My Super Estate

The 2753rd chapter pig

Chapter 2583 The Pig in the Circle

"damn it!"

Wang Yang asked himself, he has always been very good at self-cultivation.

However, at this moment, he really wanted to curse people.

"I said, this patriarch ancestor, is really in love! Is there such a deep relationship between us?"

Sun Dasheng smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe!

Between my old grandson and him, there must be no such deep feelings, but, Wang Yang, you are hard to say."

To say that Wang Yang is so powerful now, no matter who he is, to speak with him, he must be respectful.

"Boy", such a name, really few people dare to call it.

It is a pity that these people also have a ten thousand year old customer-Sun Dasheng.There was no sign of change in him.

"It seems that if we think about it, we are afraid that it is impossible!"

The strength of the Demon Patriarch is too strong. Even though the Sifang City Lord has a peaceful mind, in the face of his ten thousand years old Yin, I am afraid that he will see some of them, not to mention, the current Sifang City Lord , The state of mind is not peaceful, where can I hide it?

"you know?"

The Dragon Patriarch took away the Shadow Sword, and it was a great regret that he could not find it. However, it was a pleasant surprise to find the Sifang Lord.

"where is he?"

"He, this, I..."

"He's a fart! Do you know?"

Patriarch Patriarch is not a patient person. In this way, he and he, without killing you, are already restrained.

Feeling the faint fluctuations in the surroundings, the Sifang City Master only felt the heart beat again and again.

"Me, I know!"

"Low knows you don't hurry?"

The crazy lion is also anxious.

The life is pinched in the hands of others, you are still procrastinating here, is this not terrible?

"That's a fingertip doll, he, he is dead!"


The mad lion almost didn't scare him to death.

It must be said that he is standing high all the year round, and that he is also squinting at people. His own destiny is all under his control. When will he be so scared?

However, it doesn't work now. Just now, he really felt that his life was greatly threatened.

In any case, keeping your own life is the most important.

However, at this moment, the mad lion really has a feeling of being scared to death.

In peacetime, even if his strength is not as good as others, his mentality is enough to ensure that he will never be so timid.

However, at this moment, he was also terrified.

He felt that he was no longer himself.However, no matter how scared he was, he couldn't change it, as if he was scared.

"What did you say? You said, he died?"

Patriarch Patriarch has not said how, but the mad lion jumped out the first time.

"Great elder?"

The Sifang City Master almost did not doubt life.Sifang City Lord is also a powerful existence, but in his heart, there has always been an object of worship.

For example, the strong men of the Lord Mingyang and the elders.

But is this the elder in front of me?

Will the elders be so timid?

Is this the great elder I ever worshipped?So timid?

"What are you looking at?"

I don’t know why. The mad lion felt that he had two different consciousnesses in his body. He looked at it clearly, but he couldn’t do anything. He clearly wanted to kill this damn thing, but he was in a hurry.

"No, nothing."

The big image of the elders, at this moment, all collapsed.

However, the Great Elder is the Great Elder, and the Order of the Great Elder, or the Order of the Great Elder, no matter how anxious in the heart, it must be completed.

"That's a fingertip doll, and he is dead!"

Sifang Chengzhu recalled the scene at that time, and said all things completely.


Lord Sifang, you haven't recovered yet, haha!

Really God help me too!"

The Demon Ancestor laughed.

The Quartet?

The Quartet was shocked.

He remembered correctly. At that time, the wild wolf seemed to have said "Sifang Guozhu" because of his name, which is the fingertip doll?

"Quick, take this seat with you!"


The elder quickly agreed.

"What are you still thinking about? Leading the way soon?"


The orders of the elders must be observed.

The Sifang City Lord quickly led the way.

"How to do?"

"We are in great trouble.

That great elder, his strength will not be too bad, but the heart demon ancestor's heart demon avenue is really too powerful, the great elder has already been controlled by him.

Let's leave quickly, using his devil's ancestors' means, our means, I'm afraid we can't hide it."

Before, the method of fooling the Sifang Chengzhu against the ancestral ancestor was afraid that it would be useless.

"We have to increase our strength quickly, otherwise, the pursuit of his demon ancestors will not be too slow."

Wang Yang and Sun Dasheng turned around and left. The ancestral ancestor, led by the lord of the Quartet, quickly came to the place where the wild wolf and the flaming fire bull fought.

Patriarch Patriarch is worthy of being Patriarch Patriarch, pointing at Wang Yang's disguise and sneering and asking, "Here, this is what you said, Sifang Guozhu?"

"Yes, I was still worried about what means he would use to die, so I also crushed him into a puree."


The demon ancestor slaps his backhand.

"Sifang is mainly so easy to die. This ancestor still needs to wait for you to lead the way?

The Lord of the Quartet finally fell down once, and you even let him go.

You waste!"

It was really furious, and he slapped again.

The prince of the Quartet wanted to resist, but under the pressure of the great elders, he simply did not even have the opportunity to resist.

"Go ahead, mobilize all the people, turn this piece over, and find out his lord of the Quartet."


The elders snarled and rebelled in their hearts, but in the face of the orders of the demon ancestor, they were still unconditionally executed.

"Are you going fast?"

Suddenly turned his head and found that the Sifang City Master was still there, and the elder was angry.


The Quartet is about to explode.

The ancestral ancestor of a newcomer who had just entered the strongest king dared to treat himself like this.

It is a pity that in the face of the orders of the elders, no matter how dissatisfied he is, he will have to carry them out.

"Hey, Lord Sifang, you can't run away!"

The ancestral ancestor simply doesn't care whether the Sifang Chengzhu is unwilling, even less satisfied or dissatisfied.

With a wave of his hand, a magical shadow quickly emerged.

"Go, find out his lord of the Quartet to this ancestor!"

"Oh oh oh..."

The waves of magic whistling quickly spread away.

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