dao injury directly caused him to damage the road, the strength fell sharply, and suffered a big blow. The Patriarch Patriarch was already a half-waste.

Unfortunately, the big hands didn't stop.

The big hands like those five-finger god mountain, headed and repressed again.

This is a lore.

The master of this big hand did not intend to leave a way for the Patriarch.


Seeing that the Patriarch Patriarch was about to die, the Dragon Patriarch, who had not been moving, suddenly shot.

Longtouguai is like a real dragon coming into the world. Towards the repressed big hand, he hit it in the face.


The strength of the Dragon Patriarch was even stronger than the Patriarch Patriarch. He actually blocked the attack of the big hand.

"He actually shot?"

Sun Dasheng sneered.

Wang Yang said: "It's normal.

The Clan of the Dragon, the Clan of the Hundred Wars, the Clan of the Golden Lion, and their clan, dare to unite with the Devil.

No matter what their purpose is.They are all mortal.

Directly into the magic, with their strength, it is very likely to escape.Even if the avenue is disordered and the possibility of survival is less than 10%, with their strength and their status, they will absolutely not dare to do so until the real last resort.

In other words, they must also bear the title of human race.

Do you think they can still gain a foothold in the human race?"

Sun Dasheng laughed: "Hey, they are self-reliant. The three pharaohs and bastards actually make Zhiyun faint and dare to cooperate with Mozu.

Since then, their three strong tribes are afraid that they will always be isolated by the human race."

A strong clan that can do even with cooperation with the demons, who dares to get close to them?

Are you afraid of being sold by him?

However, in the universe, all things and spirits are always under the impact from the demons.

Real isolation and helplessness, once it is impacted by the Demon Race, it is said to be useless, that is, useless.

Moreover, there are various opportunities in the universe.

Or a variety of opportunities, if they are completely isolated, then they have no way to get it.

At least, in intelligence, it is not so easy.

Fighting for chance is an eternal theme on the path of martial arts.Not everyone is the owner of his Quartet. The resources are endless. What kind of resources you want can be planted on your own.

Compared to the universe, more people and various ways of obtaining resources belong to transactions.

Once the human race is isolated, when it comes time, if you want to get any little resources, I am afraid that it will be extremely difficult.

But no matter which aspect of human beings, the Patriarch Patriarch must be alive.

However, the prerequisite is that the Patriarch Patriarch must not receive the Shadow Sword, otherwise, he will never die.

"Dare you shoot?"

One blow failed, and the master behind the big hand was furious.

The Patriarch Patriarch is strong enough. Once he is restored, then he must be endless with himself.

Now that you have chosen to shoot, you will naturally have to cut the grass.

Human luck?

How about that?

Even if the human race is destroyed, as long as they can become immortals, what can they do?

The master of the big hand, the deity did not shoot, but, in the voice, there is endless power.

That kind of overbearing, that kind of "Only I respect" is simply the most incisive.


The Patriarch of the Dragon People never thought that he had already shot, and he would be so despised.

Son of a bitch!

The anger in my heart almost didn't ignite myself.

"The deity will have to see, who can kill under the deity?"

Obviously, at this moment, the Dragon Patriarch really showed his dominance.

Even the master behind the big hand, the power is endless, at this moment, he is also strong.


So bold, no one has dared to speak to this deity for a long time!"

Who can become a cosmic giant, who is not a momentary pride?

Almost one by one, all are unique personality.

Now, how dare someone brace themselves?


The big hand exudes endless white jade glory. Among the immeasurable glory, there is a burst of eternal world display, where there are gods in the vertical and horizontal, there are peerless kings roaring past, and there are all kinds of overlords in it.

This is a very extraordinary world on one side, and it is just a piece of light, it is a giant with hundreds of millions of light years.

No one knows who is the one who created this world, and what kind of horror it has in this world.

However, with the blessing of the power of this world, the power of the big hands has increased greatly. It is just the strong wind, which is in the chaos, setting off an endless storm.

The most important thing is still covered by big hands, in which I don’t know how many worlds there are, and it is directly destroyed.

The moment the great world broke down, a world of thousands of miles was revealed, and finally, it exploded.

Regardless of the mountains, rivers, mountains and rivers in the world, or the sun, moon, and stars, or the living peoples, at this moment, all of them exploded.

At least hundreds of worlds were destroyed, and a hundred strands of destructive power merged into that big hand, which suddenly made the power of the big hand more terrible.

Such a palm, I do not know how many times more powerful than the previous palm.

If the Patriarch Patriarch is facing up, I am afraid that it is not that the state has fallen, but that it is directly suppressed.


The Long Patriarch cursed in his heart.

He would never think that his own strength would be stronger than that of the Clan Chiefs.

However, he never thought that this big hand would be so terrifying.

At this moment, he regretted it.

Patriarch Patriarch?

Who is he?Do i knowIf I want to die with a dry cough, will I die with him?

Unfortunately, regret has no effect at all.


Finally, at the last moment, he broke out his last details.

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