My Super Estate

The 2748th chapter follow-up plan

Chapter 2580 Follow-up plan

The lord of the Quartet was thrown away, and the fingertip doll was thrown on the ground by him.

The Sifang City Lord is gone, but the fingertip doll is still there.

I saw that the fingertip dolls that had just been squeezed into fleshy flesh, the sacred lines of the gods flashed, and then they recovered.


Dare to take the name of the Quartet, for fear of not dying.

However, the most important thing now is to increase the strength.Um, the mud was thrown away by Sifang City Lord, but he really can’t remember Sifang City Lord?"

Originally, I wanted to want this, but then I thought again, this Sifang City Lord, doing things, seems to be very cautious, human, and a little smart.

Fake death, the worker did not let him let go of it, and even squeezed the place into a puree.

Now, there was a violent movement over there, but did he really dispel the doubt?

However, since a fingertip doll has doubts, is it easy to put it in a cloth pocket and take it away?

Need to let go so casually?

No, there is a big problem.

Now, it's the real tiger falling into Pingyang, and it's 10,000 more minds to do things. Perhaps, it is the most important thing.

If you want to restore yourself, you must kill.Otherwise, even if you understand this rule, it is useless.

Improving strength does not mean that you can get rid of this rule. Otherwise, even a small character like Sifang Chengzhu, putting a fart, can kill him.

"Uh, this can't stop me!"

Who is he?He is the pioneer of the Dahua Dadao, and he is the master of Dahua.

Just ask, is there anything else that can hardly hold him?

Isn't it just making a pile of meat paste with its own mark of life?


Wild Wolf 2 is still alive now, he will definitely rebel, I live, at the cost of my own body, to provide you with the conditions for understanding strange rules.After dying, you still have to upgrade the material for making meat paste for you.

It's just too deceiving!

It is a pity that Wang Yang's face is comparable to that of the city wall, and he will neither blush nor embarrass himself.

You are dead, you are dead, your flesh can still bring me some functions, then, it is your supreme honor.

It has to be said that the Taohua Avenue, when it is being reformed, has really reached its extreme.

Just a slight shock, a trace of the god of light swept through, and the piece that should have been a small piece of minced wolf No. 2 was a piece of meat, and it was very similar to his own breath.

As for the appearance, this is really the most insignificant thing, and it is made casually.

"Okay, in the future, you will be a fingertip doll."

Clapping his hands, Wang Yang was quite satisfied.

Then, Wang Yang walked in the direction of the battle.

There is a strong battle wave.

One by one, the strength is not weak, even the Sifang City Lord, at this time is also roaring repeatedly, the battle is extremely fierce.

This is a good opportunity. Maybe someone will be injured. That special rule of breath may be a very good opportunity for improvement.

"Hey, how are you?"

Wang Yang had just taken action, but he saw Sun Dasheng who was carrying a cloud of somersaults.

In contrast, Sun Dasheng at this time, the strength is much stronger, just by looking at his appearance as a little monkey, he already knows roughly.

"Here, you got it?"

"You think, otherwise, you think you can escape?"

"Thank you!"

Wang Yang knew that if Sun Dasheng didn't make a big move, maybe he really couldn't get rid of the Sifang City Lord.

"Damn Sifang City Lord, don't let me recover, otherwise, Lao Tzu must kill you."

Wang Yang was very angry.

I’m just a fingertip doll. I’m still dead, you can’t let it go, you have to crush your bones, and you want to throw yourself into the Fire City.

It's a big pervert.

If such a character can't solve it, I'm just afraid that I'll feel uneasy.

The movements of the two were made very small, and fell gently on a leafy old tree. Then, they calmed down and tried to make the noise as loud as possible.

Otherwise, it is very likely to disturb the fighting people below.

Yes, this ancient tree is very large. Even with Wang Yang's strength, it can't reach the depths of the ancient tree. Only with the help of Sun Dasheng's dooming cloud can it be considered smooth.

"Are these all strong men of the Golden Lion family?"

Stand tall and look far.

Standing on a high place, Wang Yang clearly saw that the two parties fighting below were some golden lions. Among them, he was headed by a male lion with golden hairs all over his body.

Wang Yang would never admit that familiar breath.

"Yes, the Golden Lions.

Before, before we came in, the golden lion patriarch communicated the order and summoned a group of strong men from the golden lion.

However, he did not expect that the world of emptiness would be so strange.

You see, they are now suffering a big loss, surrounded by those natives, already scarred already.

If they were not one by one, they would all have deep roots. I'm afraid they are dead.

However, even if this is the case, such a source of consumption will definitely cause serious injuries, and if you want to improve, I am afraid that it is impossible."

The old tree is very tall, but Wang Yang’s vision is also amazing.

He can clearly see that the strong men of the Golden Lion family are all scarred.

For the Golden Lions, this is the beginning of their disaster.

However, for Wang Yang, this is his biggest event.

"Different, this is different again!"

"How could this be?

This kind of breath contains different contents. How could this happen?"

Seeing that this breath is to cultivate home, but when Wang Yang looked at the other golden lions again, he discovered that the so-called home is just his own assumption.

This breath was so difficult.

The strong men of the Golden Lion family are naturally not weak, and nature is also the existence of cultivating into a universe.

This kind of existence, let alone a small world of a thousand, even if it is some subordinate star domain, it is absolutely impossible to afford.

However, there are no problems in this world.

Now, one by one, they are extremely embarrassed in the face of the indigenous peoples from the Thousand Worlds, and their power is seriously damaged.

"how about it?"

"very good.

In this breath, I realized a special mystery.

I am more certain that this is a rule.

It's just that, by comparison, we are too weak.

Our rules, which are rules, must also show some kind of rule runes, otherwise, they have no meaning at all.

However, this rule has already revealed its invisible side."

The avenue is invisible.

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