My Super Estate

The 2734th chapter unexpected situation

Chapter 2566 The Unexpected Condition

At this moment, everyone is strangely quiet.

Looking at the patriarch of the dragon who suddenly showed great power, all his eyes were all kind of dull and dull.

No, this is the kind of look at a fool.


Sun Dasheng fought up and down, tumbling back and forth in chaos.


I can't help it anymore, I can't help it anymore. My grandson is so big that I have never seen such a fool."

The whole body was trembling with a smile.

How can there be such a stupid person between this world?


Where is Chengying Immortal Sword? Everyone has always been a fan. He is good, he has nothing to do with him, and now he will jump out of himself.


This is really a big fool!!"

Pointing to the Patriarch of the Dragon, Sun Dasheng City also, he has never seen such a silly person in his life.


Even with a cold face, it seems to be a general three-eyed god of war. At this time, he couldn't help but laughed silently.

In fact, Wang Yang's stared eyes were no better.

Not to mention Wang Yang, it was Daluo Dizun, Taiyi Divine Emperor, and Golden Lion Patriarch, all of them were staring.

It's like saying: Come and see, there is a big fool here.

It was really unexpected.

The whereabouts of the shadow sword is already the focus of everyone's attention. No matter who it is, if you get the shadow sword, it will be hidden for the first time.

However, who knows that there will be such a fool who has apparently obtained the Shadow Sword, and as a result, he has to jump out himself?

"The power of the fairy sword?"

I saw in the projection, four phantom shadows emerged.

One by one, just just reality, the entire time and space seems to be sedated.

They are so powerful.

Such a strength, I am afraid, is much stronger than the general cosmic giants.

"The Shadow Sword is in your hands?"

I saw that the big hand has now been connected by a person, connected to a golden glitter, a body of muscles, like a dragon, on top of it, there is always a sense of explosion, clearly emerging.

In fact, around him, in the void, there will always be a terrible explosion.

In contrast, just one hand turned out to be invincible.Now, his real body has condensed.

A terrifying force, even told everyone, how powerful is he?


The coming person is extremely powerful, and of course the Dragon Patriarch knows.

At this moment, the Dragon Patriarch had already regretted that his intestines were all green. For him, the Patriarch Patriarch was retained because they needed assistance from the Protoss Clan and could not be isolated by the entire universe.

However, he never thought that he would get the shadow sword, and then he would be exposed!

Why Chengyingjian chooses himself, he has not yet understood.

However, the fairy sword is the fairy sword. He has enough self-confidence. As long as he gives himself a certain period of time, he has absolute self-confidence and can derive several paths on his own road.

There are hundreds of steps in the road, but there are hundreds of thousands of roads beyond the hundred steps, depending on whether you can walk out, and if you go out, can you come back.

If you don't come back, then it already means that you are already on a dead path.

Facing the vast cliff, it is very important that you jump out.

Rivers**, whether you can cross the river is equally important.

The desert is endless. Walking in the desert, whether you can survive, is also the key to whether you can go back.

Thousands of things happen in the world, but the truth is ever-changing.

This is the case in the world, and even more so.

It's just that on the road, the degree of danger has increased the number of times that I don't know how many.

Similarly, in the face of this kind of danger, can you find a way out, can you face the danger, and still keep the courage to go on.

These are all so important.

The Patriarch of the Dragon People is already complete.

However, the avenue is perfect, but it is only basic, and it can really be unimpeded on the sky. It must be on the avenue and really take a few more steps.

The road is difficult, especially after the road is completed, and the road wants to ascend, but it can only rely on itself to open up a light in the darkness.

However, how many people are lost in the darkness, and then, in the darkness, close their eyes and wait to die.

Patriarch Dragon, at this time, is facing this situation.

However, Cheng Yingjian suddenly appeared, and, inexplicably, he recognized himself as the master, even letting him find a trace of light in the darkness.

Although this light was very dim, it gave him hope.

It can be said that as long as he is given another period of time, he can definitely go further.

In fact, the opening of the rooftop world and the appearance of the fairy, this provides everyone with a possibility to move forward.

Otherwise, I don't know how many people have fallen on the road.

Hundred steps in the road is the road of evolution and the road to the sky.

Take the avenue as a bridge, turn virtual reality into reality, and climb the extreme of heaven and earth.

Every cosmic giant can clearly feel that the call from the real world, every cosmic giant, can use its own avenue to turn into a road to the sky, but, just like that, every cosmic giant, It can be clearly felt that this bridge to the sky is a broken bridge.

You can watch the real world from afar, and then, there is no way ahead.

Why is the rooftop world considered to belong to the road to the sky?

The so-called road is at the foot, in the universe of heaven and earth, where is the real fairy road?

Only if you really go out is the real fairy road.

However, the rooftop world may be influenced by the real world, or it may be to be close to the real world, and feel the real world most clearly.

In the darkness, even the rough outline of the real world can be seen vaguely.

Different from other worlds, there is only one darkness, with eyes closed, and by their own sense, in the darkness, to explore.

Therefore, it is the great luck of the dragon head patriarch to recognize the fairy sword.

Even, he can be sure that with the help of the fairy sword, he can take one step beyond one hundred steps.

One step closer to that real world.

Even, he has a great ambition, he can succeed in all nine great swords, perhaps, he really can truly become the person who ascended the heavens.

However, what is going on now?

How could it be exposed?

I just want to pave a better path for the Dragon people, I never thought I would expose myself!

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