My Super Estate

The 2794th chapter is behind someone, too!

Someone behind Chapter 2662 is dying!

"This this……"

Such a movement is really vast!

I didn’t even see a ghost. I just didn’t know where it came from. It was a shock to all people, all of which were spitting blood.

This is already immense power.

However, now, this is another ruthless, which has blocked the whole world.

Well, if their strength is not suppressed, the whole world is blocked, that is how it is.

Even if it is a punch, it is not difficult.

However, the main problem now is this huge world, but there is a special rule that will suppress everyone's strength.

Now, that's how it was sealed in one fell swoop. Who can bear it?

"Yes, is that great being?"

Wang Yang also has nine colorful fairy lights.

However, everyone already knows that the nine-color fairy light on him is because his luck is good enough, in the world of demons, he has a adventure.

A demonic fairy who has fallen.

We did not think about how he fell, but he fell, and he still left his body.

This is simply going out and stepping on shit, leaving shit luck.

The point is, even if you want to say something, you can't find an excuse.

Could you still not allow him to shit?

Well, the topic is far away, and it's right.

There are nine colorful fairy lights on Wang Yang, this is because he is shit, we won't talk about him.

However, Venerable Baihu has no such shit luck.

He has nine colors of fairy light on him, only because he has a great existence behind him, and it is still the shot of that great existence.

Such a great existence exists everywhere in the universe of heaven, earth and earth.

However, it is such a existence that after he shot, he was blocked by others.

So who is the one who blocks him?

Previously, what did the Quartet Lord say?

What kind of place do you think this world is?

Could it be, do you think that his actions are unattended?

In the past, I still didn't understand it. Now, I understand it all.

Because the whole world of Cangyuan and Thousands of Thousands is so special because it was opened up by such a great existence.

Perhaps, the whole world is watched by such a great existence.

That is to say, these people, who wantonly engage in trouble in this world, are endlessly slaughtered. In fact, everyone is doing things under the eyes of the family?

Bai Yulong asked himself, he is also a bold person.

However, at this moment, he was still scared to death.

Because there is a backstage, there is a little less worry about doing things, and some are unscrupulous. Now it seems that this is a big death.

"Now, what else do you have to say?"

Wang Yang's face is so close that everyone has an idea and wants to slap hard on this face.

However, no one dares to carry out such a beautiful wish.

"Why don't you have anything to say?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Facing such a problem, what can I say?

Whether it's the White Jade Dragon King, or the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, or the Tongmu Spirit Monkey, all of them shook their heads quickly.

It's like, this one in front of you is a big devil. If you slow down a little, you will be swallowed by the big devil.

"Fart, you already have written on your face, just five characters: I have something to say."

That Wang Yang really pointed to their noses was a sting of curse: "Are you blind when I am blind, or when I am illiterate?"

Which one is wronged in my heart!

The words on his face?

You think we are singing, or you just put our stamps on our faces!

But what can I do?

The arrogant White Tiger Venerable, but lying there.

By the way, Venerable White Tiger.

After a quick glance, my heart suddenly became cold.

The White Tiger Venerable who had just a hint of vitality was already dead.

"You, you, how dare you kill Lord Baihu?"

This situation cannot be calm.

This world is too dangerous. It is a mistake to enter this world.

It is a pity that mistakes have been formed, and it is too late to want to regret it.

"If you don't kill him, do you still have the New Year?

What's the matter, what other background does he have to kill?"


How do you want me to answer this question?

Can he have no background?The nine-color fairy light has faded away, is this still unknown?

It is a pity that when I think of the Nine-color Fairy Light, I think of it again, that great existence that has been blocked from the world of Cangyuan.

Even if such a great existence is blocked, what can I say?

Forget it, I still shut up, don't say it!

"No, Venerable White Tiger, he is a cosmic giant, and he is burdened with monstrous atmospheric luck. If you kill him, the human luck will definitely be greatly shaken.

Why is there no movement now?"

Between the human race and the demons, they can all be supported by these masters.

Cosmic overlords, cosmic giants, they are masters of masters.They are always fighting on the front line with the demon cud dog.

Over the years, naturally, there is accumulation of monstrous atmospheric transport.

Now that he has fallen, how can there be no luck fluctuations?

Not only did the White Jade Dragon King react, but other people also reacted quickly.

"Yes, how could there be no luck fluctuations?"

If a person dies, he will certainly lose some of his luck.

Venerable Bai Hu has obviously fallen, how could there be no movement?

"Doesn't Venerable Baihu die?"

"No, with our strength, how could we be wrong?

Venerable White Tiger must have fallen.

But how could there be no luck fluctuations?"

Who are they?

They are cosmic giants, and even, on the road to consummation, they still walk a long distance.

Such strength can't be seen even if a person is dead?

Is this a laugh?

"So, how could there be no luck fluctuations?"

Luck, which is a reward, is also a surveillance and a rope.

However, suddenly, the source of luck seemed to strike.

As a cosmic giant, for a time, I was scared to speak.I am afraid that such terrible things will fall on my head.

"You said, will his luck be directly taken away?"


Draw away?

You mean, all his luck is artificially taken away?Is there such a power?"

Whether there is such power, everyone knows.

However, as everyone knows, under such circumstances, who can really calm down?

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