My Super Estate

Chapter 2755 old friend, let's work together? ?

Chapter 2587 Old friends, shall we cooperate??

The patriarch of the Golden Lion slept to death, saying that it was a pig, even if it was a pig, he would call it wrong.

"How is it now?

Don't kill him?"

Although there is no income in the body, but the initial refining and chemical, but it is certain.

This is a fairy sword. There is no more top treasure in the universe.

If you know that you are lost, you must not be crazy?

"Can't kill him.

He is the most top human existence.If you kill him, I'm afraid that immediately the human race will be a sensation.At that time, the movement will certainly not be too small."

Do not kill to kill, this is a warrior, the most basic criterion.

Murder is bad luck.

Of course, Wang Yang is not the one who does not kill people. Besides, this Golden Lion patriarch is not a good bird.

However, they did not forget that outside, but there are strong guardians of the Golden Lion family.

Kill their patriarch, can they take a second break?


Rely on yourself, don't even think about it, you have to rely on Sun Dasheng.

The seventy-two changes of Sun Dasheng are indeed very good. Moreover, in this place, his way of doing things is high, even if others want to do something, I am afraid, it is impossible.

"Now, what do we do?"

Sun Dasheng is a wise man. In his mind, many things have been understood.

But, at this time, he still needs to ask.

Not only for expressing his respect for Wang Yang, but also for knowing that as long as there is a voice in a team.

Anxious to express yourself, there is no benefit except to bring different voices to the team.

"We'll go find the Sifang City Lord.

It can be seen that he is very respectful to their elders.Before, even if it was the fire of the boss in his heart, as long as the elder commanded him, he would execute it honestly.

You said, if he knew that his elder elder had been controlled by others, what would happen to him?"

"Hey Hey……"

The more you think about such a scene, the more proud you are.


"I'm afraid, his face will be dark!

Perhaps, he still thinks that this is a deferred strategy for his elder elders. If, let him know that their elder elders are directly controlled by others. I'm afraid that even honest people will immediately turn their faces."

The Sifang City Lord at this time is indeed very uncomfortable.

Originally, he thought that his elder elder, using the deferral strategy, wanted to escape from the old devil!

As a result, where did he know that when they left the old devil, the elder elder still gave himself the order to mobilize manpower.

The key is to mobilize manpower, not to deal with the old demon, but to faithfully help the old demon to execute orders.

"City Lord, we..."

Under the leadership of the Sifang City Lord, of course, there is no one. On the contrary, there are many capable people in his hand, and each one has good strength. Of course, the most important thing is that they have witnessed the previous scene.

"Urban master, the elder elder is obviously frightened by the old devil. Are we really going to execute the elder elder's order?"

"To shut up!"

"Urban master! We are not loyal like this. If the elders are not scared, then they must have been given hands and feet by the old devil.

At this time, the most important thing we should do is to look for the Lord. Only the Lord can save the elders!"

He is not the kind of mindless goods, of course, he knows that the Sifang City Lord is the most loyal to the elders.

"General Stuart is right. The elder elder is very likely to have been given hands and feet by the old devil.

We must look for the Holy Lord, otherwise, it is impossible to rescue the elders."

General Stuart’s words gave all of them a brand-new way of thinking, and they even found a plan for them to persuade the lord of the Quartet.

The lord of the Quartet glared and shouted, "You are arrogant. How can the prestige of the elders be corrupted by you?"


I thought I thought that the Sifang City Master would be a heroic person. Now it seems that it is just a timid rat. His most respected elder elders are secretly calculated by people, but they dare not go to rescue, only in Self-deception here!"


"Shy, which bastard, dare to spoil here?"


General Situ just shouted and scolded. Then, on his face, he was heavily hit.

"who are you?"

Looking at the two people who had arrived suddenly, the Sifang Chengzhu raised his eyebrows.

Looking at one of them, he apparently recognized it.

"Sifangchengzhu, I have just seen it, I want to come to Sifangchengzhu, I am not strange!"

"It's you? The Quartet?"


Yes, I am worthy to use my name, this memory is good.""presumptuous!"

"Boy, you want to rescue your elder elder, and finally, shut up for Laozi."


The prince of the Quartet, who was just angry, came down honestly, staring at Wang Yang, and said, "What do you mean?"

"Hey, want to come, you don't know now, who are you facing?"


"Before, you faced the most top-notch demon in the universe.

Known as the Demon Ancestor.

Okay, you probably don’t know what the so-called cosmic top existence is.

For example, your current cultivation practice is at the level of the King of the Strongest King, and cultivation is the magical power.

But, you know, how did the supernatural power come from?

That's because, a top overlord in a certain universe, created his own avenue, using his own avenue signs to diverge into the universe's void, and since then, there has been such a supernatural power in the universe of heaven and earth.

And this great magical power, after 10,000 kinds of fusion, transformation, everyone, that is, the self road.

Or, let’s be clear.

Your vast world is just a big world, and above the big world is the subordinate star field, and a subordinate star field contains 100,000 big worlds.

Above the lower star field is the upper star field, and after the upper star field, it is the universe.

And the ancestor of the demon, it is a top-notch that is more powerful than the universe.Now, do you think that with your strength, you can still deal with him?"

Not to mention Sifang City Lord, Wang Yang and others suddenly appeared, and has already alarmed a lot of people. Although Sifang City Lord did not order it, but some of his top presences have come.

Originally, they intended to take this outsider.

However, when they heard some of Wang Yang's remarks, at this time, all of them were frightened.

"This, so powerful?"

At this time, no matter who it was, a thought flashed in my heart.


Excessively powerful!

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