My Super Estate

The 2754th chapter sword Qi

Chapter 2568 The Sword Qi

Once a sword was cut off, even the elder mad lion had no way of being a shadow, and was directly cut off by a sword.


The ancestor of the demon was able to find himself in such a short time.

However, the strength of the Demon Ancestor is extremely powerful, and at this time, it is impossible to contend.

"Let my grandson say, as for the ancestor of the heart, don't look at him very powerful, just give the grandson a little time and kill him with a stick."

"The problem now is not to deal with his demon ancestor.

Mainly, it was the great elder. If, just the heart demon ancestor, do we need to escape this fast?"

Wang Yang was sober.

The ancestor of the demon ancestor is indeed very good. Even characters like the big elder mad lion are quickly controlled by him.

However, as a good opponent, some means of the Demon Patriarch may not really be able to play any role for them.

But now, the big elder mad lion is a great trouble.

"Now, we should look for the Sifang City Lord.

With his strength, he must be able to contact the Lord.The elder mad lion has been controlled by the heart demons and ancestors. Such news, as long as he tells the Sifang City Lord, he will definitely tell the Holy Lord the first time.

It's just that, now that we are too weak, we want to contact the Sifang City Master, but I am afraid that he will be easily won by him."

Cooperation is only in the case of even competition.

Do you want the rabbit to cooperate with the wolf?Then you are testing the brutal nature of the wolf.

"I want to cooperate with the Quartet.

We must have the strength equivalent to him.

In the current situation, either, we recover ourselves, or we use external force."

"Golden Lion Patriarch?"

"Yes, it's him.

I didn't expect that there was such a hole in his hands.

Now, he is definitely still recovering, as long as we find him, then, our opportunity comes!"

Sun Dasheng did not object to Wang Yang’s proposal.

This proposal, perhaps, is not a good proposal, but, for now, it is the only feasible one.

Sun Dasheng turned into a small mosquito, flying fast in the jungle, looking for the target.

Outsiders are not necessarily in this jungle, but, at that time, the Golden Lion Patriarch appeared in this one.

If you want to find other existence, there may be some troubles. The Golden Lion patriarch, he is much easier.

Wherever there is fierce fighting, just go and see.

What's more, the seventy-two changes of Sun Dasheng are indeed good. There is no problem in communicating with other creatures.

Now Sun Dasheng is already a cosmic giant, and his own battle avenue is even more complete. Under the support of the perfect avenue, it becomes a tiny insect without any problem.

"found it!"

Just to inquire about it, the Golden Lions have already found it.

At this time, the Golden Lion Patriarch was not very good.

Before, the battle with the Sifang City Master, although inspiring the fairy sword in his hand, but also his own consumption, is also a lot.

Special rules are fully suppressed. Originally, with his way, the fairy sword consumes no matter how large it is, and supporting it for a moment will definitely not be a problem.

Unfortunately, at this time, under special rules, he was all suppressed, and then forced to use the fairy sword, the kind of consumption, almost did not suck him.

"Patriarch, how is it now?"

This period of time, the Golden Lion family is definitely not good.

The world of Cangyuan Daqian seems to be insane. A variety of powerful people are emerging endlessly, and continuous battles have caused this group of big lions, one by one, to be seriously injured.

In particular, as the patriarch, it has become a burden.

The Patriarch of the Golden Lion did not find that, not far in front of him, there was a small ant who raised his head and stared at himself.

"It seems that this is a serious injury!

These medicines may be really useful."

The Golden Lion family is definitely not easy to provoke.What's more, they still have fairy swords as their background. If they are urgent, regardless of consumption, they will trigger the fairy swords again, for fear that no one will be better off.

"It's up to you to succeed or not!"

There are a lot of wounds on the Golden Lion Patriarch. Although they have been treated, they still exist.

A small ant is crawling slowly towards the wound on the golden lion.

If this had been put in the past, such a small ant crawling on his body would have been alarmed already.

It is a pity that the previous battle was too expensive.

The little ants were crawling, but the Golden Lion Patriarch did not move at all.

Soon, the little ant came to the wound, and I saw that a drop of inexplicable liquid was dripped onto the wound.


I don’t know why, the Patriarch of the Golden Lion felt that he was a little dizzy and wanted to sleep.

If it was in the past, such a situation will inevitably arouse his vigilance, but now the Golden Lion Patriarch, he just does not feel that way.

"How is it now?"

"Look for it, the fairy sword will definitely not be kept in his body. It can only be kept."

A finger-tip doll, I don’t know when it is already there.

"Okay, then try 1"

Divine soldiers are included in the body, which is a routine operation.

However, the level of the Immortal Sword is too high, the strength has not been reached, and the forcible income must be maintained at all times.

Without such a strong strength, you simply cannot afford it.

Sun Dasheng knows this issue best.

At the beginning, he was not afraid of tigers when he first came out, went to the East China Sea, and won the Divine Soldier.

What kind of magical soldier is Ruyi Jinqiang?There is no one in the entire East China Sea dragon family that can afford it.

Although he has a good relationship with him, he has to be recognized by the Jinqiang stick. However, he is not afraid to get into his body.

In the end, there is no way but to put it in your ears.

"found it!"

Finally, on the chest of the golden lion, an anomaly was found, and it was carefully examined. Suddenly, the whole mind and body were excited.

"do not move!"

Sun Dasheng was about to fetch it, so that Wang Yang shouted in a hurry.

"what happened?"

"This is a fairy sword?

How did you take it?

Are you afraid of death?"

With that, Wang Yang jumped lightly, and he came to the chest of the Golden Lion.

"All fairy swords can protect the Lord.

Moreover, we have to snatch it from its owner."

With that said, Wang Yang simply took out a jade symbol in his hand.

This is a jade symbol left by Vulcan.

The main function of this jade symbol is to contact Vulcan. Unfortunately, it has already been contacted. It may not be possible to contact again.

However, this jade charm contains a trace of the spirit of the god of fire.

Sure enough, when the jade symbol was taken out, the fairy sword moved, and then it fell on Wang Yang.

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