My Super Estate

The 2735th chapter escape? ? ?

Chapter 2567: Escape???

Suddenly, the Dragon Head Patriarch was caught off guard.

However, the Dragon Patriarch responded very quickly.

He chose to escape the first time.

He knew that if Cheng Yingjian succeeded, he would become the lost place.

Sure enough, the Patriarch Patriarch who had just been rescued by him was the first shot towards him.

Patriarch Patriarch Avenue was shot down one level.

However, he is still that cosmic giant, although, today, he is just one of the most common cosmic giants.

However, when he fought in anger, it was still extremely scary.


The dragon body patriarch was furious, and a terrible sword light was slashed towards the patriarch patriarch.


In the end, the way is not as good as people, with injuries and a decline in strength, much worse than before.On the contrary, the Dragon Chief Patriarch attacked with anger and would do his utmost with the help of the Shadow Sword. Where could his Patriarch Patriarch withstand the battle?

In chaos, there is nothing but the gray chaotic air current.

Even if it is sound, there is no possibility.

The avenue will be the only thing in the universe.

Only with the blessing of the avenue, the soul can swim freely in chaos, otherwise, even if it is the sovereign of the universe, for a long time, it will inevitably be assimilated by chaos.

However, in this chaos, there is no sound, but at this time, there is sound.

The Dragon Patriarch's full blow was not at all affordable by the Patriarch Patriarch at this time.

The Patriarch Patriarch did not die in the hands of Wang Yang, nor did he die in the hands of the two great soldiers with the big hand and the spear. He never thought that he would die in the hands of the Dragon Patriarch.


As long as it is a human race, could it be shocked.

They clearly felt that the human race was lucky, and it was shocked.

This is the sentiment of the human race, the death of the cosmic giant, involving human race luck.

"Here, luck has dropped!"

As a cosmic giant, Wang Yang felt the most authentic.

If the human race luck is 10,000, then at this time, it is down by 0.1.

In other words, a cosmic giant is one hundred thousandth of the human race.

One after another rose.

No one knows where luck comes from, and no one knows the total amount of luck.

However, everyone knows that the strength of luck represents their own luck, the future, the potential, and too much.

As long as the luck is enough, even a pig can become a pig essence.

However, if your luck is negative, then, natural disasters and man-made disasters will come one after another, and you will not be angry enough for civilians if you do not die.

The human race is too large and wide, and contains all things and spirits. All spiritual creatures in the universe, as long as they are not demons, can be included in the human race.

This is a great human race. Similarly, this is also because the demons are powerful.

It is precisely because the demons are so powerful that all the creatures will eventually merge into one.

A large unified human race was born.

One hundred thousandth of the luck suddenly disappeared, even if it was evenly distributed among the hundreds of millions of people, one by one, it can be clearly felt.

Among them, some strong ones are more clear.

Comprehending the laws and rules from the world, suddenly, it is much more difficult.

In the past, there was always a feeling that the so-called laws of heaven and earth, the rules of the avenue, seemed to be the moon in the water, hazy, and observable, but untouchable.

However, in the end, what the moon is like can only rely on his own imagination.

Really want to reach the moon, but it may not be at all.

However, all of a sudden, it seemed that, on the surface of the water, somehow, it was covered with a veil.

This layer of yarn, although thin, however, also blocked the eyes, and no longer could see the scene on the water.

I can only see a vague light source.


What's wrong with this??"

At this moment, I don't know how many human race creatures, one by one, are all caught up.

One by one, they are all on the edge of the breakthrough, only a little chance.

Seeing that the opportunity has arrived, today is the day of my own breakthrough. Somehow, I feel that the bright feeling I once had was so far away.


There are even more unlucky people. They themselves are short of luck. In order to improve their strength, they do bad things and plunder opportunities. What they get is outrageous.

In order to improve their strength, they lost their conscience and annihilated human nature.

People's own luck has long been negative, every action, every time to enhance strength, is in all kinds of dangerous, in order to find a ray of life.

Every ascension is struggling between life and death.

Every progress is a dance with death.

That's it, they pay great attention to every chance.

However, under such circumstances, they suddenly felt that their luck was inexplicably reduced again.

Suddenly, the whole person was almost crazy.

It can be said that cutting out the sword of the Dragon Clan Chief directly cut off the Clan Clan's luck by one hundred thousandth, which brought extremely great influence to the clan.


How dare you be so arrogant?

Emperor Daluo and Taiyi Divine Emperor were all furious and punched, and the whole reason was to break through the restraint of space and call towards the Dragon Chief.


It can only be said that Chengying Sword is indeed a fairy sword, a fairy sword body protector, even if it is positively accepted by the great Luo Dizun and Taiyi Shenzun Qichang.

Then, when the Dragon Patriarch could not wait for him to show off his mighty power, he was another big hand, coming from a distance.

Another spear was suddenly stabbed.

Another red rope, I don't know where it came from.

Another white jade finger suddenly poked.

Only in a short time, the Dragon Patriarch was beaten up.

The so-called fairy sword body protection is basically a joke, especially the red rope, once rolled over, even if the body protection, once bound, I am afraid that there is no way to become a fart.


At this moment, the Dragon people became the lost place.

In the eyes of the demon, he is a mortal person.

In the eyes of the human race, he is also a traitor, beheading him, perhaps harming the human race's luck, but at this moment, no one will regret it, and no one will show mercy.

Obviously, the Dragon Patriarch, very self-knowledge, he chose to escape!

For example, that, a very magical world, seems to have given him the most motivation.


It is worthy of the magical Great Thousand World. With the rest of the Dragon Patriarch, an ordinary Great Thousand World, he dared to enter, and in an instant, this Great Thousand World is about to be exploded.

However, I only saw the Thunder rolling, and then everything was gone, all disappeared.

As if it were, there is nothing in general.

Weird and strange!

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