My Super Estate

The 2769th chapter forced, all suppression

Chapter 2597: Crushing, all repression

"Who dares to come to my Mingyang holy place to wantonly?"

Ok guys, the young general hasn't spread the news yet, a burst of roaring sounds suddenly exploded.

Wind, thunder, lightning, dust...

Various ways of making sounds, showing magical powers.

Such a method, even if it is an emperor, suddenly faced, it must be nervous for a while.

The great strength of the emperor gave them the capital to look down on sentient beings, but a large number of sages naturally formed a powerful battle front.

Even if it is only a preliminary integration, under a huge number, an emperor must be easily suppressed.

"What a big story!"

In a very short time, seventeen sages arrived.

Even, Wang Yang can clearly feel that there are still an amazing number of powerful people lurking inside that holy place.

"who are you?"


Who is this deity, do you have the right to know?"


Now in the holy place of Mingyang, that is the most tense time.

In the elders and the holy lord, as the strongest of the holy land, a ancestor controlled by the demon ancestor, until now, can not be completely rescued, the holy lord, even fell into a coma.

For a time, the entire Holy Land entered into tense martial law.

"Savvy people, it's you!"

Wang Yang stared at him and slammed.

Boom Boom...

It's really scary.

Who is Wang Yang?

The supreme fairy he has seen is also beyond count with one hand, all kinds of powerful battlefields, all kinds of bloody killing fields, all kinds of enemies, all kinds of disputes, I ask, which one is not powerless and lustful?

At the very least, it is also a level of the Lord of the Thousand Worlds. Just visualize it in the spiritual world. It is also vast and the spiritual will is not firm enough. How can it be sustained?

"Old Seven, how are you?"

"Okay, a lot of blood, corpses, a thousand worlds, dead, all dead, dead bodies, all dead bodies."

"Old Seven, wake up, wake up quickly!"

"Oh, dead, all dead, all dead..."

In a flash, a saint disappeared.

"You, what did you do to the seventh boy?"

"Nothing, just a little bit of material in his spiritual world."


Feeding the soul world?

It is simply a means that has never been seen before.

Various outsiders and various historical materials have never been recorded.

"Everyone, this person is an outsider and a cosmic giant. Everyone works together to win him!"

At this moment, it is just oneself, it is impossible to be an opponent at all, and working together is the best way.

Sure enough, a total of seventeen sages quickly released their breath, and the seventeen breaths, under a certain special force, quickly merged into one.

This is the way of life in various holy places between heaven and earth.

The altar, a certain foundation, is on the same origin and the same avenue.

Even the strongest kings, one by one, have all walked out of their own way, and they also have a fundamental starting point.

Relying on such a starting point, this starting point is an intersection of different roads.

This is also a similar point on different roads.

Based on such a meeting point, a powerful battle front can be formed.

The more powerful battle front is to find more points of agreement on different roads, so that the power is stronger.

"Not bad, not bad!"

In such a very short time, you can find a meeting point, and quickly integrate the breath of the seventeen sages to form a powerful battle array. This strength is already very good.

"Unfortunately, you guys are just native chickens and dogs."

With that, I saw Wang Yang heading towards a certain place and gently pointed.


It was still powerful and powerful, just five days in Hari, and everything was shattered into pieces.

"You, how could you break my battle?"

This Mingyang battlefield is the bottom card of the Mingyang Holy Land. Even if the Holy Lord has an accident, as long as there is such a battlefield, the Mingyang Holy Land is still the Mingyang Holy Land, and no one dares to underestimate.


If you are right, you are the Holy Land of Mingyang, you are walking with Mingyang!"

After losing his hands, Wang Yang is like a peerless peer, looking down at the text, standing high above him, like a god.

"Hey, Banmen got axe.

The Mingyang together is the strongest in the world, with Zuyang as the foundation.

But, who of you really saw Zu Yang?"



I have never heard such a title before, but in the Holy Land of Mingyang, it was indeed created with a Mingyang Divine Skill.

All the martial arts of the Mingyang Holy Land were created with the Mingyang Divine Skills.

Either combine the strengths of other martial arts, or, on the basis of Mingyang Divine Skills, set a new high.

That is to say, no matter how innovative you are, its foundation is the Mingyang Divine Skill.

That's how the Mingyang Holy Land came.

However, Zuyang, what a ghost?

Why haven't you heard anyone say?

"Huh, don't even know Zuyang, dare to go with Mingyang?"

In fact, the Ziyang Divine Skill that Wang Yang practiced was also taken with Zuyang.

Zuyang is the foundation of all yang in heaven and earth.

However, on the basis of Ziyang, Wang Yang successfully walked out of his own way.

Moreover, Wang Zu has been enlightened many times, and Wang Yang has a very deep understanding of Zu Yang.

To deal with the elders in the Mingyang Holy Land in these areas, the strongest, but the existence of the level of the sage, Wang Yang said that there is no pressure at all.

"Everyone, the holy land survives and dies, at this moment, living and dying with the holy land."

"Same life and death with the Holy Land!"

"Living together and dying with the Holy Land!!"

One by one, all have great momentum.

Even some are faint, with a trace of fire burning on him.

"Are these damn things, haven't they died?"

Wang Yang almost didn't scold his mother.

To move is to burn the source, do you want to be so desperate!

As a saint, this is the case. As an elder, these guys are like this.

It's just like a pile of stinky shit, it smells bad!


If it is another holy land, with Wang Yang’s current strength, unless he is willing to explode some special effects cards, otherwise, he is absolutely impossible to deal with these sages.

Don't take the sages as improper powerhouses, no matter how powerful you are, you will only recover to the level of Yuanshen.

Those who can deal with sages at the level of Yuanshen are afraid that they are just the ancestors of the demon.

These are some of the cards he left as a cosmic giant.

Fight, maybe it’s gone.

Where it is as easy as it is now, it is as if the dad hit his son, without a bit of effort.

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