My Super Estate

The 2749th chapter breath of the fairy sword? ? ?

Chapter 2581 The Breath of the Fairy Sword???

The rules are invisible??

This is what the universe's heavenly powers are after.

It is just in the legend that Immortal Daonian seems to have this feeling.Because their way is integrated into the entire universe, and it is felt by all beings in the universe.

However, what exactly the rules of the universe are, except for special places, cannot be manifested at all.

The wind is the wind. In the wind, there is no manifestation of the streaks, only a wind.

The wind, the breeze, the strong wind, the spring breeze, the winter breeze, and so on, they are all wind, but, you have to say, who in the universe can be in the wind and see what kind of mysterious dimples, I'm afraid, nobody Seen it.

"That is to say, this great world is the great world created by a fairy?"

The rules are invisible.

Only in the legend, the power of the fairy road can have the means.

However, here, there are already rules showing the breath, but it is not visible.

"What do you think?"

Wang Yang does not intend to pay too much attention to the emptiness.

It is impossible to achieve such a special world without such special power in this great world.What's more, just that kind of rule is not something the general world can have.

Related to immortals, it seems that it is not so difficult to accept.

The battle continues.

Wang Yang's eyes were fixed on those golden lions, not letting go of a wound.

The Golden Lions have shot themselves more than once. They are life or death. Wang Yang cannot care too much. He did not take the initiative to give him the biggest face, but also wanted to help himself. Don't even think about it.


I don't know why, Wang Yang always feels that there is a special force recovering in the void.

Moreover, this power seems to be on the Golden Lion Patriarch.

Also, under the oppression of the Sifang City Lord, the Golden Lion family, a total of ten strong men, one by one, were all suppressed.

Even a group of ten golden lions, the destruction is in sight.

"Yes, is there a familiar feeling?"

"There is a familiar feeling.

But, with the strength of the Golden Lion family, they still have such a heritage?"

This is the breath of fairy.This kind of breath is very similar to the regular breath. Looking at it, it is the invisible breath, but it contains great power.

It's impossible to change the rules.

However, such a treasure, the entire universe, can not find a few pieces, this golden lion family, they still have such a heritage?

Under the leadership of the Sifang City Lord, the strongest in the world of a thousand have the upper hand.

In terms of the strength of the Golden Lion Patriarch, if they were in their heyday, these guys would certainly not be taken seriously by him. As long as they roared, it would be ten times or a hundred times more than he could eat.

It is a pity that in this special world, under such special rules, no matter how powerful it is, it must be suppressed to death.

Seeing this, he was about to be hit by a net. Suddenly, the Golden Lion Patriarch could no longer sit still.

I saw that there was a special breath in the golden lion patriarch.Under the influence of this kind of breath, naturally in the golden lion patriarch, it opened a special field.

"Here, this is that kind of special rule?"

Obviously, under the influence of the fairy, the special rules hidden in the world of the Thousands of Worlds show signs from the invisible.

One by one exudes endless mysterious runes, naturally, it emerges.

Especially on the wounds of those golden lions, naturally, there are runes with endless mysteries.

These runes exude a hint of nine-colored fairy light.

In other words, it is on them that there are layers of nine-color fairy light, but, in this layer of nine-color fairy light, there are very tiny runes one after another.

Wang Yang is very familiar with this kind of rune, but he is sure that he has never seen it before.

At the first sight, Wang Yang felt a sudden feeling.

It was a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

"Here, these are the hidden rule runes.


Oh I see!!"

Wang Yang never felt this way.This is a transparent feeling.

It's just a pity.

This feeling is only for a moment, and then, you can see that the Golden Lion Patriarch did not know when it was already shot.

It's too fast. With Wang Yang's current eyesight, he simply can't see clearly, and only sees a special force. Then, many powerful men around him, all one by one, were swept away.

Even the lord of the Quartet was beaten and flew out without knowing how many kilometers there were.

However, correspondingly, the use of fairy tools with the power of the Golden Lion Patriarch is too reluctant, and simply does not have any staying power.Although this blow has immense power, even the lord of the Quartet, it is a blow and he does not know how many kilometers, but after one blow, the Golden Lion Patriarch has also become the end of a strong crossbow.

In other words, he has become a human being.


The Patriarch of the Golden Lion knew that at that moment, it must have shocked a lot of people. At this time, if they could not leave sooner, they were afraid that they would be targeted.

In fact, at that moment, the Sifang City Lord, he can be sure that the guy is not dead.

But what can it do?

Now, the power has been suppressed so much, the appearance of the fairy, and it has caused a strong confrontation of the rules. If he can issue a blow, it is already extremely remarkable. What else?

Watching the Golden Lions retreat quickly.

"What do you think?"

"Interesting, the Golden Lion Patriarch hides deep enough!

In their hands, there will be such a powerful thing.He is invincible!"

Fairy weapon!

This kind of treasure, so far, has only seen one piece of Chengying Immortal. Even the Ziwei Excalibur in Wang Yang's hand is only a half-step fairy!

"what should we do?"

"Hey, of course following them.

The confrontation just now was very rewarding.

Perhaps, I can use the power of their golden lion chief to understand this rule as soon as possible.

The rules are unique. The rules of immortality are even more so.

Even if it is understood, when you use it, you still have your own unique ideas.

As the master of the rules, naturally we can absorb all kinds of strange ideas to strengthen ourselves.

Perhaps, ninety-nine of them are not what I need, but as long as there is a penny, it is progress.

Therefore, no one is willing to go other people's rules.

However, no one wants to go, it does not mean that they cannot go.

It's just that everyone has big ideas, big perseverance, big ambitions, one by one, unwilling to be the one who marries clothes.

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