My Super Estate

Question 2747

Chapter 2597 was discovered

The Lord of the Quartet watched Wild Wolf 2 being killed by the flames of fire. He was expressionless and cold-eyed. There was always a bloody body on his body, which gave him a sense of reincarnation.

"Aren't you going to come out?

Wild Wolf No. 2 has been killed, no matter how high it is in front of him, in this world, there is no one who is suppressed by such strange rules.

If you die, you die.


How is this going?What is he saying?

Suddenly, Wang Yang froze: He, who is he letting out?Could it be that there are other creatures here?"

I don't know why, Wang Yang has a bad feeling.

"Why, I thought, if you don't come out, the lord of the city will not find you?"

Wang Yang still didn't want to understand who he was talking about.However, the most important thing now is that you should hide yourself, otherwise, if you are found, you are your fingertip doll. I am afraid that I will be killed by him.

Wang Yang is not confident, and can escape in front of this guy.

In fact, the suppression is too big, all-round suppression, otherwise, by the means of the Wild Wolf 2, this is not enough for him to be a fart.

"Since that is the case, then I will please you out!"

Sifang Chengzhu coldly stared at the ancient tree in front of him.

This ancient tree has three people around him, even the wild wolf #2, who wants to break it, is impossible without some means.

It is a pity that ancient trees are just ancient trees. I don’t know if they have been suppressed. Such an ancient tree has never been born. It is really weird.


I don't know why, Wang Yang just felt that the ancient tree he was hiding in seemed to be crooked.

No, this, this is really crooked

This is the sound of tree branches rubbing, not good, this is ancient cut off.

"Ah, damn, exposed!"

I don't know why, Wang Yang just felt that he was exposed.

But now, what can I do?

My strength is the role of Wild Wolf II, who can be blown away casually.

This, if this is really facing the Sifang City Lord, I'm afraid, it will die very ugly.

"How about, can I come out now?"

Wang Yang was straight, and he planned to gamble.

With his current strength, when he went out, he was also trampled to death.

In this case, it is better to gamble.

Close your eyes and slowly extinguish your breath.It looked as if it was dead, and even the breath of life was about to go out.

No matter how good the strength is, at least, in terms of vision, Wang Yang will not be worse than others.

What the dead should do to make it more real, Wang Yang is naturally clear.


The lord of the Quartet was stunned.Stayed for a while, then, with a firm effort, the whole old tree was directly taken, and the shot was taken directly.

Wang Yang, the size of a fingertip, landed on the ground.

However, at this time, Wang Yang was indeed dead, motionless, and even the internal organs of his body were also damaged by a certain kind of strength, which was directly a crushing injury.

Such injuries are naturally impossible to survive.


The Sifang City Lord could not believe it.

Before, obviously still angry, how could he die?

No, before, he had only breath, but the symbol of life seemed to be gone.

In fact, before the Sifang City Lord, all of his attention was placed on Wild Wolf 2, and how much energy would he put on Wang Yang?

"No, these outsiders, I heard, all of them are powerful and possess the power to destroy the world.

Fake death, it should not be difficult!"

This bear kid!

Wang Yang scolded in his heart.

I'm already dead. This unlucky bear child is still not at ease. I have to verify that it is really damn it!

Unfortunately, no matter how angry you are, you can't do anything.

Wang Yang, the size of his fingertips, was picked up by the Quartet.

Then, it is a pinch.

Damn it!

Wang Yang was furious. If his strength was restored, he would definitely shoot this bastard into minced meat.

I'm all dead. You're still not assured, but you're going to crush it.

Okay, let's break it. Even the power of the collision between Wild Wolf 2 and the flaming fire bull can't bear it. It is normal for him to be chopped into minced meat. It seems to be normal, and there is no problem.

Then, Wang Yang was flattened.

It's really flat. It's the kind that can't get up on the wall.

"This, is this okay?"

It must be said that some people are so hateful of ghosts.

I have become like this, you are still not at ease, what else do you want!

Wang Yang was very anxious.

Now, I have already attracted people's attention.

In other words, we outsiders have already attracted the attention of the indigenous people.

If you don’t want to die too ugly, you must restore your strength quickly.

It is a pity that to restore strength, we must fight again.

The problem now seems to have fallen into a dead end.

Between the two sides, there is already a race against the clock, and every minute and second must be grasped in order to improve the strength.

However, now, this guy has been squeezed into meat puree, this guy can't rest assured, Wang Yang really can't hold back.


Seeing that this guy has some other actions, Wang Yang has even decided whether he wants to fight.

It was a bitter tear when I said it. My own lord of the Quartet, his famous name, turned into such a situation now.

Really, no one would believe it.

I couldn't help it, and I was ready to fight, and suddenly news came in front of me.

There is a new clue.


The Sifang Chengzhu really is not weak, the reaction is quick.

As for the fingertip doll in the hand?

Forget it, die if you die!

Besides, how much movement can a fingertip doll make?

Thinking about it like this, the doll with the fingertip in his hand was thrown away, and he no longer managed.


Compared with this fingertip doll, it is obvious that the movement in front is still a bit loud.

Here, but your own site, on your own site, was so harassed by people, I'm afraid, there will be people who can't sit still and want to trouble yourself.

Fingertip doll?

If you die, you die.

He may have a prominent reputation in the universe, but if he dies, he will die. What can he do?

Don't care at all, turn around and leave.

"Aliens die!"

Far away, I heard a loud scream.

"Damn ants, you all have to die!"

There were loud shouts from the lords of the Quartet, as well as shouts from Sun Dasheng.There are even other people's voices.

"This, this is the Patriarch of the Golden Lion?"

Far away, Wang Yang heard the voice.

Overjoyed.The Patriarch of the Golden Lion is here, Sun Dasheng is here, does it mean that other people are here too?

So, what about the Dragon Patriarch?

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