My Super Estate

The 2768th chapter sun Lord

Chapter 2596 The Holy Lord

"Holy Lord, there was information just now. Holy Lord Mingyang, burning will, has fallen into a coma."

Lord Lieyang hated Mingyang Lord very much. No matter how he scolded, no one dared to say half nonsense.

However, it is only the Holy Sun Lord.

Fire punishment knows that no matter what attitude the Holy Lord Lord has to the Mingyang Lord Lord, he is just a great elder of the sage level. For the Mingyang Lord Lord of the Holy Lord level, it must maintain sufficient respect.

Germany does not coordinate.

This is the case.

The Holy Lord is the Holy Lord. If you don’t respect him, you are nobody, and you are the Passover.


"So, our news has been spread?"

"Yes, the Golden Imperial City was hit by demons and suffered heavy casualties.

However, I heard that at a critical moment, I don't know where to fly a big bell, and the invasion of the Demon Race was directly resisted.

There are even rumors that it is a big foreign clock."

In the hall, the silence fell.

After reporting his information, the torture stood there honestly and said nothing.

The Holy Sun Lord sat there as if falling asleep.

"Boy, what do you think of this Mozu invasion?"

Devil races were all captured by Wang Yang.

However, this Mozu invasion has not passed.

On the contrary, such a thing has been fermented in the world of Cangyuan and thousands of people, and the whole world is full of unusual voices.

Like Thunder, it was dull and loud.

Everyone has their own roots.

The root of a tree is broken, it will die, the root of a man is broken, can it still live?

"Things, I'm afraid something is wrong.

That Mingyang Lord, the last one, really scared me."

Who, two fools, are not so fierce.

Does it mean to burn spiritual will?

You think you are the god of immortality!

The undead god of other people also has a bottom line. Like you, if you are not dead, then you are really the ancestral grave.

"What do you think is happening?"

"The so-called dragon has a reverse scale, and it will die if touched.

It feels like I'm touching the scales.However, this is not right. He is the Holy Lord of Mingyang, and his roots should be in the Holy Land of Mingyang."

The root is where your luck condenses.

Generally speaking, it's all a place where you spend your hard work.

"Does this Mingyang Saint Lord even put his roots in this Mingyang Saint Clan?"

This is somewhat interesting.

We don't even know such secrets. How did the Mozu know?Could it be that they have any special sources?"

"Hey, you recover so fast, so I like it!"

Wolf killing is the strongest, and of course the recovery ability is also the strongest.

However, he wanted to recover, but also to see whether Wang Yang agreed or not, the purple sword light, which passed away in a flash, the wolf that had just recovered was cut again.

"Sovereign Lord, you are also known as the universe, what do you want to do, give a happy, but torment me like this, why?"

How many times has this been?

Every time, when he was about to recover, he was cut off by the waist, and every time he was about to recover, he was cut by his waist again.

Damn, don't give Lao Tzu a chance, or Lao Tzu will have to cut you 1,800 times.

"We don't even know that the root of his Mingyang holy Lord is in the Mingyang holy clan. This demon clan knows it.

From this point of view, this matter still came from within!

Dasheng, you said, are we going to prepare a gift for the Lord Mingyang to visit?"

"Indeed, what happened, we also lived together and died together. It is also very appropriate to give him some gifts."

Mingyang Shengzhu, where is it? This question may be known to all people in the world.

Wang Yang and Sun Dasheng came to Mingyang Holy Land very quickly.

Sure enough, the Mingyang Holy Land has been under full martial law in recent days, watching, very nervous, a team, but patrolling back and forth.

You can even see sages, occasionally, leaving traces somewhere in the holy place.

Wang Yang and Sun Dasheng have just arrived, and have not even approached. They are directly monitored.

Shengyang, the Lord of Mingyang, was not located in a certain mountain range. Instead, he was directly located in a large city.

Holy City of Mingyang.

"Wait, the location of the Mingyang Holy Clan is only the Golden Emperor Land. It turns out that this is the real Mingyang Holy City!

Such strength is very good!"

Random look, just at the gate, already has the breath of seven sages.

A holy place, even with seven sages, such a holy place is also powerful.

"I just don't know if they only have this gate, or the four gates, all of which have such a large camp."

"Perhaps, there will be four gates!

In this way, this strength must be increased by four times!

This kind of strength is much stronger than the general Holy Land of the Thousand Worlds.

Legend has it that in this world of thousands and thousands, seven holy places and eight squares.

According to such strength, it is really very powerful!"

Everyone came out of the world.

Wasn't the heaven realm also a big world?

However, the original Celestial Realm, but all the power of the seventy-two cave heaven worlds merged, otherwise, it is just a Celestial Realm, and it is unlikely to want such strength.

"Who are you?

Come to my holy city of Mingyang, what's the matter?"

This is a young general who leads a team that is blocking the path of Wang Yang and Sun Dasheng.

Just looking at the eyes, their strength is very good, at least, they are already the strongest king.

In contrast, at this time, Wang Yang was only at the level of Yuanshen, Sun Dasheng, but stepped into the Xeon Realm, but it was only just entered.

"I heard that the Lord Mingyang was injured. Let's take a look at our brother. Perhaps, our brother, we can still help one or two!"

"Front up!"

The young general shouted and led the team to surround Wang Yang and Sun Dasheng.

"Boy, the vigilance is very good, which is very good.

However, young man, it's a good thing to be vigilant and to be a man, but also to separate people!

You said, with our current strength, what do you really want to do with the Lord Mingyang? If you are so blatant, do you think your life is long, or are you living impatiently?"

"Which boy are you calling?"

"Okay, young general."


How dare you be rude to the general?"

"In this case, it's a bit boring. In terms of age, we are older than you. Calling you a young general is not too much.

Of course, the most important thing is that now, our focus should be on the treatment of the Lord Mingyang."

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